Web Forms :: How To Add String In Radiobuttonlist Selected Item Text At The End

Jan 13, 2011


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: RadioButtonList Item Not Selected

Dec 22, 2010

Here is my .aspx page


and here is .cs file

TextBox TB_Fax = (TextBox)RegisterUserWizardStepDetails.FindControl("TB_Fax");

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VS 2010 - Radiobuttonlist Reverts From Selected Item

Apr 24, 2012

II am populating a radiobuttonlist in code on page load, although not when postback is true (I've checked this by the way).

Autopostback is set to true, viewstate is enabled (everywhere I can think of, although only in the content page, if that matters)

When I select an item, the postback happens, the populating does not happen, and the selection reverts back to the first item, which was never selected.

Nowadays I have the knowledge to do this in javascript, but I would prefer not to. It can't be that it should work like this, can it? The control would be useless. I want the index that is selected.

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RadioButtonList Doesn't Set Correct Selected Item On Load?

Apr 13, 2010

I have this code:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblExpDate" runat="server" >
<asp:ListItem Selected="True" Text="No expiration date"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="Expires on:"></asp:ListItem>

that I would like to be always, on page load, to mark the first option ("no expiration date"). However, if the user marks the second option and reloads, the second option is selected, even though I do this on page load:

rblExpDate.Items[0].Selected = true;
rblExpDate.SelectedIndex = 0;

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Data Controls :: Get Total Row Count Of GridView When RadioButtonList Item Is Selected?

Aug 27, 2013

in my asp.net+vb web there is a gridview in which i use a radiobuttion list as selectparameter. it works fine 

there is a label in that page with code behind as under 

Protected Sub RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndexChanged
Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString()
End Sub
count gets displayed but

if i select the first one at that time it will be 0

when i select the second one that time it shows the count of first selection

when i select the third one at that time it shows the count of second selection 

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Data Controls :: RadioButtonList - Get Selected Text And Value

Mar 20, 2013

I want to use radio button list control for asp.net web application..

How to display selected index value content in label.. that means i want to display selected button value in label..

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Data Controls :: Select RadioButtonList Item By Matching Its Text Part From Database

May 25, 2013

I use below code for binding CheckBox  from database

if (_dr["Radiator"] != null && _dr["Radiator"].ToString() != "") {
RDBSH.Checked = true;

I want bind RadioButtonList from database like above how I can do it?

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RBL1" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Text="North" Value="North"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="South" Value="South"></asp:ListItem>

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Data Controls :: Get RadioButtonList Selected Text And Value Client Side Using JavaScript

Jan 16, 2012

I have a radio button list. I want to get its selected item text and value client side suing javascript...

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AJAX :: Show/hide The Text Box Depending On The Text Of The Selected Item In The Combo Box?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a .net 3.5 web form with an ajax combo box and a text box inside it. The bombo box is bound to a SqlDataSource.

My requirement is to show/hide the text box depending on the text of the selected item in the combo box. If a particular string, say 'xyz', appears in the text of the selected item, the I will make the text box invisible. I enabled the AutoPostback, made the text box disappear in the SelectedIndexChanged event, and everything worked fine.

However, when users enter their own texts (which are not in the list items), I am unable to show / hide the text box. I've tried the TextChanged event but nothing happens. It seems the event is not trigger after I enter a new text and locate the focus to other place.

is there a way to prevent the user ented text from being inserted into the bombo box?

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Web Forms :: How To Display Text From Selected Dropdownlist Item Without Using Button

Feb 20, 2011

I have one label and one dropdownlist which contain "red" and "blue". When I select "red" from dropdownlist, the label will display "You select RED" and if I select "blue", it will display "You select BLUE". The text is display immediatelly after selected without using BUTTON.

I have try to put the codes in Page_Load but not functioning, below is my code:


Can anyone guide me how to do this and I'm using C#?

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Web Forms :: Pass Selected Menu Item Text To Other Page?

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame. now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing. is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Querystring Parameter In Hyperlink From Selected.item.text In Dropdownlist

Jul 9, 2010

I have a HyperLink control in a ListView, and I need to pass a couple of querystring parameters.


The first parameter is based on the current DataItem value in the LV.

Suppose I want to set a second parameter with a value from Selected.Item.Text in a DropDownList on the same page, how would the HyperLink look?

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Get The Text Of The Selected Item In A Radiobutton Group?

Feb 1, 2011

I've found this code, but I was wondering whether there's a more streamlined way to do it.

