Web Forms :: Get The Control Id , Dynamically Created In .ascx.vb

Jul 21, 2010

I am not able to get the htmlinputimage control id created dynamically based on no of rows reterived from db.

these controls are bn created in usercontrol (.ascx.vb) page

The actually requirement is ...there are set of images in a table, i need to get a particular image src, based on that i need to collect the image id(s) and use it for futher process...

and this is poosible using a FindControl... which i have bn trying , but all invain...

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Add A Ascx Control To The ContentPlaceHolder Dynamically?

Jan 8, 2010

In the master page code behind I added

public ContentPlaceHolder BodyPlaceHolder
get { return ContentPlaceHolder1; }

and now, in web content form I want to add to this place holder a new ascx control in code behind.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
LoginRegisterControl lrControl = new LoginRegisterControl();
UserProfile upControl = new UserProfile();
Master.BodyPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(new Button());

and this doesn't work. If I change this to

Master.BodyPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(new Button());

It works. So the problem is with the ascx user control.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Dynamically Created HTML Control ID

Apr 17, 2010

We are creating html Table dynamically on the basis of data fetched from database and assigned id to each Cell while creating them dynamically. But the problem is how to access values in Cell. Because we are not able to get id of Runtime generated TD.

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Web Forms :: Created A Control Dynamically In Page_load Event?

Jul 12, 2010

created a control dynamicly in page_load event then cant i make that control globaly available in each class?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Control Does Not Fire An Event?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm creating some linkbuttons dynamically and assigning properties like below. Also I'm adding an event handler to the created link button:


What happens here is when the links created at runtime are clicked, most of the links are linked to other applications. (e.g from app1 to app2, app1 to app3 etc..) So when moving from the current app to the next I want to abandon the current session. However, this event is not firing before navigating to the next page. Could someone suggest a workaraound or the correct way to accomplish that?

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Repeater Control

Dec 1, 2010

What I am trying to achieve:I am trying to take the value of the selected index and depending on what this value is (e.g. the case selection in the code below) run a different query on the dataset and then create a repeater control dynamically to output each row with an item template
that I can use css to style.

In other words: When a user choses a list item it shows only rows from the dataset that match the list item chosen. For example if a user choses Closed Tickets they only see rows from the dataset that have a STATUS of 'CLOSED'.

What I have done so far: [Code]....

What I'm struggling with at the moment is:

1) That the case selection works but the selection of the appropriate data from the dataset doesn't seem to be happening. And this data isn't getting stored in rows as I had hoped.

2) I'm not sure entirely how to display the dynamically created repeater control in the admin.aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Unable To Access A Dynamically Created User Control

Feb 10, 2010

I have a dynamically created address user control (on a customer administration screen) that is created through the use of a place holder. A customer can have multiple addresses, so they dynamically dropped onto the page.

I have got this far, but now I need to be able to save the updated addresses for the customer but I can't get any event to fire on the user controls. When I check to see run plhAddress.HasControls() it returns false?

The way I am generating the user controls is as follows.. private UserControl LoadControl(string UserControlPath, params object[] constructorParameters)

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Control Click Event Not Firing First Time?

Sep 16, 2010

im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.


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Web Forms :: How To Access Control In Postback Event Dynamically Created Template Columns In Datagrid

May 27, 2010

I need to access the controls dynamically created template fields at run time in datagrid in post back event. Is there any way to retrieve the values in post back event? Or else give the ideas to acheive my requirement. I need to create no of rows and columns as text box as per user input. After fill the values to text box , i need to access the values in submit button.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Control Is Not Accessible / Dropdown Returns Null When Trying To Get The Values On Submitting The Form

Nov 17, 2010

Im dynamically creating several dropdowns onclick of a button... but the dropdown returns null when im trying to get the values on submitting the form... i read tat during postback all dynamically created controls will be lost... s there a way to register the controls... i want to access the item selected in the dropdown .... expecting a positive reply...

