C# - Replace Defaut Authentification Module?

Jul 19, 2010

Suppose I've written my own authentication module implementing IHttpModule. It is not really done but there are good resources so I can figure it out.

There are also tutorials on how to add custom created module to Web.config. But how can I replace some default module ? That is how do I remove default authentication module from execution path ?

Can I just remove following lines from Web.config?

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880"/>

If I remove them will the default authentication module still work ? Of cause there is no real need to remove that module even if I don't use it... But it'll save some processor time and I'll feel better.

That was easy, not the hard part: can I replace HttpContext implementation? I have my own session class called Session and I don't want that HttpSessionState to be in HttpContext. I'd also like to replace User property of HttpContext. So I guess I need to create my own implementation of HttpContext and force my aplication to use it somehow. How do I do it ?

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Inherits="Template1.RegistrationSummary" %>


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Public Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
test = DropDownList1.SelectedValue
End Sub

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Test= DropDownList1.SelectedValue

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Jan 26, 2010

I use IIS 7 URL Rewrite Module and it works fine.

But My javascript code doesn't work anymore on the page (details.aspx) where i use URL Rewrite Module.

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<a href="#" target="popup" onclick="wopen('note.aspx?ID=<%#CType(FormView1.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("NoteID")%>&S=<%#CType(FormView1.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("IsS")%>','popup',480,480); return false;">
Write a note</a>

If i disable the rule in IIS, this link works as expected.

The Rewrite rule doesn't include the note.aspx page.

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C# - How Does The URL Rewrite Module Work

Sep 21, 2010

I'm probably going to use the URL rewrite module for IIS 7 eventually and I have a fairly straight forward question that I really can't find the answer to.

If you have a base case of:

You can obviously have it rewritten to:
http://yoururl.com/page/7 or whatever you want.

My question is this: When using this module can you still use Request.Querystring["page"] on the rewritten querystring. How does the Request.URL stuff work. Does asp.net still provide the un-rewritten url or does it provide the rewritten one.

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Jan 3, 2011

During the design of a new generic authentication framework for some of our products, I have come across an architectural issue I cannot seem to find a good solution for.I have tried to simplify the problem in order to easily explain it.

The library has two classes:

Manager Is responsible for storing currently authenticated users.Module It is the responsibility for the module to validate each request according to security policies. The Module must ask the manager to determine whether a user is currently authenticated.

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namespace Demo
public interface IRepository

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Feb 8, 2010

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The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?

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String Functions In IIS Url Rewrite Module

Jun 11, 2010

The IIS URL Rewrite Module ships with 3 built-in functions:

* ToLower - returns the input string converted to lower case.
* UrlEncode - returns the input string converted to URL-encoded format. This function can be used if the substitution URL in rewrite rule contains special characters (for example non-ASCII or URI-unsafe characters).
* UrlDecode - decodes the URL-encoded input string. This function can be used to decode a condition input before matching it against a pattern.

The functions can be invoked by using the following syntax:

The question is: can this list be extended by introducing a Replace function that's available for changing values within a rewrite rule action or condition?

Another way to frame the question: is there any way to do a global replace on a URL coming in using this module?

It seems that you're limited to using regular expressions and back-references to construct strings - i.e. there's no search/replace mechanism to replace every instance of X with Y in {REQUEST_URI}, without knowing how many instances there are.

I've had a quick glance at the extensibility introduced in the 2.0 RTW and don't see any 'light' means of introducing this.

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Iis7 Url Rewrite Module With Html?

Feb 19, 2010

Is it possible to use iis7 url rewrite module for html pages?

Like this:

http://www.site.com/index.html?x=newfolder =>

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Module Based On Open Meeting

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