C# - Automatically Update A User Control Without Updating The Whole Webpage?
Mar 1, 2011How can i automatically update a user control after a specific time without updating the whole aspx page.
View 3 RepliesHow can i automatically update a user control after a specific time without updating the whole aspx page.
View 3 RepliesIn my ASP.Net application I have several pages that provide a list of items from the database. Currently we are using an UpdatePanel to refresh the whole list on a certain interval so that changes from other users will be propagated the screen. Obviously this isn't very efficient and we don't think it will scale well.What are some other methods for accomplishing this. Is there a specific pattern for addressing this issue?
View 1 RepliesI have an Asp.net page which requires certain sections to be partially updated automatically at an interval of 5 seconds. I was planning to use the good old Timer control with the AJAX Update Panel for this purpose, but after a bit of reading on this control i found out that it may have some problems especially if,
1) The time difference between the async event performed ( 4 seconds ) by the update panel and the Timer's tick interval ( which is 5 seconds ) are quite small, the update panel will be held up in the async operation all the time.
2) Also, the fact that timer control doesn't work very well with Firefox.
I just wanted to get your opinion as to whether if i should go ahead with the timer and update panel approach, write some custom javascript that does the partial page update or some other strategy altogether.
I found some code on the web and it threw me off. Look at the code below. You will notice only when the Hits == 1, does the cache get added. After that, the cache object isn't updated. It begs the question, does the object when updated, update the cache as well automatically? The answer here would make me remove some code in some of my classes.
public static bool IsValid( ActionTypeEnum actionType )
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
if( context.Request.Browser.Crawler ) return false;
string key = actionType.ToString() + context.Request.UserHostAddress;
var hit = (HitInfo)(context.Cache[key] ?? new HitInfo());
if( hit.Hits > (int)actionType ) return false;
else hit.Hits ++;
if( hit.Hits == 1 )
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(DURATION),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
return true;
I would only guess that I would need to add the lines after the if statement:
if( hit.Hits == 1 )
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
else if (hit.Hits > 1)
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
Found the code at the bottom of the page here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/10ASPNetPerformance.aspx?msg=2809164
I am hosting a Windows User Control in my web page using <object> tag. Everything works fine when the control is outside the updatepanel and is independent of other web controls but when I move the control inside the update panel, it doen't load the user control properly.
<object id="myBrowser" classid="http:MyBrowser.dll#MyBrowser.UserControl1" height="20" width="400" VIEWASTEXT></object>
why it doesn't render the control properly and what can I do to fix it?
I tried moving the user control outside the update panel but since this user control is shown/hidden dynamically and is rendered based on other web controls which are inside an Update Panel, the user control is not shown at all.
i have created an user control with a text box and a list control inside ajax update panel to create a control like the google search text box which floods the values as the user types in.
its working fine too...now whats my problem is that when i am trying to use two user controls that i created in the same page. when i am running the page am able to use only the second user control. when i start typing in the first control the focus control is getting passed to the second one automatically and i am not able to type in anything in the first control.
what can be the reason? am using only one script manager for both. the update panel is inside the usercontrol.
how to revoke user'rights to update data form aspx.vb at 7pm for examples , if it could not please help me how to make one button from webpage to revoke user'rights to update ,insert by hand
View 1 RepliesI have a label on my master page (called mainMenu) that shows the number of items in a cart. The label wasn't getting updated when the cart was cleared until after an additional postback or redirect so I created a method on the master page called UpdateNumberOfItemsInCart to update the label text.
Using the MasterType directive on the Cart page allowing me to strongly type the master page, I can access the update method from the Cart page. There is a user control also named Cart that actually contains the 'clear cart' button so I setup an event on the user control also called UpdateNumberOfItemsInCart. I wire up the Cart control's event on the Cart page which then makes a call to Master.UpdateNumberOfItemsInCart();
So far so good except when I wrap the Cart control with an update panel the update to the cart count label doesn't happen.
I have a user control that has multiple instances on a single page.
Is it possible to have each instance use a unique ValidationGroup? I could expose a property, but I'm wondering if there's any way to do it automatically.
NavigateUrl='<%#string.Format("~/PLayer.aspx?ID={0}&Type={1}",Eval("arrange_by_id"),Eval("value"))%>'><%# Eval("value")%></asp:HyperLink>
I've implemented this string format in my NavigateUrl to pass a dynamic querystring depending on the clicked item!
but you see the first part in the string format where it says "~/PLayer.aspx" i want the user control to automatically change this part according to where it's placed!
I just recently started messing around with .NET (converted over from PHP) and I'm really enjoying it. I've created a test site for some friends at work and it works great. But I've been slowly converting the pieces of the site into user controls. I've moved some DataGrid elements to user controls for their specific purposes, and now I'm working on the main page (I'll attempt to copy the code below).
