Web Forms :: Generate Employee Attendance Reports SQL Server Database 2005

Mar 12, 2012

How can generate employee attendance Reports in table bu sql server database  2005 and vb.net 2005 i'm not using crystal reports

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Databases :: Employee Attendance With In/out Times ?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a one table with the empno, employee time in & time out, data, employee can go out & come in fequently in a day.I want to know that how much time every emp have attend in the company per day.I want to know that how much time every emp have not attend in the company per day(once he enter at morning and he come out in the end of the day)I am enclosing data defination in txt file along with the data in the MS Excel file.The Table Like this

Create table emptime
EMPCODE VARCHAR2(5),[code]....

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Master Table

User1 | Category2 | Date | Cost
john mainteinance nov1988 5000
along with more columns.

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Emp Name : abc


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abc 12/12/2000 o levels

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Mar 18, 2013

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I tried a lot but I am not getting it.....

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VS 2005 - Copying SQL Database From Local To Server?

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I had developed a program a few years back that stored data in an XML file. Over the years, I had accumulated about 500 or so records in the XML file. I wanted to replicate this program online using SQL as the holder of my data.

So I started developing the program using VB 2005 and ASP using the local SQL server on my computer. The first thing I wrote in my program was a piece that took the data from the XML and copied it into the SQL automatically...which was nice, made it easy. Then I continued to work on the program.

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Is it possible to create a MS SQL 2005 database using Visual Studio 2008?

How about using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition?

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