- Adding Exception To RegularExpressionValidator?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm trying to add an exception to my RegularExpressionValidatorBasically i'm populating a textbox with the text "Not supplied" if the user hasn't given us the information if they try and submit that field I have a RegularExpressionValidator which only allows 0-9 characters so it shows the error message. Is there a way to add the exception "Not supplied" to my RegularExpressionValidator?Here's the code.


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Adding More Controls To RegularExpressionValidator?

Nov 25, 2010

Is there a way to add more than one ControlToValidate to my RegularExpressionValidator?I have two textboxes for postcode and I want to add the same RegularExpressionValidator to both.Currently I have one for each box but if they are both wrong it shows up two error messages but I only want the user to see one.Here's my RegularExpressionValidator

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator CssClass="errorpopup" Display="Dynamic" ID="rvpPostCodeZone" validationgroup="tbEditEmailCorr" runat="server" ErrorMessage="<strong>Please enter a valid post code.</strong>" ControlToValidate="tbEditPostCodeZone" ValidationExpression="^[0-9a-zA-Z' ']{3,}$" SetFocusOnError="true" />

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"d+{1,4}(?:[.,]d{1,4})?" In RegularExpressionValidator Throws Exception: "Nested Quantifier {"

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parsing "d+{1,4}(?:[.,]d{1,4})?" -
Nested quantifier {.

Where is my mistake? I want to allow strings like xxxx,xxxx - from 1 to 4 digits and decimal digits are not required, e.g.: 1000, 99,99, 0,2498, etc.

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Other async approaches I tried required the aysnc page attribute, they also seemed to cancel if other page elements where actioned on (a button clicked), this approach just seemed to work.

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The error message prompted was:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.



Cannot open backup device 'C:inetpubwwwrootTCPSystemApp_DataDatabase.mdf'. Operating system error 32(error not found).

RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3201)

click: [URL]



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Architecture :: How To Log Dal Exception And Showing Alert To User / Exception Occurs

Aug 3, 2010

I am working on a 3-tier application. Currently I'm stuck up in a situation where I need to handle a specific type of exception (User Defined) in DAL and Show alert to the user if that exception occurs in DAL.

I tried following things:

1) I raised that exception from the DAL and catch it in BLL and throw a new BLL exception to for that DAL exception and finally catch it in the UI layer to show the alert to the user. I've successfully implement this in my project. But there are some issues in this approach. First of all I feel this is not right way to do this as it may lead to performance related issues. Secondly, the application contains more than 500 pages and classes. so I need to attach additional catch block in every method to catch the BLL exception. which is the last option i'd like to take.

2) in second approach I logged the the DAL exception into a text file. but problem in this approach is that how could the UI layer know that exception has occurred and show the alert to the user. Is there any event in where i could handle all this activities?

my question is what is the best approach to handle this type of situation? Will Exception handling block help me in this?

I've tried reading many articles on this but i couldn't get an answer for my question? I might not be using right keywords for my search.

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C# - Exception Handling - Implement Custom Exception Classes?

Jul 2, 2010

i have this application structure:

1. Presentation Layer which calls

2. Business Logic Layer which in turn calls

3. Data Access Layer to do the dealing with the database.

Now i have a Contacts page from where i can add a new contact to the database.So to add a New Contact i fill in all the required details and then call a Add Method (residing in the BLL) from the page, which in turn call a Add Method residing in the DAL.this method in the DAL returns the Current Identity of the record which is then return back to the BLL method and finally delivered on the page.this is fine. but what if a get an exception how do i handle it properly because the method in DAL has a return type of int and i dont want to throw another error!! coz other wise i will have to write try catch in almost all the methods.

//something like this
public int AddMethod(ContactClass contactObj)
int result = 0;[code]...

rather i want to show the user a user-friendly message which they can easily understand and in the mean while i will send a mail to myself documenting the Error that just can i implement my custom exception classes.

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i.e any property or method that retrieves a unique identifier that to identify a particular exception.

I have kept some error values and corresponding error texts in an xml file. I want to read that xml file and have to taken the error ids and fix the corresponding texts to a label. in the case of a system exception we have to identify a particular exception.

