Web Forms :: Creating Multiple Usercontrols In A Loop?
Mar 9, 2011
I have a userControl with with two DDLs and two RBLs, and public properties to get/set the values. If I register the UC on a page it works fine....I can set/retrieve the values without a problem.
I need to create multiple UCs based on records I'm pulling from a dB, so I'm trying to instead create the UCs programmatically. I'm testing this by adding a reference to the control ("symptomBasic"), creating a placeholder ("ph1") on a page and then trying to populate it with the UCs in PageInit. (the parent page uses a master page)
Partial Class testUC
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private myUC As ASP.symptomBasic
Protected Sub Page_init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
myUC = CType(LoadControl("~/controls/symptom.ascx"), ASP.symptomBasic)
End Sub
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
End Class
When I load the page, I get three UCs in a row, and they work properly on postback...i.e. all the values are preserved. Question is, how do I then find the controls on postback when I want to populate them with data or read the values back?
Let's say I know I returned 3 rows from the dB and created 3 UCs during pageInit...how do I then access those controls to read back the values provided by the user? I see that each control has an ID like: "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl01_cName", where each set of controls is "ctl00", "ctl01", etc.
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ID Status Type Count Event
291 0 0 2 1
523 1 2 0 4
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string strValOut= sr.Properties["out"][0].ToString();
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string strValOut= "";
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Here is my code so far:
Also, one more thing. How do I get the drop down lists to have the filters selected when the page re loads?
EDIT: I changed the default values of the drop down lists to "" - this leaves the URL looking messy though ?author=&subject=&type= This works, is it the best way?
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foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
TreeView TV = new TreeView();
TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode();
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a form which I use to create an issue. WHen you post the form, the form elements are that of a custom DTO. The DTO is then used on my POST method to create the new entity. That all works fine.
However, I want to add the functionality to add multiple issues at the same time from the same view. In effect, the user would click something like 'Report Additional Problem', and an extra set of form fields would appear (I will like use jquery for this, which I don't have an issue with). However, even with just leaving one set of form fields, the user should still be able to create just one issue. But if I habve my post method take a list or array of my DTO, it doesn't work.
Here is the post method before editing:
What I want to do is for this to take an array or list of NewIssueDto. I would then loop through each one in the list and create a new issue from it.
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Apr 4, 2011
I want to create a dropdown of Vendors. I have a Vendors table in my DB, containing a VendorID and a CompanyID. The Company table contains a CompanyID and a Name.
I would like to have a dropdown with items that have the VendorID as the value and the Company Name as the text. But I don't know how to get the Name field from the related table to put in the dropdown, so I have the VendorID as the value and text. Here's what I have right now.
I'm passing in a model that contains this:
public IEnumerable<Vendor> Vendors { get; set; }
In my controller, I'm setting the value of Vendors like this:
MyDBEntities _entities = new MyDBEntities();
Vendors = _entities.Vendors;
Here is my dropdown list on the page:
<%= Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.VendorId, new SelectList(Model.Vendors, "VendorID", "VendorID"), "- Select a Vendor -")%>
I thought I could create a custom function - GetVendorsForDropdown - that would return only the data I needed, and changing my model to contain IEnumerable<Something>. But I don't know what the return type should be.
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May 19, 2010
I have 2 different website/applications with 2 different asp.net membership databases in the same server. Now my client wanted to create a user in one website and add that person automatically in to the other application/website/database too. Right now my applications create users using asp.net membership and added to its respective databases. Is it possible to create a user from different application using asp.net membership?
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