C# - How To Seek A String Variable (an Html Files Source Code)

Oct 2, 2010

How can I seek this sb string variable to get those variables:IMKB's value: 64882,72
how can I get it please show the seek idea

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;


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Web Forms :: Parse HTML Source Code From Variable And Not Website

Aug 16, 2010

I have successfully been able to parse HTML from a website:

TestParser parser = new TestParser [URL]
List<Pairing> pairings = parser.ParsePairings();
DBSave.SavePairings(pairings, userID);

This works. Now I have to submit a form via C# code.... DONE. It works. And my C# code saves the "new" HTML to a string variable called "submitParsedHTML". My question is: how to I change out the URL, to go through the string variable instead? I am thinking about doing this: When the user clicks the button to "Post" to the form and the app grabs the HTML. The app logs into my FTP account and saves the HTML as a seperate (temporary) file to be used on the internet [URL] Then the app can then parse the HTML as if it was a normal HTML document and not have to go through formatting the text to an HTML document. What do you all think?

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Web Forms :: Call A Code Behind Function Form Html Source Code?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to call a function present in code behind from front page (html : source code)

i want to use like this:

Source code

<a href='<%# linkAlpha("B").ToString()) %>' title="B" id="B_List" runat = "server">B</a>

Code Behind

protected string linkAlpha(string value)
// /market-research/<%#Eval("customname")%>/
string str = "";
if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost == "localhost")
{ // /market-reports/<%# Eval("customname")%>/
str = "Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
// Response.Redirect("Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim());
// str = "/market-reports/" + value.ToString().Trim() + "/";
str = "/Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
return str;

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Web Forms :: How To Get Div Inner HTML In A String Variable

May 22, 2010

I want to get div content like text box,label gridview HTML tag into string variable .How to get ?

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How To Get Value Of Html Textarea In String Variable Using C#

Aug 16, 2010

i have a master page and one content page. In content page i have a textarea for get value from user. i don't want to make it asp control using add runat = server. without adding runat server i want to get value of textarea in a string variable which is defined in code behind file of my page using c#

In short i want to get value of Html control in code behind file using c#

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C# - How To Assign HTML Value To String Variable

May 28, 2010

I am using asp.net and C#. I want to send mail to my user in HTML format, I have the content in HTML format let say like this

<table style="width:100%;">
<td style="width:20%; background-color:Blue;"></td>
<td style="width:80%; background-color:Green;"></td>

Now I am unable to assign this to a string variable, so that I could send it as a mail. how can I bind this whole HTML content into a varibale.

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C# - Accessing Source Code Generated From ASPX/ASCX Files?

Mar 3, 2010

You've probably noticed that when you debug an error which comes from an ASPX or ASCX file (literally, not from a corresponding code-behind file), ASP.NET displays an error page showing you the source file and the line on which the error occurs. The source file being displayed is automatically generated from parsing the page/control. The question is: how can I see this source file without purposely causing an exception?

I'd love to hear that there is some programmatic way (the complexity doesn't matter) to generate source files (preferrably, .cs) from a series of ASPX/ASCX files.

Example. Consider the following ASPX page (the code-behind file may even be absent):

<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<%@ Register Assembly="AspxGen" Namespace="AspxGen" TagPrefix="ag" %>
<head><title>Some Title</title></head>


d:DevAspxGenAspxGenDefault.aspx(9,80): error CS0103: The name 'ThereIsNoSuchProperty' does not exist in the current context

This means, theoretically I can open the .CS files passed to the compiler (namely, App_Web_sqj3krv3.0.cs and App_Web_sqj3krv3.1.cs) and see what ASP.NET has generated from my ASPX markup. Trying to rephrase the previous question: how can I obtain this file from an arbitrary ASPX file (assuming that the file is correct and hence no info will be given on where to search)?

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How To Read The First Page HTML Source Code

May 6, 2010

I am having an issue with one of my projects where I get the HTML source code from the page. I usually use the URL string and a Get method to get the source code like below:


The problem is that the page I am working with currently actually does a page redirect using a javascript function on the page like so:


I have been trying to figure out how to read in the the first page's HTML source code, post that HTML source back so it redirects, and then get the second page's HTML source code.

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Retrieving HTML Source Code From A Website?

Jun 3, 2010

Is it possible to retrieve/get the html source code of a certain website and use it in a ASP.NET web application to display them? (without using the copy-paste, of course)

I want my ASP.NET web application to use them as part of a code sample feature I currently working on.

I'm also considering working it on PHP.

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How To Get The Result Of An Action (html) In A String Variable

Dec 13, 2010

is it possible to get the result of an action into a string variable

I need something like this:

public ActionResult Do()
var s = this.Index().GetStringResult();

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Web Forms :: Searching A Specific String In Source Code ?

Jul 23, 2010

how can i search on my web page a specific string in source code ?

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How To Retrieve Html Source Code Using Telnet And JavaScript

Jan 7, 2011

I need to get the source of aspx page that is stored on my company's server, I don't have access to the server (Or any server - so server language not considered), I'm using HTA localy on my PC.I wrote this code: (JavaScript)var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run("telnet -fh:/telnetlog.txt xxx.xxx.xxx.com 80"); //The host address
setTimeout("WshShell.SendKeys('GET /subfolder/page.aspx HTTP/1.0~~')",1000);

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Web Forms :: HTML Source Code In Response Object?

