C# - Using Web Service In Class Library Which Is Referenced In The Website Project Of Same Solution?

Nov 18, 2010

How to access proxy class of a web service which has been referenced in the website project of a solution within a class library project in the same solution?

I mean no web-service reference/setting is added to the class library and instead it needs to be picked from the web project.

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Visual Studio :: Trying To Add A Class Library To A Solution In Vs2008 But Solution Icon Disappears?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm trying to create a .NET solution and add class libraries to it. First - in VS2008 I go to File > New > Project > Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solutions > Blank Solution. Then - after VS2008 creates the blank solution I right click on the solution and select Add > New Project > Visual C# > Class Library. However, when I add the Class Library to the solution, the solution icon disappears from Solution Explorer (although the solution name is still in the VS2008 title bar). Why does the solution icon disappear
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Folder / Contents Of Class Library Appearing In Website Project Of Web Application

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Folder / Contents Of Class Library Appearing In Website Project Of Web Application?

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How To Access Resources File From A Referenced Library Project

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I have an ASP.Net website, "MyApp", which contains the following resources files:


The website references a library project, "MyLib" from which I want to access those resources files. Here is the code I'm attempting:

var rm = new ResourceManager("MyApp", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
subject = rm.GetString("HelloMessage"); //always string.empty

The problem is that the executing assembly is always "MyLib" instead of "MyApp". Is it possible to access the resource files embedded in the website project from a library project?

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C# - Automatically Copy Embedded Resources From Class Library That Is Referenced By Another?

Mar 26, 2010

Web Application Project Has project reference to Class Library 1 in same Visual Studio 2008 solution Class Library 1 Has project reference to Class Library 2 in same solution Class Library 2 Has a file marked as Build Action: Embedded Resource and Copy to Output Directory: Copy Always

When I build my Web Application Project, the embedded resource in Class Library 2 is NOT copied to the bin directory of the Web Application Project as it should. If I add a project reference directly from my Web Application Project to Class Library 2, the file IS copied to the bin directory. How can I get the embedded resource file to copy without having to add the unnecessary reference?

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C# - How To Load A Class Contained In A Website From A DLL Referenced By That Website

Apr 2, 2010

so this is alittle bit obscure and I'm not sure its the best way of doing what I'm trying to do but here goes.

Basically I have a Presentation Layer Dll in my web site which handles the Model View Presenter classes. The presentation layer also handles login for my website and then calls off to a web service. Currently whenever the presentation layer calls to a model it verifies the users details and if they are invalid it calls to a loginHandler which redirects the user to the login page. However I cannot dynamically load a new istance of the Login Page in my website from within my Presentation layer.

I've tried to use reflection to dynamically load the class but Since the method call is in the presentation assembly it is only looking within that assembly while the page I want to load is in the website.

heres the reflection code that loads the View:

public ILoginView LoadView()
string viewName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginView"].ToString();
Type type = Type.GetType(viewName, true);
object newInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return newInstance as ILoginView;

how to search within the website assembly? Ideal I don't want to tie this implementation into the website specifically as the presentation layer is also used in a WPF application.

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WCF / ASMX :: Can Access Referenced Web Service From Web Form Code Behind But Not From A Class In The Same Web

Jun 16, 2010

Web service is referenced fine (called "tuWs") and I can refer to it in standard web form code behind:

Dim myWs As tuWebSvc.tuWs = New tuWebSvc.tuWs

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Is Url Of Web Service Fixed, When Reference For Web Service Is Implemented In Class Library

Feb 9, 2011

<Application architecture>I'm developing ASP.NET Web Application by Visual Studio 2008.(.Net Framework Version = 2.0)I put followin two projetcs in the solution.a. Class library which implements all the buisiness logic for application.
(I'll call it "ClassLib" in the followin sentence)b. ASP.NET Web applicatoin which presents UI.(I'll call it "WebApp")ClassLib uses Web Service which located on other server. So, I set web reference in it. Method for url settings for this web reference is "Dynamic".

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How To Use Web Class Library From A Windows Project

Feb 19, 2011

I have a Web project in which I defined some methods to parse some webpages. I then save the retrieved data in a DB. Now I have run a lengthy operation(it may take 2 days) in which I continously parse webpage this way.

Can I use the webproject from a Windows project. If I try to add a refference to it it doesn't work. How should I do it? I have used until now an asp.net application, and done the calls to the parsing methods in the pageLoad event but after an hour or so the process stops.

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C# - Project Is Not Recognising One Of The Folders In Class Library?

May 27, 2010

I am developing a project using Visual Studio 2008 in C#, I have added the class library within the project and set up the relevant references and used the relevant using statements.

this is the error message:

Error 28 The type or namespace name
'Domain' does not exist in the
namespace 'Forestry.SchoolLibrary'
(are you missing an assembly
reference?) C:ProjectsSchoolofForestry runkSourceSchoolAccountPresenterEditAccountPresenter.cs 26 40 School

these are my using statements:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Forestry.SchoolLibrary.Core.Domain;
using Forestry.SchoolLibrary.Properties;

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C# - How To Add A Reference To A Web Application Project In An Associated Class Library

May 13, 2010

I'm working on an internet application that has been set up as a web SITE project (I know...) in Visual Studio. I need to add additional features/functionality so have added a class library to the project and referred to it in the main web site project.