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Vb.net - How To Reference Dynamically Created Control In 3.5 With VB

Mar 20, 2011

I'm writing a program that inserts controls onto a webform dynamically. Depending on a variable, I add either a textbox, a set of radio buttons, or a set of checkboxes. Later, after a user clicks a submit button I need to use the controls to determine if the user is submitting the correct answer, but when I try to reference the id of a control, I get "txtAnser is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to it's protections level.

Here is the .aspx page (it's the standard content page of a master page):


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C# - Accessing Control Created Dynamically In Code Behind?

Jul 29, 2010

i have a link button which i have created dynamically and added it to a div i want to access this link button in some other function in code behind how to do this

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AJAX :: Dynamically Created Popup Control Extender

Apr 5, 2010

Im trying to dynamically create a popup control extender for labels which are also dynamically created. the labels are one a dynamically created accordion pane. Here is a section of my Page_Init method:


When I run the site with this code I get the following error:Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors.Parameter name: element

I thought it might be because the target control ID changes during compilation so i tried to find the labels in the Page_InitComplete method with this:[Code]....

The expression in the FindControl argument is what the id of the label looks like when i view source in my browser after running the page.I also tried to use the popup control's DynamicControlID property, but im not sure what the DynamicServiceMethod is for.

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How To Check If A Dynamically Created Control Has Posted Back

Mar 7, 2011

how to check if a dynamically created control has posted back?The below code is not working.


I have created some imagebuttons dyanmically on page_Init. But the above code always returns null. Why is that? How can I check If an image button has posted back?

Note: I am able to handle the click events of those imagebuttons.

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Jquery - Access A Dynamically Created Control Through Javascript?

Sep 25, 2010

I've a JavaScript function in my page through which i make some elements in the page as 'JQuery UI droppable'.

function setDroppableTargets()

But the elements with the class cssDockZone is created dynamically upon user interaction. So in the code behind i create the control first and finally at the end i register a scriptblock which calls setDroppableTargets().

//set droppable targets ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "setDroppableTargets", "setDroppableTargets()", true);

But the javascript function is invoked before the controls are created eventhough i register the script at the end (after creating the controls) and i cross checked it by getting the elements with class name '.cssDockZone' and i getting it as 0.


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JQuery :: Finding A Dynamically Created Server Control?

Jan 12, 2011

I've created a bunch of asp:hiddenfields dynamically at runtime in an asp.net page.

My question is this:

How do I find those hidden fields?

I have an event attached to a control that fires a javascript function, and that's where I am attempting to use JQuery to find the hidden field associated with that control.


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Control Within Ascx Is Null When Ascx Is Added From Codebehind?

Apr 14, 2010

I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.

ps: what I want to do is to preload all the products (thre is not much) and hide the divs and fadein fadeout them using jQuery when a category div is clicked.

rightnow it is using jQuery.load(); and I don't like how the images load, cuz they download from top to bottom. Progressive gifs alsdo not an option. site demo is here [URL]

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How To Set Text Property Assigned To The Control Created Dynamically Using Reflection

Sep 27, 2010

how to set text property assigned to the control created dynamically usiong reflection?

Type type = Type.GetType(strFullName);

object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
ctrlTemp = (Control)instance;
ctrlTemp.ID = "Hello";

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Web Forms :: Use Dynamically Created Controls Such As A Checkbox List And Fill The Values Dynamically?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm creating an quiz application which queries the database and extracts the questions and choices. I use dynamically created controls such as a checkbox list and fill the values dynamically. How do I do this? Right now I have these functions:

array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20 - extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function. - validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.

I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive "enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: How To Use AddHandler To Dynamically Assign Events To Dynamically Created Buttons

Feb 14, 2011

I have a website that sales associates access to view account information with clients. S.A's can only view information for accounts that they are tied to. Some clients have more than one account, S.A's can be tied to more than one account, but not all accounts of one client need to be tied to one S.A.

On the account info pages, I have account numbers (dynamically displayed labels) displayed of other accounts that the account client is associated with, which the S.A's can see. I'm modding this so that if the S.A has viewing permissions of any of the other accounts on that list of accounts, that instead of a label being displayed, a button directing them to that account page will display instead. In order for this to work, I have to attach a security function to the button, otherwise the page will blow out on the S.A's.