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Parameter name: length
at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
at System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest

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Web Forms :: How To Use A RegularExpressionValidator

Sep 17, 2010

I have a text field where user can enter either an URL or an Email address. How can I use a RegularExpressionValidator to validate that user have entered an URL or an Email address

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C# - RegularExpressionValidator For TextBox?

Dec 8, 2010

I had a question on here for a RegularExpressionValidator which I'm relatively new to. It was to accept all alphanumeric, apostrophe, hyphen, underscore, space, ampersand, comma, parentheses, full stop. The answer I was given was:

"^([a-zA-Z0-9 '-_&,().])+$"

This seemed good at first but it seems to accept amoung other things '*'.

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Use Of RegularExpressionValidator In MS .Net Framework?

Apr 26, 2010

I am trying to use the RegularExpressionValidator Control in Visual Studio to validate a textbox for email address expressions.

Here's my code (very basic)

<input id="Text1" type="text" /><br />
<br />
<input id="Validate" type="button" value="Validate" runat="server" /><br />
<br />


I have tried the same mechanism before and have worked; however, this time I am on a new machine, WinXP Pro running IIS v5.1.

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Use RegularExpressionValidator On Textbox?

Jan 20, 2011

I have an text box i need to validate so that the user can enter enter up to four character and they can be alphanumeric. I am using VS2003, .NET 1.1.

what is the expression i should use to validate this condition

Tried like this:

<asp:TextBox id="wtxtTPP" tabIndex="2" runat="server" CssClass="text" Width="144px" MaxLength="4" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="RegularExpressionValidator1" style="z-index: 101; left: 208px; position: absolute; TOP: 16px" runat="server" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator" ValidationExpression="^([Ss]{0,4})$" ControlToValidate="wtxtTPP" />
<input style="z-index: 102; left: 88px; position: absolute; top: 72px" type="submit" value="Submit" id="Submit1" name="Submit1" runat="server">

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Why RegularExpressionValidator Allows Do Not Enter Any Text

Jan 20, 2010

Why this code allows user do not enter any text? AFAIK + means One or more .


I want user was able to enter only 9 digits. And this field is required. How can I do that?

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ValidationSummary Is Not Displaying With RegularExpressionValidator

Sep 17, 2010

below is the code and when i select a wrong filetype i get instant red "*" but i dont see the validation summary and there is a buton("upload") and when i click on it than i get the validation summary error message.

my question is: why validation summary is not displaying when i select the wrong file type?


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Is There Any Way To Make A RegularExpressionValidator Render Itself

Oct 14, 2010

Is there any way to make a RegularExpressionValidator render itself using display:block, instead of display:inline in its style attribute, when setting the Display property to "Display='Dynamic'"?

I have tried setting it in the stylesheet but this gets overwritten when it is rendered on the page.

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Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator Always Fires?

Feb 15, 2010

I am using a RegularExpressionValidator in my code as follows:

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="rev1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtTAM5" ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid value." SetFocusOnError="True"
Display="Dynamic" ValidationGroup="vg1"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

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Web Forms :: How To Set Query For RegularExpressionValidator

Sep 21, 2010

I have a query on RegularExpressionValidator. Although this question already asked in various time, I just want to confirm that if I want to validate "only alphanumeric or(and) double quote, single quote, exclamation, semicolon, colon, ampersand, dot, comma, hyphen, question mark, front slash, parentheses, space of 5-40 character length" then will the regular expression be this :


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How To Make Visible RegularExpressionValidator

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to raise error by myself and use reqularexpressionvalidator to show it's text. (My idea is to reuse this control.) I don't remember what property should I use, and what to assign to show the message from control. How to raise error for this control from code?

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Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator Works In IE8 But Not In IE6?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a ValidationExpression that works fine in IE8 and Firefox but client uses IE6 and it doesn't seem to work for them. The issue concerns special characters in a password text box, the clients wants to be able to INCLUDE special characters but IE6 doesn't seem to pick them.

Basically we want to be able to include any letter (upper and lower case) , any number and any special character. This is what I've got so far...


Like I said,


works ok on IE8 but IE6 doesn't seem to pick up special chars so thinks it's only 7 characters long..

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