C# - Button Event Handlers Do Not Fire On The First Click But On The Second Click After A PostBack

May 4, 2010

Background: I am customizing an existing ASP .NET / C# application. It has it's own little "framework" and conventions for developers to follow when extending/customizing its functionality. I am currently extending some of it's administrative functionality, to which the framework provides a contract to enforce implementation of the GetAdministrationInterface() method, which returns System.Web.UI.Control. This method is called during the Page_Load() method of the page hosting the GUI interface.

Problem: I have three buttons in my GUI, each of which have been assigned an Event Handler. My administration GUI loads up perfectly fine, but clicking any of the buttons doesn't do what I expect them to do. However, when I click them a second time, the buttons work.

I placed breakpoints at the beginning of each event handler method and stepped through my code. On the first click, none of the event handlers were triggered. On the second click, they fired.

Example of Button Definition (within GetAdministrationInterface)


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Here is some code.


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code behind


Click handler


Here is my aspx page code.


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WithEvents btnAddToCart as Button

Private Sub BuildCart()

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My code


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The buttons:



And a placeholder to add dynamically created controls:


I am saving the Items in ViewState and dynamically creating a LinkButton control for each Item which allows the user to edit the item:



Now, when I test this in Visual Studio 2010, it works fine;

1. Enter Item title and description in form

2. Click Save

3. Save button triggers postback and onClick event code is run

4. ViewState list is displayed below the form

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