The issue now arises because I need to make use of core objects which live inside the App_Code directory in the web site project but this project doesn't appear to expose its DLL like web app/ code library projects do. Because of this I can't add a reference to the web site project in the class library to leverage the common site-wide code/objects.

I can't move the stuff out of App_Code so I'm looking for a way to refer to the website project dll from the new class library.

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Asp.net - Moving Functionality To A Class Library Project ?

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I wanted to move those files to that separate library as well, but not sure how to approach it, and how to access those files within the class library.

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WCF / ASMX :: Use Webservice In Class Library Project?

Oct 3, 2010

I've created class library project and added service reference to webservice. When i try to use webservice object am not able to access webservice methods.

myservice proxy=new myservice();
proxy.( no methods are coming)?

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C# - Make New Project And Website Into Only One Solution?

Apr 24, 2010

How to make new project and website into only one solution?

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C# - WCF Service Library Project Can't Find Reference To Other

Feb 20, 2011

I have two projects in my solution: MyApp.Domain and MyApp.WebService. MyApp.WebService is a WCF service library. I want to use some utility functions from MyApp.Domain. So in MyApp.WebService, I added a reference to MyApp.Domain. Intellisense picked it up just fine, it recognized the function I need to call. But when I build the solution, I get this error:

The type or namespace name 'Domain' does not exist in the namespace 'MyApp' (are you missing an assembly reference?) at using MyApp.Domain.Utility;

What's going wrong here?

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VS 2008 Adding Css File To Class Library Project?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a custom gridview control which is a class library project.I want to be able to specify the css class for the gridview which I can do.But I also want to set a default css stylesheet to the gridview. So if I don't override it using the cssclass property it must get it's cssclass from the default stylesheet I have in my project.

How can I specify the default stylesheet. I have a stylesheet in a folder called "Styles" in my project.

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Configuration :: Accessing C# Windows Class Library Project DLL?

Jun 8, 2010

I have one C# windows class library type project which has a web reference whose settings are automatically added in to settings.settings file( Webservice name, type, scope, value).

I also have one separate ASP.net project which has let us as suppose, one page with a button. When I click this button, it calls a method of referred DLL of previous project and control goes there.

When in that project, when control goes in to location where I use this web reference, it tries to get the URL of web reference from settings file and raises an exception - 'The current configuration system does not support user-scoped settings'.

So, What is the way for me to call a c# project having web service in a asp.net project ? This is really a source stopper for our development.

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How To Make The Setting Works For Class Library Project In C# 2.0

Jan 29, 2010

I am putting the setting under the property of one of my C# Class Library project for app setting:


In the development, it works nicely. Until I deported to production, I realise that the component that use those thing .. it just hang. I found that under BIN when it compiled dewaCorp.EUC.TelcoDB.Data.dll.config and open up that file and turn out nothing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

How to make this works? I thought by compiling it, it turned to some sort config file or something. But it didn't.

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How To Access Session Object Outside The Web Project (class Library)

Oct 29, 2010

I am implementing a custom membership and role providers where I need to store all the role/membership information in the user's session.

I am implementing these custom providers inside a class library project (different from the website project) and need to access the session in them. The idea is to store the role/membership related information in the session after retrieving them for the first time from the database.

When I try to access the Session using System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session

I get this as a null object (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Why is the session turning out to be null?

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Unable To Add Reference To System.Web In A Class Library Project

Mar 18, 2011

Does anyone know what could be the reason I am not able to add reference to System.Web. It gives an exclamation(!) symbol in front of the dll under reference folder in VS 1020. I wand to refer to System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider class.

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Architecture :: Creating Each Class Library Project For Interface?

Jan 11, 2010

weather to create each class libaray project for Interface, Service, Model, DTO, Repository ?

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Auto Compile Sub Project Of A Website Solution?

Feb 25, 2010

Is to possible to make a configuration entry (web.config). That automatically compiles a referenced project(for example a class library) when the site runs? This would be easier for me to maintain on my hosting server. Otherwise i have to always recompile the files and upload them again for every small change.

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C# - Consume Web Service In App From A Class Library?

Feb 16, 2011

My team and I have a asp.net web forms application and are using several class libraries. In one of those libraries, we are trying to consume a web service. The web reference was added in the web app project and the appropriate references have been added. The app compiles. When attempting to consume said web service in the class library, the credentials don't seem to work, and the call fails. However, if we take the web service call out of the class library, and consume it within the web app, it works.

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Visual Studio :: One Project In Solution Opens As Website Not Web App?

Feb 24, 2010

this seems to be a problem only on my new PC, not my prior PC or my coworkers PCs. But, as far as I know, I have installed VS2005 the same way, including the VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe and WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi additions.

I have a VS2005 Solution called 'Intranet' made up of several web projects. One of those web projects is also called 'Intranet'. All of the projects should load as Web Application Projects, which they did on my prior PC.

Now, the 'Intranet' project seems to be opening as a Web Site project. The name of the project in the solution now shows as "C:...Intranet" instead of just "Intranet" and is not recognized as being part of the SourceSafe project(no lock icon shows). If I right-click this project, "Build Web Site" is one option.

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