Web Forms :: Setting The Width Of The Datagrid And Hidden The Head

Oct 8, 2010


set the width of the datagrid and hidden the head?

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Jun 17, 2010

I have a silverlight project that I need to resize the width.

What I need to do is have horizontal scrollbars appear when a user shrinks the browser's width to less than the page width of the app.

I've been pointed to the ResizeDiv function in my test page:

function ResizeDiv(height) {
var x = document.getElementById("silverlightControlHost");
x.style.height = height;

but I don't know what to do here. I've set the width to different values (x.style.width = 100) but that just chops the page.

Is this the right function/page to do this? What do I need to do to get horizontal scroll bars to kick in if the browser is smaller than the page?

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How do i populate them with values?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Fixed Column Width

Oct 12, 2010

I m working on Datagrids and i am trying to specify a fixed width for a Column(in datagrid) ...Is there any property to specify the width of the columns in datagrid(i know its pretty easy to specify the width of the Datagrid but i want to specify the fixed column width) Also how do i specify the text wrapping in a datagrid

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Oct 28, 2010

I had a datagrid with lot of columns.The datagrid coloumns width changes accoprding to data.

So I want to get the width of the column in Javascript,because I maintain a dummy header(**here I need to set the each Header column width according to the data columns width).

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Here is the control:


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Max Width On Gridview?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a gridview on a page but when the results are rendered they push the page out to the right causing you to have to scroll left to right.

Is there any way I can set max width on this?

Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Setting The Column Width On GridView Columns?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a GridView with bound columns, for which I am manually setting the ItemWidth and HeaderWidth to 500px, and nothing happens. Is there some trick to getting this to work?

This is a column a large amount of text in it, and it keeps sizing to the width of the header text, which is simply "note". I don't want to set Wrap to false, becuase then the colummn could be thousands of px wide in cases.

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C# - Setting Uniqueid For Hidden Field?

Aug 23, 2010

i am trying to set UniqueID for a hidden field control .its throwing me error The 'UniqueID' property is read-only and cannot be set. How to solve this issue ??my code

<asp:HiddenField ID="hSequence" runat="server" UniqueID="hSequence" />

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Setting Image Width / Height In Codebehind?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to set the width and height of images in a datalist in the codebehind.

The plan is to do something more complex than this based on the width/height, so setting width and height in the aspx file to 50% is not an option.

For some reason I always get 0 for width and height. Image1.ImageUrl is what i would expect though. Image is the System.Web.UI.Webcontrols.Image, not a System.Drawing.Image.


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C# - Setting Hidden Input Value In JavaScript, Then Accessing It In Codebehind

Apr 21, 2010

I have been trying to set the value of a hidden input by using Javascript and then access the value from within my C# codebehind. When I run the code that is copied below, the value that is assigned to assignedIDs is "", which I assume is the default value for a hidden input. If I manually set the value in the html tag, then assignedIDs is set to that value.

This behavior suggests to me that the value of the input is being reset (re-rendered?) between the onClientClick and onClick events firing.



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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Setting Background Color Depending On Header Value?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an asp.net gridview which represents some kind of reservation calendar. Each row represents a workplace and each column a day. The header value (date) is set by a method since the start of the time period shown by the gridview can be selected by the user. Since the date column can start at every day of the week I wanted to mark the weekend day columns with a special background. How to set this? (See .aspx code snippet below which is currently used for each column ().

Remark: ItemStyle-BackColor= '<%# %>' (dynamic) annotation isn't allowed in the <TemplateField> Tag and the actual date must be evaluated somehow from the header or another control.


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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid - Setting Focus After A TextBox TextChanged() Event?

Oct 27, 2010

Asp.NET v2.0

Data grid with mulitple texboxes per row.

Each textbox has a TextChange() event wired up for data validation.

These events fire just fine, the data validation works just fine.

My issue is this: User enters text into TextBox1 one then tabs into TextBox2. The cursor appears for a split second inside of TextBox2 then disappears as focus is being set somewhere else on the page. I'm not sure how that change of focus is happening.

