C# - After Calling A Stored Procedure By Entity Framework, Tables Update In Database, But Entities Remain Same
Mar 15, 2011
I created two stored procedures in SQL Server Management Studio.
First procedure add field in ProjcetsToUsers table (for many-to-many associations)
I can delete the user from the project and then add another, and the new one is added but removed the remains.
As for data base both this function work correctly.
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Similar Messages:
Feb 10, 2011
I am mapping a stored procedure to an entity by right clicking on the entity (in the .edmx) and selecting "Stored Procedure Mapping." This brings you to a Mapping Details - "Name of Entity" Window that allows you to select the insert, update, and delete stored procedures associated with the Entity. It also maps the stored procedure parameter to the Entity "Property" (Column).
I'm gettin an error "error 2042: Parameter Mapping specified is not valid." The cause of the error is fairly obvious, in the Insert stored procedure that has been selected, a 'CHAR' parameter is being mapped to an Int32 Entity Property. I altered the stored procedure parameter to match the entity, I deleted the stored procedure, readded, and reslected it as the Insert function. I also cleaned, validated, updated model from database. No matter what I do, the parameter list in the mapping details doesn't reflect the change to the stored procedure. It's stuck on a char --> int32 mapping, even though it has been changed, like it's buried deep in meta data some where.
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Dec 10, 2010
i want to know how to call stored procedure in entity framework. how to do code with controller class and with model.
i mean if i want to call insert,update,select,delete stored procedure for entity framework then what are stps i have to follow.
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Nov 2, 2010
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a aspx page that only has a button and a button click event.
My code behind looks like this
This code works fine if I have no insert stored procedure mapped to Table UBOtest in the EntityDataModel.However, when I map the stored procedure to the EntityDataModel and add UBOtestinsert I get an error that reads "An error occured while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.">/P>
Then the innerException message is "Invalid object name 'UBOtest'
Here is the stored procedure [Code]....
I will enclose to screen snapshots...the first my mapping screen. the second is when I right click stored procedures in the Model Browser and right click stored procedure UBOtestinsert. -- it does not show any columns....should it?
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Jun 26, 2012
How can i make and call function using this stored procedure?
alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[select_value]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@Keyword varchar(1000) output,
@ResultHead varchar(1000) output,
@Year int
[Code] ....
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Mar 22, 2010
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LOOK BELOW PİC : you can understand it :
MY C# codes: [Code]....
How can i get all joined data from sql with using randevu.GetRandevular(customerID
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Jul 7, 2010
I have a stored procedure that generates a float value. I've added the stored procedure to my edmx file and created a function import, but the function isn't showing up in the object browser or via intellisense.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I've verified that the stored procedure works in SSMS. Here is the current stored proc I'm using:
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a stored procedure that search a view using full text.
I'm trying to map the results to an existing Entity (Sales), where I mapped the column MivType to SaleType (as it makes more sense, and I want to keep db names away from my web site). The stored procedure is mapped to a Function Import, and I've defined its ReturnType to Sales.
This work well as long as the entity has the same property names as fields names.
Here's my problem: when I change the property's name, I get the following error after running the imported function:
The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'Model.Sale'. A member of the type, 'SaleType', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.
I can fix this if I change the property 'SaleType' to 'MivType' on the entity, but why should I do that? Isn't that what the mapping is for?
This means I have to use the exact same names on the stored procedure and the entity, so in effect, the mapping is ignored (I have names like YzrName, MivYaad, etc, and I don't like it).
Is there a simple way around this? I don't want to use the db names on my application, and prefer not to change the stored procedure...
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Jun 25, 2012
I have one stored procedure, now i want to call it in my entity framework page. How can i do it.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[select_bool]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT 1,NEWID() as mynew
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Jan 6, 2011
I have a stored procedure that receives 2 parameters and returns 3 columns.
Here is how I added the SP:
1. Added SP to entity model (.edmx) via update model from DB.
2. Did a Function Import -- selected my SP, clicked "Get Column Information" and then created a new complex type (myStoredProcedureName_Result) which I assigned.
3. My LINQ is the following:
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Nov 30, 2010
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Jun 28, 2012
I wrote a defining query
<EntitySet Name="EntityFramework" EntityType="SEOAnalysisModel.Store.EntityFramework">
SELECT Keyword, ResultHead ,Year from SeoAnalysis where Year = 2005
And this column value is repetative.
Now how can i get all column value?
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Sep 16, 2012
I have a stored procedure in SQl and i am calling through Entity framework through import functions. Stored procedure is returns columns from 2 different tables.. now what should be return type at Entity framwork end ?
