Which Functions Are Required To Connect To The Database?

Nov 1, 2010

I was assigned a task on creating a web application that connects and display database information on a grid view. My supervisor suggested me to download .NET pet shop 4.0 to serve as a template for my project.As I only have limited basic knowledge on C# and HTML codings, the .NET pet shop 4.0 is too difficult and complex for me to understand. So I have a few questions:

Which functions are required to connect to the database? Which functions display information of the database? How do I change the categories of the .NET pet shop 4.0? If I want to add a grid view to display the records instead of listing informations of the products, where should I add the code and how will it roughly look like?

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How To Test Functions Returning Data From A Database

Nov 15, 2010

I have a function:

public List<Car> GetFourWheelDrives()
return dataContext.Cars.Where(c => c.IsFourWheelDrive == true).ToList();

Firstly it's kind of obvious what I'm trying to do here. Any suggestions on how I'm doing this? Any improvements?

So now I want to unit test this. Well is it a unit test? A unit test isn't suppose to touch the database right? So this is a functional test?

So say I write a test

public void GetFourWheelDrives_NoParameters_ReturnAListOfOnlyCarsThatAreFourWheelDrives
Assert.Greater(dataContext.Cars.Where(c => c.IsFourWheelDrive == false).ToList().Count, 0);
var cars = GetFourWheelDrives();
Assert.Greater(cars.Count, 0);
Assert.AreEqual(cars.Count, cars.Where(c => c.IsFourWheelDrive == true).ToList().Count);

So first Assert I'm making sure cars that aren't 4WD exist in the database otherwise it wouldn't be a valid test.

Second Assert I'm making sure at least one was returned.

Third Assert I'm making sure that all the cars returned were in fact 4WD.

I know this isn't a good test because I'm using the same logic in the test as the function I'm testing. However this is the only way I can currently think of to do this.

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Creating Objects From C# Class To Use Them In Database Functions?

Nov 25, 2010

I have created class in C# i need to use objects from this class to add them to a databse table.

the information come from textbox go into the object of the class than from this object i want to preform databse function.

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SQL Server :: Use Management Studio With Database Created Within MS Web - Connect To New Database?

Mar 30, 2011

I have created a web application and an SQL database using Web Developer 2010 Express. I have SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio Express. In order to deploy the database to my hosting space I need to create a .BAK file from my new database. I think I can do this from with the Management Studio, but can't figure out how to get it to connect to the database. I have used Management Studio before to retore another SQL database and the only connection I see when I open the Management Studio is the old connection to the old database. How do I connect to my new database?

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DataSource Controls :: Database Design Tip Required?

Jun 4, 2010

I am building a page that displays a product's details, with the information being called from an MSSQL database.I would like to be able to have a variable number of features listed for each product, so for example, Product A has a list of 3 features, Product B has a list of 7 features, Product C has 2 features listed etc.I would like to avoid having a lot of NULLS in my database, and would prefer not to restrict the number of possible features listed.Is there a common way to tackle this problem? Is it simply a case of setting up a table just to store features?

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How To Connect To A SQL Database

Oct 6, 2010

I have the following code:


and I'm trying to use that to submit to my database, but when I click on the submit button, no data is being inserted into my database, but I'm also not receiving any errors.

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How To Connect To A Database

Mar 7, 2010

I moved to ASP.NET from PHP where the queries are run directly. So I always create Connection in the Page_Load Event, dispose it after I do all stuff needed, and access data with NpgsqlCommand. (Yes, I use Postgresql in my ASP.NET applications.)

After starting to learn ASP.NET MVC I was amazed how easy it is to access SQL with the LINQ to SQL thing. But... It works only with MS SQL. So my question is how to implement the same functionality in my applications? How to connect to databases easily?

I wrote my own wrapper classes for connecting to Postgresql. 1 class per a table.

This is a part of the Student class:


So as you see the problem here is that with every INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE request I'm using Connect() method which connects to the database. I didn't realize how stupid it was before I had to wait for 10 minutes to have 500 rows inserted, as there were 500 connections to the database.Using pooling while connecting does help, but still making the connection and making the server check the pool during every single query is stupid.So I decided to move Connection property to a static DB class, and it didn't work either, because it's a really bad idea to store such objects as connections in a static class.I really don't know what to do know. Yes, there's an option of manullay creating the connections in every Page_Load event and close them in the end like I'm doing it right now.


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Using Asax To Connect To Database

May 10, 2010

i would like to use asax to check my database for every 5 min. if let say the database detect high in threshold.. it will send a notification to administrator. Anyone have done this before mind to share some code?

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How To Connect Textbox To Sql Database

Mar 23, 2010

I have already created the database for my website, however when i create the webforms such as a student sign up form i dont know how to connect the text boxes to the database to its relevant table, so data can be updated and deleted. I am aware of the grid view and form view tools but when using those tools I can't seem to move the labels and text boxes around the webpage for design purposes.

