Web Forms :: Get List Of Custom Properties Of User Control?
Sep 15, 2010With following code, I can fetch all properties of user control. I need to get only those properties which were separately defined excluding the default ones.
With following code, I can fetch all properties of user control. I need to get only those properties which were separately defined excluding the default ones.
I have a custom control which inherit from the Table class and in the constructor, it takes a an integer as an argument. There is no empty constructor.
Is there a way for the user to set that variable in the properties window after they drag the control onto a form.
I know some .NET controls, you can set the source for the parameter to different things like another control's property, QueryString using just the properties window.
Right now, I have to create the control dynamically. I read the query string and then created the object.
I would like to ask you what is the best practice for developing composite user web control with multiple controls inside from the stand point of dealing with properieties. In my situation I would like to use header menu bar with logos, buttons, java baset visible/hidden menus itc as web control. I was successfull in implementing new control in my project.
But my question goes to issue of properties for ALL OF controls. I know how to hard code all required properties like: text, visible, enable for all controls. It's a lot of work. ( This is the very edge of my asp.net comprehension ) Is there a more elegant way provide an access to controls's properties without hard coding seperatelly?
I can load a generic user control just fine in my WCF service doing the following:
UserControl userControl= (UserControl) new Page().LoadControl("~/UserControls/MyControl.ascx");
However i can't seem to find any way to do this
MyControl myControl=(MyControl)userControl;
The reason i need to do this is because my user control has a custom property, person, I need to do the following:
myControl.Person=new Person();
essentially i need to simulate:
<%@ Reference Control="~/UserControls/MyControl.ascx" %>
which normally goes inside asp.net page or master-pages.any way of doing this in an Ajax Enabled WCF Service?
I'm attempting to create a simple menu user control just as outlined here.
The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.
<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">......
If the answer to this question exists somewhere, I'm no good at searching for it. This is sort of a simple question, the response being two parts: (1) is it possible? (2) if so, how?
I've created a web user control for my site's footer. In my web.config I have it registered like this:
Then, within the pages on my site, I simply insert it like this:
But obviously, that didn't work. I get this error: The type or namespace name 'FooterControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
So I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I can put all of my code in the ASPX file and make my life easier, but I would kind of prefer not to.
If a composite server control normally encapsulate styling information inside, it is an example of code encapsulation and modularization. However if css properties are included inside the composite control, it is not ideal for code/styling separation and css code re-use principles. Now which consideration should be the main consideration?
View 2 RepliesI have made a composite control that has 1 Label Control ,1 TextBox ,1 button and 1 Panel Control. Below is my code:
namespace ServerControl1
The above code compiles without any error. Also I can drag and drop this control from the Toolbox of my Project on my web form. However I am unable the change the value of my fromLabel control.It allows me to change the value in the properties window.But when I run the form it always shows me its default value which is "From". I want it to be flexible so that any one can change the value in the properties window.
Why custom Gridview control not render html properlies under <Columns> properly in Visual Studio 2005?
For example:
I want to use a couple of instances of the same control on a page. The user control is intended to display a list of records in a repeater. The aim is that the second control will show a list excluding the IDs in the first control The control has a number of public properties, including IDsInThisList, and IDstoExclude. The query will exclude the IDs in the second property.
What I would like to do is get the record IDs from the first instance of the control (IDsInThisList), and pass them to the second contro as the IDsToExclude.
I have a test page where I am setting the properties of the controls in code. As you might guess, it's not working! The first control displays the top 3 items, as desired, but the second display the records 1-7, rather than records 4-10 because it is not receiving the IDstoExclude from the first control When I response write the IDstoExclude from the first control in my testpage, the string is empty. (if I do it from within the control, it shows the IDs)
How can I get the controls to fire in order and pass values to each other?
Screen grab of test page + uc and test page code attached
I'd like to add some custom instance properties to an ASP.Net User object. for example, I'd like to log every user's login and have something like: User.LoginTimes or calculate the User Profile's Completion percentage and be able to access it like: User.ProfileInfoPercentage, etc.
Now What I'd like to know is what would be the best approach to do this?
Forget about user instances? (e.g. define a database table with userid and ProfilePercentage info and retrieve data from profile like: DB.GetProfilePercentage(Context.Current.User.UserID) )
Override the ASP.Net User class and add my own functionalities.
