Web Forms :: To Create Account For Each Player?

May 7, 2010

I wondered if it is possible to place a second CreateUserWizard in my web application. Here's the scenario:

The application is a team selection site for coaches. Each coach registers and create a profile. Then , they must create a pool of players (or they have no team). When the coach registers, (s)he is assigned to the role of "Coach" in the ASPNETDB.MDF. In order to create a pool of players, the coach must register an account for each player (or ask them to do so themselves). The players then have an account with limited permissions (they can go to the forum and leave comments, or simply just check if they have been selected, etc).

Therefore my question is can I place another wizard to create a player (stored as role "Player" in the ASPNETDB.MDF), on a page dedicated to adding players, which will only be accessible to coaches?Or is there another way to implement this? It must be said at this point that players can only be registered if a coach already has an account on the site; i.e. if their team is existant on the site. This is to ensure that only members of teams can use the site; i.e. a single person cannot use the forum for example, unless they are part of a team, as a coach or a player.

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{ return "<OBJECT ID="mediaPlayer" classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject">" +
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I used this above sample to send Verification link but it didn't work ! it gives the error on this line;


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Next we get the DirectoryEntry and ObjectSecurity for the computer. Also dim the ACE object:


Set the userAccountControl:

Here's where we're having problems:

The IdentityReference needs to be the trustee for the computer - how can we get this using AccountManagement and/or DirectoryServices?And I'm not sure what to use for the Inherited Object guid?

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VS 2010 - Support Login To Specific Users Account Via Admin Account

Jul 28, 2014

I have a web app Which Uses Forms Authentication.

One thing that we want to be able to do on Support is login to a specific users account Via our admin account.

We are using the standard asp.net membership authentication.

The idea would be for the support technition to be able to login using credentials like admin(<Troubled User>) using the Admin Account password

We are using a a Standard ASP.Login Control

The real Issue is that the Me.Page.User.Identity.Name is set to the value on the CtlLogin.Username Property. I need it to be the the Support Login?

Login Control

<asp:Login ID="ctlLogin" runat="server" DisplayRememberMe="False" Font-Names="Arial Rounded MT Bold" Font-Size="12pt" ForeColor="Black"
MembershipProvider="MembershipProvider" Width="100%" TitleText="" UserNameLabelText="User" VisibleWhenLoggedIn="False" RememberMeSet="True"
PasswordLabelText="Password" EnableTheming="False" Height="35px" >

[Code] ....

Validate User Script

Dim objstrSupUser As String = ""
'Load the user from the membership provider
Dim strUserName As String = ctlLogin.UserName
If ctlLogin.UserName.IndexOf("(") > 0 Then
objstrSupUser = Regex.Match(strUserName, "(([^)]*))").Groups(1).Value

[Code] ....

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ADO.NET :: Need To Make A Field For Account Type In User Account Table?

Feb 2, 2011

Do I just need to make a field for account type in my user account table? In a technical way, if(account type = admin) then the account would log as admin; otherwise, a user with less privileges.

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Ways To Detect Changed Account / No Account Found In C#?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page where at the top of the page is a search box. There are 2 text boxes - one is an autocomplete extender for the Name on a database, and one is just inputting the ID.The page features DetailsViews and GridViews primarily, and even when no account has been searched for, these display blank data which is not ideal. I sort of fixed this by using if (IsPostBack), encasing the elements in a placeholder and setting it to visible only if the page ispostback. But this doesn't cover if the user types in an incorrect ID.

Also, some accounts have huge amounts of data inside the GridView's. I had an issue where because I have no way of detecting when a data source's rows has changed, I end up binding whenever the page loads (Page_Load method). I've come to realise this is simply very bad - there are lots of times when the user can click various things in the page and have the page postback, and it takes an eternity to load each time I click something for accounts with lots of data.Anyway, my question is essentially two-fold but I have a feeling the solution will be similar:1: How can I detect when there are no accounts returned when searching, and disable the Grids/Detailsviews and show an error message?2: How can I figure out when the user searches for another account and only rebind the grids after that has happened?

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