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How To Connect A Table To A Database

Dec 18, 2010

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C# - How To Connect A Database Using Odbc

Feb 28, 2011

I have a system DSN.How to connect to the database in asp.net using DSN.I wanted the Connection String

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ADO.NET :: Unable To Connect To Database

Oct 21, 2010

so this is my first Solution using the Entity Framework (EF). Here are my steps so far:

1) Created Database named: BSA with an owner of username/password (AspNetServicesUser/password)
2) Created Entity Data Model (EDM) in a separate project (contained within the same solution)
3) Created an ASP.NET Web Application with basic functionality (new project within the same solution)
4) Added Reference to the EDM in Web App and added Connection String to the EF
5) Decided I wanted ASP.NET Membership added to the Web App
6) Configured SQL Server for Application Services using aspnet_regsql.exe on BSA database

Now, I need to know:

a) How do I create the connectionString for the Web.config file in the WebApp?

Errors I receive:

I get this error using the ASP.NET Configuration Tool under the "Security" Tab:

Login failed for user 'AspNetServicesUser'.

I get this error using the ASP.NET Configuration Tool under the "Provider" Tab --> Select a single provider for all site management data --> Test

Could not establish a connection to the database.

If you have not yet created the SQL Server database, exit the Web Site Administration tool, use the aspnet_regsql command-line utility to create and configure the database, and then return to this tool to set the provider.


View 3 Replies

Sql - Cannot Connect To Access Database In Asp.net 2.0

Aug 28, 2010

im trying to get a dataset from an access databaseim using this connection string:

<add name="SiteConnString" connectionString="Data Source=c:inetpubvhostsdbmainDB.mdb"
providerName="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" />

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Won't Connect To The Database If The Identity Tag Is Not There

Feb 22, 2011

I've got a situation where it seems I am required to have an identity impersonate statement in my compiled web app, i.e. <identity impersonate="true" username = "mydomainmyusername" password ="xxx" /> The thing is, it is not required when running from Visual Studio and virtual web server, as everything works fine, but when I do not have the <identity> tag in the web.config file in my compiled web app, I get a connection error. Simply won't connnect to the database if the <identity> tag is not there. I'd rather just do away with this requirement, and have been looking through IIS for a solution, but can't seem to find any.

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MVC - Connect To Existing Database?

Jul 21, 2010

i red some stuff, and what i got is that mvs normally works not directly with MSSQL on pc but witht he one it creates within project.. hm.. like that, and you can not see the database created from the project in normal SQL server databases.

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C# - Connect To Oracle 11g Database?

Dec 17, 2010

How do I connect to an Oracle 11g database using asp.net3.5? what is the name space and how to write connection string in web.config file?

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Databases :: How To Connect DB2 Database

Dec 6, 2010

i want to connect Db2 database with my .net application.how to fetch data from my DB2 database through my Asp.net application then how to genrate crystal report through this data.

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Cannot Connect To Database Server

Jan 26, 2011

if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

I Get the the folloeing exception ::

ERROR [08004] [Informix .NET provider][Informix]Cannot connect to database server ...

I don't know what is the problem.

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How To Connect Database To Session

Jan 7, 2011

By session ,how to show user details upon sign in

and how to connect comments with user name

and adding this comments &user name to database

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Failed To Connect To Database?

Mar 5, 2011

Here is my connection string:

<add name="yafnet" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Scirra;User Id=Gullanian;Password=12345;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

And I get:

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'Gullanian'.

I've created the database 'Scirra'. I've also attempted to add a login, but nothing seems to work. Logging into SQL management via Windows Authentication is the only way I can gain access to my DB's.

Ideally I just want to create a user, and that user having full control of DB. So I can run scripts etc.

Here's a few details:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.50.1600.1
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7600.16385
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.4952
Operating System 6.1.7600

Idk why it says v2 for asp.net, all my application pools are set to 4.0.

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Want To Creat Gridview And Connect It With The Database?

Aug 25, 2010

i want to creat gridview and connect it with the database.and add a text box and win i enter the id in that text box all the information about that id should be displayed in grid view.

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Unable To Connect To Access DataBase?

Sep 29, 2010


When I am trying to insert some data I am getting error.

Could not find file 'C:WINDOWSsystem32ikcit.mdb'.

Unable to understand Why??

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MVC :: Unable To Connect To SQL Server Database

Jun 16, 2010

Just beginning to set up and get into MVC and I have immediately run into a problem...

I opened a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2008 Pro, tried to run the basic template project, chose the logon/register page, enterered my details and got a runtime error message in AccountsModels.cs:

Unable to connect to SQL Server database Do I need to download a db from somewhere first, have I missed a step out the install ?

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Databases :: How To Connect Mysql Database

Jun 11, 2010

how to connect mysql database in asp.net?

I am install mysql 5.0 then i install sqlyog.

After that i create the database sample in mysql with the help of sqlyog.

I want to connect the database in asp.net & display it on gridview.


How we set the connection string in mysql for use on aspx page?

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C# - How To Connect To A Remote Oracle Database

Feb 20, 2010

I have Oracle (10g Express Edition) installed on one pc.

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is installed on another pc.

I want to run an ASP.NET web app that uses the remote database. The two PCs are connected by a LAN (wired) connection. How can I connect to the database? What will the connection string be? The operating system on both PCs is Windows XP.

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