C# - Find Id Of Tr In Datalist

Nov 9, 2010

had table indatalist and I had to find id of tr in table I did my code but error apeared (object refrence...).

<asp:DataList ID="DataList2" runat="server" RepeatColumns="4"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" onitemdatabound="DataList2_ItemDataBound">
<table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr id="AllText" runat="server">

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Similar Messages:

How To Find Label In DataList When Button Click Outside DataList

Nov 24, 2013

I have following code

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="GuestBookPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="GuestBook.GuestBookPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">


I wanted to get label control when button is clicked i.e button1

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How To Use A Datalist Control To Find Its Child Datalist In C#

Dec 4, 2010

how do I use the datalist "DL_Pro_Result" to find the child datalist "DL_Gro_Result" in C#?

For example in the following code, dlii value is null, even though dli != null.

DataList dli = (DataList)Page.FindControl("DL_Pro_Result");
DataList dlii = (DataList)dli.FindControl("DL_Gro_Result");
<div id="ProList">
<asp:DataList ID="DL_Pro_Result" runat="server">
<table id="T_Pro_Result_Header" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="L_Pro_Result_Header" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<table id="T_Pro_Result_Item" class="table" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="L_Pro_Result_Item" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:Button ID="B_Pro_Result_Item_1" OnClick="B_Pro_Result_Item_1_Click"/>
<asp:DataList ID="DL_Gro_Result" runat="server">

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Web Forms :: How To Find Drodrown Selected Item In Datalist

Apr 5, 2010

I have created one web page in asp.net in which i have used datalist in the datalist there is one dropdownlist and one linkbutton. i have to find dropdown selected value on link buutons click events.

i tried a lot of code but i din't get i used fincontrol method. but not geeting how to get this.

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AJAX :: How To Find HTML Editor In DataList By Javascript

Jan 8, 2010

i can access html editor by sever side , but i want to access it by client side ,

how i can access the ajax HTML Editor (Find it) By Java script in datalist ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Label From Datalist?

Mar 26, 2010

i have a datalist and some controls in datalist

i want to find label from datalist on itemcreated event..

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Forms Data Controls :: Find A Value In A Nested Datalist?

Jun 21, 2010

I have two datalists. Data list 1 shows regions; data list 2 is nested in datalist 1 and shows the cities in those regions. The two datalists bind ok.

However, I'm trying to call a click event from the nested data list (2) so that when clicked, the cityID nested in datalist 2 will appear in a label.

Here is a simplified version of the code.


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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control In Child DataList

Apr 7, 2010

Im using Nested DataList in My Application. But i m not able to find control Inside Child DataList. (I want to Find Label Control In ItemDataBound Of ChildDataList)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Control Inside Datalist

Sep 20, 2010

I want to find control inside datalist, i am using this:


//here got error:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

here is my aspx code:

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataKeyField="nsid">

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Find Control In Datalist?

Feb 10, 2010

Im not able to find control in datalist.

Sub DataList1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs)
Handles DataList1.ItemDataBound
lblshippingoutside.Visible =
Dim lblshippingoutside
As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblshippingoutside"), Label)False
End Sub

Throws an exception .

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Profile Base From Datalist

Oct 20, 2010

I have a datalist which shows a username.i want to find the usernames profile.firstname and display it in a label.i have tried doing this with this code, but i get object not set error..:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label Label1 = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("Label1");
Label theiruseridLabel = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("theiruseridLabel");

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Label In DataList And Assign A Value?

Aug 18, 2010

how to find a Label nested in a DataList and assign a value?

I posted simplied code because if I can find the Label, I can take it from there.

protected void DataList1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label buggar = (DataList1.SelectedItem.FindControl("DataCount") as Label);
buggar.Text = "crap";

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Control Inside Datalist Footer

Feb 8, 2010

Iam finding the button control which is inside the Footer Template of Data list control.

i tried the below code but it is not working suggest me where iam doing wrong or how i find the control avaiable in footer template of Data list.

Here is my code


iam using the above code on button click

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find And Assign A Value Of Something To A Label Nested In DataList

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to find the text property of a label that is nested within a DataList within a FormView. The FormView and the DataList have different datasources.