So pretty much this control displays:
1. An error panel
2. A podium panel (gold, silver, bronze) medals
3. A cake podium (the person who gets last place)
Before I moved this to a user control it worked perfectly. The Image files were updated from the SQL results. Believe me, I know it's not optimized so lets skip over that part. But when I view the dev site, the images are showing up as blank or broken. Nothing I do to change one of the ASP elements in the user control are being updated. I have a Response.Write sitting there just to ensure that the events are being caught and handled correctly.
I have a user control, that has an update panel and update progress control in it.
I use this user control in more than 1 location on the same page.... problem is, when ucA posts back, I see the update progress control for both ucA and ucB. I assume this is because it is a user control and the update panel and progress are named the same?
Either way - how do I make it so that the update progress only displays for the proper user control?
I've exempted the irrelevant bits of code. Essentially, I am trying to change the URL of an image control inside of an update panel inside of a custom user control from a function called inside an update panel from my main page. Using UpdatePanel.Update() isn't working: I end up waiting for the next full page POST to occur before all the updates I make to CustomControl from buttons within the main page's update panel are visible. I verified that Update() was being called via the debugger: there are no issues in that department.
Here, you can see Custom Control and the Button declared. The button is in an update panel to avoid giving a full POST and causing the whole page to reload.
<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>
This control stores images within their own seperate update panels because rerendering the images is very slow (it requires processing arrays of millions of datapoints) and the user only ever needs to modify one image at a time. I'm using Image1 as an example.
Basically, I have a user control with a set of input controls such as textboxes and radio buttons. It also has a button along with these controls. What I want is that when the user clicks this particular button, the data entered in the input fields must get updated into a grid in the parent page.
View 3 RepliesHosting page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoadMyControl(Parameters); //Do it every page load to preserve it's state
protected void LoadMyControl(string parameters)
Control userControl = LoadControl("TheUserControl.ascx");
userControl.ID = "userControl1";
Now inside this control, when a button is clicked I want to update ,let's say a Label on the hosting page.
What is the best way to do it? Custom event?
I have a user control which is inside a update panel.This user control has a event like
Inside this i am checking a checkbox which is outside the update panel.
But it is not checking the checkbox ?
In firebug i found that the html for that checkbox is not rendered.
What is the way to do that?
How to load a user control dynamically in a page?
I have a page that contains radioButtons. Each click on a radio button loads a user control (.ascx) in the page.
What I am doing is loading all controls at the same time, but set their visibility to false. When a user clicks a radiobutton I set the visibility of the specific user control to true.
As a result I am loading all the user controls on each postback.
how do I update a field from code like inserting a date. i have something like below. i want to insert the date when the record is updated or edited, but it does not work what is the correct way to do this in mvc
I Have a webpage named "Test.aspx" and a web user control named "TestWebContro.ascx",..
i have a "Linkbutton" on "TestWebContro.ascx" and "Label" on "Test.aspx",.. now my query is how can we change the text value of "label" on the click event of "LinkButton",...
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; background-color: White">
how to load user control dynamically on asp.net page? I am loading user control in my page_Init() event under if(!IsPostBack) but when user post the with any button click then my user control is disapper?
If i am loading control without if(!IsPostBAck) then its fine, but each time a page is posted loading of control is not good because it will slow my web site?
I am creating a web app with sql server 05 and visual studio express 08. There is always live data inserted into my sql tables throughout the day infrequently.
I want to create a web page that will show the data in graphs etc. I can currently show the data present in the database on the web page. HOWEVER what i do not know is how to update the page (graphs) with the NEW DATA that has been inserted into the tables.
I guess I will have to use ajax to change the data shown on the web page automatically. I will also need somesort of triggers to tell when new data has arrived.
I used asp.net server side control to display and modify data in database, the control is just like this one:[URL]what I want to do is after I click the "edit" button it will display a "edit" ui, and I want everytime I modify the data in the text box, asp.net will automatically click the "update" button for me to update the data i entered.
I tried to call the event handler, but failed.
There is a update command in asp.net, and how to programmatically call it ?
I am using asp.net 3.5 c#. I am trying to do this:
In one page, a user can insert some stuff (name, phone .. etc) to the database. And then the user should be able to see the rows he added as a list automatically in a datalist (or other control). As he inserts rows, it appears in the datalist.
I tried to use update panel and inside it datalist, with a button as a trigger but it did n't work with me!
I have a loop that runs through a variety of websites and I'd like to put some kind of a postback in the loop so that each time through a textbox would refresh with the url that is currently being considered. I don't know AJAX yet so I'd like to redo the webpage. I am currently using a session variable to hold data for display between page loads. I have tried
1) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx");
2) Server.Transfer("Default.aspx");
3) Page_Load(sender, e);
4) this.RaisePostBackEvent(URLTextBox.Text);
but they don't work, possibly because I am not implementing them properly. I'd like to watch the current situation as it is updated within the loop.
I work now in a huge project that we build all interface as Web User Controls .. every time I want to view & test one i should add it in web page and then view .. I think in a way to develop a visual studio extension that show "View in Temp Web Page" when I make right click on a user control to allow me view user control in a generated temp web page without needing to add it in a test page each time i want to test but i don't know is there any way to achieve that ... Is it possible to develop such a thing ?
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