C# - Exporting Dataset To Excel File With Multiple Sheets?
Apr 2, 2010
In C# ASP.NET 3.5 web application, I need to export multiple datatables (or a dataset) to an Excel 2007 file with multiple sheets, and then provide the user with 'Open/Save' dialog box, WITHOUT saving the Excel file on the web server.
I have used Excel Interop before. I have been reading that it's not efficient and is not the best approach to achieve this and there are more ways to do it, 2 of them being: 1) Converting data in datatables to an XML string that Excel understands 2) Using OPEN XML SDK 2.0.
It looks like OPEN XML SDK 2.0 is better, please let me know. Are there any other ways to do it? I don't want to use any third-party tools.
If I use OPEN XML SDK, it creates an excel file, right? I don't want to save it on the (Windows 2003) server hard drive (I don't want to use Server.MapPath, these Excel files are dynamically created, and they are not required on the server, once client gets them). I directly want to prompt the user to open/save it. I know how to do it when the 'XML string' approach is used.
I was in need of exporting multiple tables in a DataSet to an Excel file with multiple sheets. I found a very good article in [URL].[URL] was able to successfully export each of my datatables in the dataset to excel worksheets. This solution worked for small number of rows. But when the data got larger I am consistently getting the system.outofmemoryexception. THis is because the code is using up the memory when creating excel.
is there any way that i could export multiple tables already formatted into multiple excel sheets. I know how to export data to multiple sheets through dataset while looping through tables, rows and columns and then add styles.
But I really want to export formatted html tables each into seperate sheet
I'm having two grid view and one button on aspx page , on click of export to excel button i want to transfer these grid view data to excel sheet.. My requirement is to trasnfer to same excel file with two sheets(One sheet for one grid view).
I used this coding for export to excel, by using this coding i got only 65,536 rows only. How to bind more than 65,536 records or how to move theĀ balace records to sheet 2 by using this method.
Protected Sub btnExportExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim ars_stock As New DataTable ars_stock = cls.FillDataTable("select top 70000 * from spal..po_acc_details") Response.Clear() Response.Buffer = True
I create reports sometimes with a gridview and export the data to excel. Lets say I have like multiple gridviews and I wanted to export each gridview to excel under its own spreadsheet.
So gridview1, gridview2, gridview3 are exported to excel under $heet1, $heet2, $heet3.
I know how to export multiple gridviews to 1 excel sheet but I don't know how to export them separately under their own spreadsheet.
I've been researching online, and i'm continously searching, but does anyone know how to do what i'm trying to do with the gridview and excel or is this not possible?
i have a page having 12 gridviews which cell background color depend on another cell value.now the requirement of my project is download to these 12 gridviews in single excel file in multiple sheets like gridview 1 in sheet1 gridview2 in sheet2 likewise,,,,,,,,,,,i have seen your article on downloading multiple gridviews on same page but i want in above mention format........
I have a lot of excel sheets which columns are slightly different, i want to import all of these sheets (one at a time) into ONE SQL TABLE. I'll give an example : Say ive written the required program and called it Excel2sql converter. So Excel2sql takes an excel sheet and create a database table with the data of that excel sheet, For example say i have the following excel sheet:
Excel_Sheet_1 ----------------------------- FirstName MiddleName LastName John A. Smith
when i run Excel2sql (Excel_Sheet_1), a database table should be CREATED for me with the following data in it:
FirstName MiddleName LastName John A. Smith
Now, when i run my program again with the following excel sheet:...................
trying to export a dataset to excel directly. I'm repeating, it's a dataset to excel (NOT DATA GRID OR GRID VIEW TO EXCEL). The problem I face is formatting. I'm exporting the excel which has aroung 13 columns.
A column should be in dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00 format. Time will always be 00:00:00. It is exporting in correct format only, but for example when the date is Jan 05, 2010, when it comes from database it shows correct format as05/01/2010 00:00:00. When it binds, it binds as 5/1/2010 00:00 which is not suppose to happen.
I am usig ADO.NET to fetch a Dataset and then exporting the data to excel using Response.Write with response type set as excel. However when I run the application I am getting the following error in the browser."Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click theRefresh button, or try again later."Anybody has any idea on why do we get this error and any pointers to resolve this error? By the way the same code does works on another machine, it's just not working on few machines.
anybody working on data exporting? I've 4 tables in my sql server database. I want to export these 4 tables data into one excel file in different sheets with column names.
Now the same code when I copy it in my project having masterpage . there is no compiler error but it is genereating excel file withno data in it but in fact there is data in the grid view at runtime.
I have multiple gridviews to be exported to excel. 1 gridview per worksheet.
How to do that ? ( or in general how to write an html string to a worksheet )
This is to be done in asp.net , server side.
I can create multiple worksheets via epplus.codeplex.com nicely, but it works on cell level. I could export DataTable, but how to export Gridview's HTML ?
I want to insert data in sql server from sheet within excelsheet ,there are three sheets in the file which i want to upload in three different tables,currently i am doing by selecting an individual sheet and the table to upload thus doing it three times for three sheets can i do it in one go,like passing all the sheets to a function or something like that or how can i do it in a better way and also i cannot directly upload sheet into table as i have to map one column of excel to different table of database to get its value like i need statecode but statename is provided in the sheet so i map statecode to statename in a staging table and then i upload the data...
I have created an Excel 2007 spreadsheet using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet. This file is supposed to be used as an attachment to an email message. However, I get errors when opening it stating that this file cannot be opened by using Microsoft Excel. "Do you want to search... online..?" I want to save this file in Excel 2003 format so I won't get that message. What do I do? I don't want users having trouble reading the attached Excel doc.
how to download excel file containing formula like sum and cell protection from a reportviewer?
I had tried to render the end result from the reportviewer to edit it result before exporting it out but reportviewer is only able to render out as byte format.
I got struck while trying to convert the bytes to a table format where i could add the formula in but to not vaild.