So I'm running a piece that is displaying a button instead of a label, which is working fine. My problem is when I try to attach the security event to the dynamically displayed buttons. It seems that the page just posts back and doesn't execute my code at all.

On my Page_Load, I'm running this after the buttons and labels are displayed:

For x = 0 to tblAccountList.Rows.Count - 1
'use a try to target the button, use catch to handle if it's instead a label, only one cell per row.
Dim accountLink as Button = tblAccountList.Rows(x).Controls(0)
Addhandler accountLink.Click, AddressOf Me.PermissionViewCheck
Catch ex as InvalidCastException
Continue For
End Try

I don't have any code checking for postbacks or anything like that, but the "PermissionViewCheck" event never fires and just reposts the page.

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Web Forms :: Unable To Load Ascx Dynamically

Jan 24, 2010

Ive got some custom code that im using to load user controls dynamically depending on the option a user selects from a menu control on the page.

I wanted to create an admin page that can be used to provide a one stop shop to complete all actions within an app im building, (like a template/iframe scenario that loads all selections in a screen on the right)

My code works, however when the user has completed an action sucesfully within one ascx, then selects another from the menu on the left, it wont load the new control, it comes up blank like it hasnt refreshed properly meaning that they have to close down the page and reopen it. (which is very annoying)

My codes below, can someone take a look and see if they can see whats wrong.


End Class


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Creating Instance Of Ascx - Controls Not Being Initialized?

Jul 29, 2010

apologies beforehand for what can possibly be a daft conceptual question. I have an ascx control that has a bunch of ASP labels and buttons in the ascx page and some other public methods and properties in the code behind. When I drop this ascx control in a page it all works fine. I now have a page with a placeholder and I am trying to dynamically create an instance of my ascx control and put it there. I then reference this control in code and while all public methods and properties are available (ie MyControl.TitleString = "Hello";MyControl.DoSomething();) none of the ASP controls are. Rather, they are all null. So MyControl.buttonSave is null, MyControl.LabelTitle is null, etc. Is this by design? Am I missing something? If not, what's the point of being able to create dynamically do this?

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Web Forms :: Pass Data From A Page To ASCX User Controls Loaded Dynamically?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm developing an ASP.NET application with C# and Ajax.I have a page that holds user controls loaded dynamically. I need to pass some data (integer values and some strings) to the user control that has been loaded dynamically.Now I use Session to pass these values, but I think I can use another way; something like VIEWSTATE or hidden input.What do you recommend me?The fact that I load the controls dynamically is important because controls are loaded on every postback, and I can't store any value on controls.

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C# - Creating Ascx Dynamically And Adding Controls To It?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a dropdown list on my homepage which users select a category. After selecting the category, user will fill a form which has related controls to that category in it.

As I have many categories, I just want to have single ascx page and adding controls to it dynamically according to the user choice.

For example: One chose Telephone category, he will face a form having drop down lists asking, what brand? what color? And one chose, book category, he will face drop down lists asking which type? howmany pages?

So 1 ascx must do my work at runtime done as I have alot of categories.

I am going to take these criterias from a database table which has CategoryID and Criteria colomns.

And if I can do that, will it be possible to add field validators to these dynamically created controls.

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AJAX :: Load ASCX Controls Dynamically?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm developing an ASP.NET application and I'm trying to do the following:

I'm going to have only one ASPX page splitted into two columns. On the left column is going to be a TreeView, and on the right column is going to be something to edit treeview's nodes.

When the user can select a treeview's node to edit on the right column. Depending on the node's depth fields on right column will vary.

I wondering to use ASCX controls and load on right column dinamically using AJAX, for example. Is there a better choice? Can I do that?

I don't want to reload the entire page when the user wants to edit a treeview's node. Maybe I'm going to need an UpdatePanel on the right column to load dinamically ASCX controls, isn't it?

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