So for example, rather than having all the if statements can you have one line that says Label1.text = "You selected " & RadioGroup1.Text

Sub SubmitBtn_Click(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Radio1.Checked Then
Label1.Text = "You selected " & Radio1.Text
ElseIf Radio2.Checked Then


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C# - Retrieving Selected Item Text Within A JsonResult Function

Mar 3, 2011

I am creating an MVC project with a table using the JQGrid plugin. I would like to use a DropDownList to allow the user to specify a value, that will be used in an SQL query to retrieve specific data from the table. I.e. user can select a country from the list, and the table will display items only from that country. I cannot figure out how to retrieve the selected item from the DropDownList, within my data bind function for my table, within my controller class.

DropDownList in the View

<%= Html.DropDownList("Countries")%>

Setting up the DropdownList in my controller

//dt is a DataTable which holds the values for my list
List<SelectListItem> countries = new List<SelectListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
The problem seems to be that within a JsonResult function I don't have access to the ViewData or my ViewModel, which always seem to be null when I try and access them. I am very new to MVC and web development,

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How To Set A ListView's Selected Item Based On It's ID In A Query String On Page Load

Oct 6, 2010

Question basically crams it all in... I'm loading a page with a querystring (ID), and I need to use that ID to set the selected item of a ListView when the page loads. The ID is a DataKey on the ListView. I have no code of value to post--none of my attempts at this work.

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How To Get Selected Text From Select Element On Selection Of Any Item Through JQuery

Mar 3, 2011

i have a select element with few items and the script.


on selection of any item from the dropdownlist how can i get the text selected from dropdown in the javaScript function that i have provided in onchange event handler ?

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Javascript - How To Insert Selected Item Text From Checkedlistbox To Gridview Dynamically

Nov 19, 2010

My requirement is, i have a checkedlistbox, and i want the selected item should be inserted into the gridview using javascript, in grid i want only two columns i.e. selected item text and another is checkbox.

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Click Event Not Firing / How To Pass The Selected Menu Item Text To The Other Page

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.

now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.

is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Data Controls :: Set RadioButtonList Selected Value Based On GridView Selected Row?

May 7, 2015

how to display GridView Selected Row in dropdownlist and radiobutton outside GridView in ASP.Net?

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Web Forms :: Redirecting A User Selected Item In A Drop Down List To Another Item?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a list with 2 sorts of items. Items that have actual values (1,2,3,4 etc) and items that are like group headings so all their values are set to 0. If someone decides to select a group heading - which has a value of 0, is it possible to redirect them to my 'Select an item' item which has a value of ""?

If worse comes to worse, I can just reconstruct the entire list, although if possible I'd like to avoid it.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Selected Item Is Lost And Default Item Is Inserted In Database On Button Click

Jul 16, 2012

I bind dropdownlist in my page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
BindDropDownList(DDL1, "city1", "name", "ID");
DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And SP

LTER procedure [dbo].[city1]
select id,Name
from city

And design code

 <asp:DropDownList ID="DDL2" runat="server" CssClass="daddsd">

And here is imagebutton code that when click on it update data into table

protected void ImageButton_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode2"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertinfo", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

[Code] ....

Here when i click on button it insert all data into table but it didn't insert my selected item from dropdownlist it insert select city that i define in page_load

 DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And when i delete this code from page load it insert in table first row of my table it didn't insert my selected item from dropdown list.

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Web Forms :: Set Tabs At Item Level In RadioButtonList?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there a way to set tab order on each ListItem within a RadioButtonList? The listitem does not have a TabIndex attribute, so can this somehow be done via javascript?

A similar thread indicates there is not a way to do this [URL], other than using individual RadioButtons instead of a RadioButtonList.

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Web Forms :: Get RadioButtonlist Selected Value?

Feb 8, 2010

i have wrote following code but it will not fecth selected value:

Table tab =
new Table();
int j = 0;


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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Selected Item From The Listbox In The Selected Index Changed Event

Feb 28, 2011

How to get the selected item from the listbox in the selected index changed event. I tried: Label1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedItem.Text; It is giving me object set to null reference.

foreach (ListItem item in ListBox1.Items)
if (item.Selected)
//lblResults.Text += item.Text + "
Label1.Text = item.Text;

No use, no value coming in to label.

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Web Forms :: Radiobuttonlist Item Make Visible True Or False?

Nov 9, 2010

I am using a radiobuttonlist in my project. Where i want to hide one of radiobuttonlist item visible true or false. according to the selection of the country. I am able to hide the radiobutton but the corresponding text is still displayed. How to hide both radiobutton and also the related text.

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