C# - How To Use A JQuery Star Rating Plugin With SQL Server Database
Mar 7, 2011
I want to implement a rating system for my application to rate events.I've been searching and I think this is the list that I need to do to achieve the rating system and I'll also attach what I found about each point.Find a JQuery plugin :
JRating, Opineo, RateItFind a suitable algorithm: I've searched a lot but didn't find a good algorithm till nowDetermine the database structure that I'm going to use
The c# code and the JavaScript code required to implement the plugin and send the poll results to the databaseI think that's it!
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I want to create a 5 star rating in which 5 stars will show. On mouse over, the color of star will change and it will show Bad, Average, Good, Very Good and Excellent. Near stars currently rated and number of raters will show. On mouse over, "currently rated" and "number of raters" will change into "Rate Now!". If you are rating first time then number of raters is increased by 1 and currently rated is calculated by Adding total ratings of raters divided by number of raters. After your rating the result is shown instantly. If you have already rated then in javascript the message will show that you have already rated this article. For checking that you have rated this article, there will be no login page. we can use cookies or other method to check that this user has alraedy rated this article or not. I want to create this 5 Star rating system using jQuery, ASP.Net, C# and SQL Server.How i will create this,
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<asp:DataList ID="dataList1" runat="server" RepeatLayout="Flow" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
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availableTags: ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby", "python", "c", "scala", "groovy", "haskell", "perl"]
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I have used CalenderExtender, TextboxWatermark, Password Strength, etc. But I am not familiar with the rating control. How does it work ?
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Aug 10, 2010
Just to rule it out, I have tried using the AJAX Rating system to no success, so i've decided to develop my own (as useful as AJAX seems to be for some reason I've never got it working on my system). I'm using a Star Rating Widget I attained from [URL] and from there I've taken a demo (so that it is working) and started editing it accordingly to my needs.
What I am setting out to do convert the radio buttons to stars (done via jQuery and working correctly). The user selects their rating then clicks the the Submit Button. The C# in the Submit OnClick Event then accesses the database, using LINQ to SQL, taking the current 'NumberOfVotes' value and adds one to the number, storing in an int object ready to update. The current 'Rating' Value is then updated too, by adding the Value of the Radio button to the current Rate Value then divided by the number of votes (to create the average rating) 'This article has been rated 4.28/5 by 286 Voters.'
However, the value from the selected radio button isnt being passed through to the back end, as debug has shown, and as you will see in the code below. The jQuery does state a callback which i had initially commented out (due to errors being caused). I have since reassigned it as advised, with a small edit in it to call the btnSubmit control and thus its onclick Event. Im not sure on a resolution to this having tried the only advised suggestion fail. The result of which posts back the message which should appear if no value/star was selected ("You have not selected a rating!"). If I can somehow transfer the jQuery to the ASp:RadioList I would do so, as I think this would be better in terms of calling and processing the data. Being new to it, I have no idea. In addition, apologies if my coding appears scrappy or poor
Csharp Code:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RatingSys rate = RatingSys.Get(1);
int RateID = Convert.ToInt32(hdnRateID.Value);
int CurrentRating = rate.Rating.Value;
int RadioValue = 0;
int NewRating = 0;
int NumberOfVotes = 0;
if (!radio1.Checked || !radio2.Checked || !radio3.Checked || !radio4.Checked || !radio5.Checked)
lblMessage.Text = "You have not selected a rating!";
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Mar 19, 2010
I am trying to convert 22 rating control currentrating values to a double instead of int
I am also displaying in a label control so it is converted to String here is what I have
My display label displays
Rating is x stars out of 5.0 stars
I also record the results in a decimal 1.1 form
I did Convert.ToDouble(rate1.CurrentRating) + Convert.ToDouble(rate2.CurrentRating) .....
but I get a 7 digit after 0 return, how do i round that to a single point?
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Oct 11, 2013
I am using AJAX Rating Control.I want half star rating.For Example,If My AVG Rating Count is 3 Then My Stars Wants to be show 3If My AVG Rating Count is 2.5 Then My Stars Wants to be Show 2 1/2 mark i.e., two & half stars.But,it was not showing then also it is showing 3 stars.
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Jun 13, 2010
I want to know what is the best jquery ASP MVC grid plugin out there in market?
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Aug 30, 2010
There is a similar instance of this @ http://forums.asp.net/p/1380776/2919093.aspx#2919093 However I haven't had a response, maybe due to the age of the topic, but the problem is different in the sense I am not using AJAX Rating Control, I am using radio buttons contained in a Div named Ratings, which is picked up by jQuery to style to radio buttons accordingly.The output is that it will put the stars on the first record but anything after just shows origionalunstyled radio buttons.Just thinking off the top of my head, but does anything need to be put in the ItemDataBound event?The jQuery for the stars etc were attained from the link below:http://orkans-tmp.22web.net/star_rating/index.html#demos=&main-menu=0&demo-tabs=3Here is my code:.ASPX:
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Jan 24, 2011
I'm building an easy plugIn for validations, after setting up some options to be editable,
and after cycling all the fields i wrote:
$(this).submit(function () {
where "this" is the main element (the form).Now I was wondering to use this plug-in in asp.net as well, so without using an html form, where there are just some inputs into a div and on click on a specific button it start...So I know that here I have to change the submit... and trying to bind it on click of the button... I don't know how to solve this...
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Mar 29, 2011
am using Autocomplete Jquery from the following URL:[URL]I am making my project in MVC 3.0 (Razor)
In this I am displaying list of names from the database and its running fine.Now I want to show this whole list in the div according to my project requirement.
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