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Sep 27, 2010
Im using Entity framework with POCO entity generator template + SQL Server. I have mapping to stored procedure that takes two floats as input.
After executing function from code with two doubles as parameters: 1.23 and 4.56, SQL Profiler shows:
exec storedProcedureName @arg1 = 1,23, @arg2= 4,56
This is causing an error because it looks like that stored procedure takes 4 arguments, but it should take only two and there should be dots insted of commas in these floats.
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Oct 12, 2010
I want to update two tables using stored procedures but my data not updating to data base
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace INV_DN
public partial class Form1 : Form
SqlConnection con;
SqlDataAdapter da1;
SqlCommand cmd;
// SqlCommandBuilder cb;
DataSet ds;
public Form1()
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Jul 28, 2010
I am working with VS 2010, Entity framework, SQl-Server 2005, ASP.Net web forms. Currently, I am working on the Data access layer library which soon will be a web service, using Entity Framework collaboration with different design patterns like repository pattern and some best practices that posts in different blogs. I am also test each repository using the Unit testing project. Thumbs up! Working fine.
The thing I am worried about is, how much is good for retrieving data from a table that can contain 80-100k records ?
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Jan 25, 2011
I want to update database using entity framework by passing class object in one go with setting without setting object values again.
I have added data using following code
here obj is class object which i have passed to the AddTotblTables() method
similary i want to update table in same manner by passing class object.
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Feb 8, 2011
I use the ObjectDataSource in an ASP.NET Application.
Using the ASPxGridView. When Updating it goes back to the Data Access Layer and tries to update the Entity, now as I can see while having some properites (Columns, Visible = false) when the entity arrives in the update method the visible = false columns have no values.
I don't want to show all the columns...what if I need 3 of the 30 columns? So I thought I would get the original entity from the context and merge the differences from the updated entity.
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a Consumer class and a BillableConsumer : Consumer class. When trying to do any operation on my "Consumers" set, I get the error message "Object mapping could not be found for Type with identity Models.BillableConsumer.
From the CSDL:
Is this because I did not specifically add the BillableConsumer entity to the object set? How do I do that in a POCO scenario?
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Oct 19, 2010
Due to the way the database was designed, in my model I have a User entity. The Contact entity inherits from the user entity, and the Profile entity inherits from the Contact entity.
How can I get a list of Profiles, and, how do I create a Profile?
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Aug 13, 2010
let us assume that I have a reusable business layer that further makes use of a data access layer that was implemented using Entity Framework 4.0. The entities returned/consumed by the business layer are self-tracking, allowing us all the goodies that come with those type of entities. I would like to be able to store the entities I work with across post backs (on order to avoid re-querying every time). Basically let us assume I have a paged GridView with 10 items in it, and something like a DetailsView to edit those items. Every time you select a new row on the grid, the details view updates with the information of the selected row. My preference would be to only query for the entities on the initial request of the page and store it in session. Then subsequently I have a list of entities that I can work with and eventually modify and send back to the business layer with all of the changes.
I really want to use session instead of view state to reduce the page payload (self tracking entities are heavy) however I really like view state for this because of the fact that when the user navigates away from the page there is no residual effect. Some of the things that worry me are: When a user navigates away from the page to another page, the entities from the previous page are still in session. I could always do something on load of a page to do housekeeping type of work. Not sure if that's good practice. I am worried about people opening browser tabs and having two views into the same page, it seems like that might pose a problem. Is this even a good approach? Seems like I am trying to have the best of all worlds, it would definitely be much easier to simply re-query on every post back for the entities and pay the 50-100ms hit of the database trip.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a model that consists of Order, OrderLine, Product.
I want to create an Order and add OrderLines (each OrderLine related to a Product). I create the Order and add new OrderLines to it. Between posts I store the Order entity in Session (or ViewState). Just so you know I have added suppport for binary serialisation which works fine.
The relationship is therefore Order > OrderLine(s) > Product(s).
You might have already guessed what the problem is - that when I SaveChanges() I get the usual 'AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager.' error.
I have referred to a number of articles online but none seem to handle this case (where I have the relationship across more than two entities) e.g. [URL].
This must be a very common requirement surely? Is there anyone out there doing the same kind of thing with Entity Framework (and without using DTOs etc)?
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm working on a new project where I have the luxury of working from a Model to Database approach using Entity Framework 4.
The project I'm working on is taking an agile approach where different phases will be rolled out over time.
Will the Model First approach work in my case? I noticed when you "Generate Database from Model" it recreates the entire schema from scratch which will obviously wipe all the data that is in the db. I was hoping for a more "Update Database from Model" approach where the db would just be altered to reflect the changes rather than recreated
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