Use Extension methods for the user class.
I'm using DotNetOpenAuth as my membership system, and the way I have it working now seems to be working quite well. What I'd like to do however is build into my website the ability to check user credentials against the AuthCookie rather than a session. In the membership provider, I can check for the username like this
string UserName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
''# which returns the OpenId ClaimedIdentifier
What I'm wondering is if there is a way to extend this so that I can retrieve custom properties from the AuthCookie rather than having to create my own session object. Currently I have this setup.
Namespace Domain
Public Class UserSessionModel
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property RegionID As Integer
Public Property Username As String
Public Property Slug As String
Public Sub New(ByVal user As User)
_ID = user.ID
_RegionID = user.RegionID
_Username = user.UserName
_Slug = Replace(user.UserName, " ", "-")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
BaseController (inherited by all controllers)
Protected Overrides Function CreateActionInvoker() As System.Web.Mvc.IActionInvoker
''# Create a UserInfo object for the logged in user
''# and store it in a session state.
If Session("UserInfo") Is Nothing AndAlso User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim user As Domain.UserSessionModel = New Domain.UserSessionModel(OpenIdService.GetOpenId(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).User)
Session("UserInfo") = user
End If
Return MyBase.CreateActionInvoker()
End Function
Then in my views I do something like this
Dim user As MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel = DirectCast(Session("UserInfo"), MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel)
<%: Html.ActionLink(user.UserName, "Details", "Users", New With {.id = user.ID, .slug = user.Slug}, Nothing)%>
What I really need to be able to do is remove the Session stuff all together and just simply check the AuthCookie for my custom properties ID, RegionID, Username, and Slug. I can already get the "ClaimedIdentifier" out of the AuthCookie using HttpContext.User.Identity.Name... I just need to be able to extend it.
Can a custom user control embed another custom user control?is this "bad practice"?eg if i have a custom user control named "Forums" then 2 more custom controls that are "Read_Forums" and "Write_Forums"and all i need to call is "forums" in the page asking - and then it will put in both functionalities..
View 2 RepliesI though it would be very simple but I can not get it today.I have a user control, with a grid control contained in it.
public Unit Width
i have a multiple user controls, each user control has multiple properties, i am loading those controls dynamically in my aspx page,i save the user control name in a hidden field in my aspx page,so i can know whats usercontrol are currently loaded,now i want to set/get some values for Currently user control properties,how can i know the properies available for that dynamics loads control ?also how to know the class for that control ?
View 3 RepliesHow to access userControl's properties, when use FindControl method?
View 7 RepliesHow can I add custom properties into control objects in ExtJs.
For example :
This control comes from server dynamically and I want to write my custom property as well like below :
I tried it but it said undefined. Normally since JavaScript is loose, I can easily modify objects but in this case it wouldn't work the way I expected.
The First - LblTextBox:
A label and textbox that have a LabelText field that can be set to change the label text
The Second - LoginCtl:
A login control that has two instances of LblTextBox for user name, password and a submit button
I want to control the tag rendering of these controls for formatting so I am not overriding CreateChildControls() to get the job done.
My issue is that the controls are rendered but none of the OnInit() code in either controls takes hold (blank labels, css styles not applied, etc..).
I have a user control (i.e. ascx) that comprises of two related list boxes (i.e. once you change the selected item in one list the contents of the other list update). I'm adding this user control dynamically to a page on the click event of a button (i.e. using LoadControl).I wish to set the list box datasource properties, as well as the default selected item of the parent list from my parent page so I created public properties in my user control to accomodate this. I also created an event in my user control that notifes the parent page when the selected item changes in one of the list boxes so I can update the contents of the other list box.
I understand that I have to recreate the user control on every postback in order for it to function correctly but I'm not sure exactly how I should be doing it. I've shown below what I have currently - whilst it works the problem is that on postback I'm always creating the user control with all its default properties and then updating the properties that need to change(?). For example, when the choice in theparent list box changes the datasource of the list box is set twice (once in AddControl and then again in OnParentChanged)? As the contents of the list boxes originate in a database it means I'm making unnecessary calls to the database (unless I do some something like store each unique set of data in the ViewState).