In this scenario, after tabbing out of TextBox1, how can I maintain focus on TextBox2 (and then subsequently TextBox3, TextBox4,etc..)

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Web Forms :: Setting Hidden Value Server Side And Accessing On Client Side?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to set a hidden type value to x on Server Side and then access it with Javascript. I have tried multiple ways to accomplish this.

At the basic level this is what I am trying to do.

Aspx page
<asp:HiddenField ID="HidRowNumber" runat="server" />
CS Page
In IsPostBack
HidRowNumber.Value = EFileRowNumber.Text;
var status = document.getElementById("<%= HidRowNumber.ClientID %>").value;

When I am debugin it say it HidRowNumber's Value has changed to x but when I access the value with JS it always returns ''.

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AJAX :: Setting An Unrelated Div To Style:Hidden Also Hides ModalPopup (example Code Included)

Feb 22, 2010

On the page is a div id'd as loginBar, and I have a corresponding visibility attribute. Also on the page is a simple modal popup and its controls.The issue is that whenever the login Div is set to hidden, the popup is also hidden. I cannot figure out why the two are linked. It is not the id name of the div, feel free to change it to whatever you like, and I don't believe I have any malformed tags.


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Web Forms :: Drop Down Width Is Different In IE And Mozilla - How To Make Constant Width In Both Browsers

Mar 23, 2010

MY Drop Down width is Different in IE and Mozilla

How to make constant width in both browsers.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Width / Can Set The Width Property Of The List To Display Wider Than The Field Itself

Oct 4, 2010

I have a dropdown list in a gridview field. The DataValueField for the ddl is an 8 digit item code. The text to display through will be quite longer, 40-60 characters because it will combine the item code and item name into a single string. I don't want the dropdownlist field to be that wide though, only what is displayed when the ddl is selected.In Access you can set the width property of the list to display wider than the field itself. Is there that capability in ASP.NET and if so where do I find it?

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Forms Data Controls :: To Set The Width Of A GridView To A Pre-determined Width?

Oct 5, 2010

Is there any way to set the width of a GridView to a pre-determined width?

I have set the width of the gridview and all the columns to a % and then to a number of pixels but it does work. The gridview always sets itself to a width required to display all fields and it goes beyond the resolution of the screen. I would like to contain it to 1024 pixels.

Here's my .aspx


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Aug 13, 2010

I have 2 panels.

What I am trying to do is to set the Panel8:s width to "1px" less thatn the Panels7: width.

The code compiles but the width does not get correct?


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Web Forms :: Trying HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath In Head?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get this to work right:


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AJAX :: Restricting Width Of ResizeControlExtender To Width Of The Parent Controlcontainer?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm sure this question has been asked before but I have been unable to find an answer so far. I want to create a control consisting of a label, an editor control and make the editor control resizable using the ResizeControlExtender:


I have is to extend the control vertically, effectively making it longer, but I don't want the user to make it any wider than it parent control - effectively disabling the option to make it wider. Hopefully that makes sense - for an example, look no further than the control used to input text when creating a post.

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Web Forms :: Where To Put Script, Head, Body When Using Masterpage

Jul 29, 2010

I'm successfully using a masterpage for all my .aspx's... the below is typical... where though can I place script such as this into my .aspx below since I don't really use a head/body?:


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change The Head Of A Webpage?

Aug 18, 2010

I've never had to dynamically change the head of a webpage before and can't quite seem to get it. As mentioned in the title, the webpage is the child of a very simple master page. Here's what i've got:


I've tried :

Ctype(Me.Header.FindControl("head"), ContentPlaceHolder).InnerHtml
+= "<script type = 'text/javascript' src='" & Me.Master.get_root_rel() & "Sections/SectionJSFiles/EditFunctions.js' /></script>"

as well as

Me.Master.Head.InnerHtml += (same as above)

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