Web Forms :: How To Raise Constraint Exception Of A Data Table

Mar 23, 2011

had a data table in which i made one column as primary key..the data table is binded to stored proc output..now the datatable is not allowing same values for primary key column,functionality is fine..but the exception is not raised ..simply row is not getting added to grid view..but i want an exception to be raised..how to do that??

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catch (Exception ex)
{ if (ex.class==SQLUniqueException) blahblah();

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Dim selectedIntake As String = intakeDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text()
Dim selectedSupervisor As String = supervisorDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text()
.supervisor_ID = selectedSupervisor(0), _
.semester_No = selectedIntake(0) _


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The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_student_Details_lecturer_Details". The conflict occurred in database "SKTM-AAS", table "dbo.lecturer_Details", column 'supervisor_ID'. The statement has been terminated.

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PK | ExceptionId
ExceptionCode varchar(100)
ExceptionDesc varchar(255)
ExceptionMSG varchar(255)

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Feb 22, 2010

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[Star.CNPL_BusinessObjects.Entities.CNPL.CNPL_AgencyProduct#48][SQL: SELECT cnpl_agenc0_.Id as Id48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.AgencyID as AgencyID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.ProductID as ProductID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.CreatedDate as CreatedD4_48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.UpdatedDate as UpdatedD6_48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy48_0_ FROM CNPL_AgencyProduct cnpl_agenc0_ WHERE cnpl_agenc0_.Id=?]"

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namespace Program
class ReJoice


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PRINT N'The transaction is in an uncommittable state. Rolling back transaction.'
DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000);
DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT;
DECLARE @ErrorState INT;
@ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),
@ErrorState = ERROR_STATE();
RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage,

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Jan 15, 2010

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Mar 3, 2011

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SQL Server :: Raise Error Stored Proc?

Mar 16, 2011

I have written a stored proc for raise error.Whenever a customer checks for a record in the DB that doesn't exist in the DB he has to get an error displayed.I have written a stored proc help me on it i know it is wrong suggest me the correct one.


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To Raise The Validator For Text Box On Drop Down Changed?

Mar 17, 2011

generally we can handle validators on Button click or when the control is left empty. I am having my requirement as follows

I am having a text box and a drop down where the drop down list is binded with database values as follows

mlocal_strStoredProcName = USADAO.StoredProcNames.PayFrequency_uspPayFrequencySelect;
oEmployee.Select(out mlocal_ds, mlocal_strStoredProcName);
ddlPaymentType.DataSource = mlocal_ds;[code]....

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May 11, 2010

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