Jan 1, 2011

I am creating a web application that allows a user to download a csv file of a gridview. However, after looking at tutorials online such as http://www.aspsnippets.com/Articles/Export-GridView-To-Word-Excel-PDF-CSV-Formats-in-ASP.Net.aspxand such, I successfully got the table I wanted but there are HTML content appended to the table as well.There was also a similar problem being brought up on the forum,http://forums.asp.net/p/1528174/3692826.aspx. The solutions didn't help me much though. However, I am not really sure how Handlers can benefit this. Furthermore, I don't want the user to be navigated to a blank page just to download the csv file. I tried to debug and insert removal code to remove the html code before the response object is being wrote out but seems even at the end of the writing method, the response object seems to be holding just the table content only.

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Dec 18, 2010

I have a task to send mail for updated values my code is below i cant able to set proper format for that


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Web Forms :: Pass A C# Code Variable To Html?

Mar 22, 2011

i want to pass a Variable defind in C# to html my code is below html

<asp:HyperLink ID="hycatid" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#"../../JobForms/tabid/92/ctl/Details/mid/"&#43; DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"ModuleID") &#43;"/Itemid/"&#43; DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"ItemID") &#43;"/Default.aspx" %> '>

in the place of 92 iwant to pass my variable defind in C#
int tabid=92; here 92 is dynamic can be changed

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Web Forms :: Pass Along Public Variable From C# To HTML Code

Apr 10, 2010

I have a problem to pass along public variables from C# code to the HTML code. I assign the variables in the Page_Load event and then pass along them to the Panel and Image control in the HTML code. Though I get this compileerror for the Width: "Cannot create an object of type "System.Web.UI.EbControls.Unit" from its string representation '<%setWidthImage%>' for the 'Width' property."


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Html - Inject A Code-behind Variable Or Function Evaluation Into The Page Using <%# ?

Jul 23, 2010

Can someone explain to me the rules around what can and cannot be evaluated/inserted into markup using the <%# %> and <%= %> tags in asp.net?When I first discovered I could inject code-behind variables into mark-up using <%= I thought 'great'. Then I discovered that if such tags are present you can then not add to the controls collection of the page (that's a whole different question!). But <%# tags are ok.

Is there a way I can inject a code-behind variable or function evaluation into the page using <%# ?

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Files With Both HTML And C# Code In MVC

Feb 11, 2011

I've decided to try out ASP.NET MVC, having almost no prior experience in any kind of web development. I've created a MVC 2.0 project in Visual Studio and I see there are a couple of different .aspx pages included. They seem to mix both code and HTML:

<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true, "Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again.") %>
<legend>Account Information</legend>
<div class="editor-label">
<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName) %>

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MVC Html Page Authentication Without Moving All The Code To Asp Files And Adding A Controller?

Jul 30, 2010

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Nov 1, 2010

how to make my source code to display on one line instead of multiple in source view. The display drives me batty when I'm trying to find something and I would prefer to display across the page instead of multiple lines down the page.

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Open Source Lead Management System With Source Code?

Sep 6, 2010

asp.net open source Lead management system with source code.

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MVC :: Integrate Html.CheckBoxFor And Html.LabelFor - Variable For Model?

May 20, 2010

Can I integrate Html.CheckBoxFor and Html.LabelFor to create the following:


What type of variable should I pass in the model to hold the choises?

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DataSource Controls :: Clustered Index Seek Cost 100%?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a user defined function GetAddress which takes address id (int) as a parameter and returns a address which may contain some 200 to 300 characters...In the execution plan for that function it is displaying cluster index seek cost as 100%...I have clustered index for address id in the address table..is that costing the resources more...How to decrease the cost of the function or a query...!!

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Gdata Api - Seek Library To Integrate Google Services?

Jan 28, 2011

Sometime earlier this week i saw a reference to a commercial library (think was priced at 299) that wrapped up all the various GoogleDocs family of services - have lost the link. I've searched codeplex and VS's Library Manager without joy.I'm aware of Google's sdk but would prefer working with a higher abstraction - though a verbose kickstarter project that integrates gData to an asp.net datatier would be nice.

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Can Server .html Files Using Razor As If They Were .cshtml Files Without Changing The Extension Of All My Pages

Feb 24, 2011

I manage a large asp.net site which has previously been converted from static html site to asp.net. For several reasons (mainly SEO) we decided not to rename all the files to .aspx back when we originally converted the site. This was very easy to do by simply adding the buildProvider and httpHandler to the web.config.

<add extension=".html" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider"/>
<add path="*.html" verb="*" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/>

Now I am upgrading the site to use Asp.net WebPages with Razor cshtml files. I can rename all the files if necessary, and use url rewriting to make the urls stay the same, however it would be much easier if I could just configure the web.config to tell it to parse .html files as if they were .cshtml. I have searched around quite a bit, and could not find anything equivalent to the PageHandlerFactory for razor pages. It appears as though it is just an internal mechanism in the .net 4.0 ISAPI handler.

The site is currently running on Windows 2003 server and IIS 6. We will be upgrading to 2008/IIS 7.5 in the near future, but I'd prefer not to wait for that. Is there any way to get the .html files to be parsed by razor as if they were .cshtml files?

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