I'd be very grateful if someone could review how I've done things and illustrate how perhaps I should be doing things. I'm not sure if the way I've done this is considered the 'correct' way. For example there may be a better way of doing things would avoid setting the properties twice? I'm a bit unsure of the way I've set the datasource properties of the list boxes and bound them. I wished to set the datasource from the parent page because I might have a second user control on my page that may also use the same datasource and I could reuse it (as opposed to each control making its own call to the database) so I'd like to keep this feature if possible.It would be great if posting code in reply that you use my example as a guide so I know what you're referring to.Here's the code for my user control:
Here's the code for my containing page:
I have a webpart that loads in a user control programmatically. Although the webpart has personalization properties that I can use and pass to the user control, I haven't found a way for the user control to be able to update the outer webpart's properties -- the user control knows nothing of its parent webpart except what it is given. When I try to use the [Personalizable] attribute on a property inside the user control, it doesn't work; it doesn't save anything to the personalization database. In a nutshell, I need the user control to be able to personalize its properties (e.g. for a date picker within the user control where the date has to be remembered between sessions) or to somehow be able to update its parent webpart's properties.
View 3 RepliesI have a master page with a user control on it. How do I change the user control's properties from a content page?In my ascx file I created this 2 property:
In content page PageLoad event I wrote
I have a simple user control(.ascx) with a asp label inside of it. Using the codebehind(C#) from a aspx page, how can I change the text of that label? I have tried using public classes in my user control and a few other things that I could think of off the top of my head. Can somebody give me a quick example of how this would be done?
View 4 RepliesAs a starting point for creating custom controls, I would like to make a control that simply displays a number. If we imagine the .ascx file contains nothing except for a literal control, and the code behind sets that value to 1.
I then want to be able to do myControl.increment();
This will run some javascript that increases the value of the literal control.
I could inject a javascript into the page, such as pseudocode:
scriptything.register("function increment(x) { $('#myLiteral').increment(); });
or something, but that wouldn't be myControl.increment, that would just be increment(). More than one control on the page would screw it up.
I've been working on this project for a few days now, and have been unable to resolve the issue of getting intellisense support for my custom-defined inner properties for a user control (ascx, mind you). I have seen the solution to this (using server controls, .cs mind you) many times. Spelled out in this article very well. Everything works for me while using ascx controls except intellisense. Here's the outline of my code:
public partial class styledcontrols_buttons_BreadCrumb : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public List<BreadCrumbItem> BreadCrumbItems
get { return _breadCrumbItems; }
set { _breadCrumbItems = value; }
protected override void AddParsedSubObject(object obj)
if (obj is BreadCrumbItem)
BreadCrumbItems.Add(obj as BreadCrumbItem);
public class BreadCrumbItem : ControlBuilder
public string Text { get; set; }
public string NavigateURL { get; set; }
public override Type GetChildControlType(string tagName, System.Collections.IDictionary attribs)
if (String.Compare(tagName, "BreadCrumbItem", true) == 0)
return typeof(BreadCrumbItem);
return null;
Here's my mark up (which works fine, just no intellisense on the child object declarations):
<%@ Register src="../styledcontrols/buttons/BreadCrumb.ascx" tagname="BreadCrumb" tagprefix="uc1" %>
<uc1:BreadCrumb ID="BreadCrumb1" runat="server" BreadCrumbTitleText="Current Page">
<BreadCrumbItem Text="Home Page" NavigateURL="~/test/breadcrumbtest.aspx?iwentsomewhere=1" />
<BreadCrumbItem Text="Secondary Page" NavigateURL="~/test/breadcrumbtest.aspx?iwentsomewhere=1" />
I think the issue lies with how the intellisense engine traverses supporting classes. All the working examples I see of this are not ascx, but Web Server Controls (cs, in a compiled assembly).
I have a custom control, inherited from Button. This is the class definition for the control and 2 properties:
I show you 2 properties, only to illustrate the problem.
as you see Aplicacion property is of a custom type Sistema, and Roles property is of type List<UserRol>.
The Aplicacion property is rendered well, this way:
The problem I have is with List<UserRol>. I couldn't get it to be rendered. I expeect to be rendered this way:
Finally, this is the TypeConverter and Editor definitions for the list:
The UserRol class is a typical class, without any special attributes.
I have discovered that when I use the custom editor for Roles property, the collection is not persisted. When I use the default editor for the collection, the collection is persisted.