What I actuallt need to do specifially is assign the number of rows in the DataList to the Label in the DataList. I used the code below to find it but it keeps giving me an error about not finding the object;


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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control In Datalist - Product Details?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a datalist


When click on Ad to cart I want to get selected product detailshere is my code


but this is allways showing me the last record.say I have 5 products displayed on datalist.its showing me the last product details.

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Forms Data Controls :: Button Can't Find Textbox In Datalist ItemTemplate?

Jan 5, 2010

I've got a multiline textbox inside the ItemTemplate of my Datalist, which is set to visible=false.I've got a button right above it, with the click of that button, all I want to do is make it visibleI've tried xtNewNote.visible=truethe ID of the textbox has a blue squiggly under it and I'm told that 'txtNewNote is not declared'and I've tried Dim txtNote As TextBox = CType(dlProject.FindControl("txtNewNote"), TextBox)
txtNote.visible=trueHere, I just get an object not found when it gets to the second line

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Data Controls :: Unable To Find Image Inside DataList JQuery

Feb 25, 2016

How to Access asp:Image Tag in jquery code if aspx page is attached with master page?

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Gallary1.aspx.cs" Inherits="Gallary1" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master"%>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () { $('[id$=img1]').hide(); });


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Data Controls :: Find (Get) Image Control Inside DataList Using JavaScript And JQuery

May 7, 2015

How to find the asp image control inside DataListView using JavaScript.

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Data Controls :: Unable To Find CheckBox In DataList On Button Click Event

Dec 5, 2012

i have datalist and on button click event i check the checkbox is checked or notfor this my code is

<asp:DataList runat="server" ID="dlstproductsize">
<input type="checkbox" value="<%#eval("size_id")%>" id="chksize" runat="server" />    <%#Eval("name")%>
If chkallowsize.Checked = True Then
For Each item In dlstproductsize.Items
If (CType(item.FindControl("chksize"), HtmlInputCheckBox)).Checked = True Then
ocommon.ProductMapingInsert(uniq_id.Text, CType(item.FindControl("chksize"), HtmlInputCheckBox).Value)
End If
End If

i get the error like object reference not set to the object

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Find Control Inside The DataList Control?

Jan 7, 2011

how i can find a DataList which is inside the DataList control? Its giving the Error Object not set to an Instance. i am finding the control this way :

DataList dl =((DataList) (DataList1.FindControl("DataList2")));

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Data Controls :: Datalist Inside Datalist Access Child LinkButton On Click

Apr 23, 2012

In Datalist Item Template Another Datalist And Child Datalist How can we access link button inside chile datalist when click in child link button

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Check Checkbox In Second DataList If It Is Checked In First DataList

Dec 3, 2013

Here is my code through which i can generate dynamically 2 checkbox group  

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataList1.DataSource = dt;
DataList2.DataSource = dt;
  Design Page  


  There is two checkbox group which have same datasource, so in both case same checkbox are showing and also same event is firing for both. Here is the event code  

protected void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string OpService = ((CheckBox)sender).Text;
Now what i want to do is, while check one checkbox from the 1st checkbox group the same checkbox should be selected from the second checkbox group automatically, also if i deselect one checkbox that should be deselect from both checkbox group.

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Buttons Within Datalist / Group Just Not Via A Datalist With Unique Names

Mar 16, 2011

Am building a Form for out intranet that runs on ASP.NET and C#, it is to be a survey from a SQL database. I have the connections setup can pull informations/Questions from the database. I am having a problem with setting up radio buttons within a datalist, ive never done this and i know they require unque names.

It is to be 4 radio buttons per question where only one can be select, i know how to group just not via a datalist with unique names

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging With Datalist If That Datalist Is Populated With Inputs Coming From A Querystring?

Jun 4, 2010

How can I do paging with datalist if that datalist is populated with inputs coming from a querystring?

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Web Forms :: Changing Color Image Of Link Button Of DataList On Mouse Over DataList Item

Jul 6, 2012

I have following datalist ,to display employee id, name, email .....  datalist have column with link button  text " Get Details"  and fontcolor "black" ,  onmouseover of the particular  row i want change the color of linkbutton or the image of  linkbutton ..

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="1"DataKeyField="EMPID" 
GridLines="Both" RepeatColumns="4" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"><ItemTemplate><table border="0" id="thistable" runat="server" style="width:100%;height:100%">   <tr> <td> EMPID:
<asp:Label ID="EMPIDLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("EMPID") %>'>


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