C# - How To Update The .net Page From The Asynchronous WCF Duplex Call

Jul 2, 2010

I've the following doubt. I've a page "MyPage" and i've declared few dictionary objects in the page classMy doubt isIf i declare the dictionary as a private non-static object i'm not able to use it across the functions in that page class (the object is getting nulled)able to across the object across the functions. But will that object be same across all the users who have opened the page right now (guessing that each user will have an instance of the page in turn has an instance for the page class and static variables of a class are invariable across all the instances of the class

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.NET, Asynchronous Call To Another Page, Return Response Immediately?

Feb 13, 2010

An external server sends incoming SMS messages converted to HTTP requests into my sometimes very time-consuming .aspx page. If no response is returned to the external server in 20 seconds, this is considered as an timeout and the same message is sent to my aspx page again (and maybe again....The optimal solution for me would be that the aspx page reads the incoming message (as an HTTP request to the aspx page), starts the processing of the message in another thread, and immediately renders response back to the external server. The external server has no interest in other stuff than the HTTP status (normally 200). When the processing of the message is completed this results in an entry into the log file of the application.

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AJAX :: Using A User Control's UpdatePanel.Update() From A Page-level Update Panel's Function Call?

Jul 14, 2010

I've exempted the irrelevant bits of code. Essentially, I am trying to change the URL of an image control inside of an update panel inside of a custom user control from a function called inside an update panel from my main page. Using UpdatePanel.Update() isn't working: I end up waiting for the next full page POST to occur before all the updates I make to CustomControl from buttons within the main page's update panel are visible. I verified that Update() was being called via the debugger: there are no issues in that department.

Here, you can see Custom Control and the Button declared. The button is in an update panel to avoid giving a full POST and causing the whole page to reload.

<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>

This control stores images within their own seperate update panels because rerendering the images is very slow (it requires processing arrays of millions of datapoints) and the user only ever needs to modify one image at a time. I'm using Image1 as an example.


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How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPage not only update panel embedded page .

I want to prevent this MasterPage postback .

is this possible ? think like i have a MasterPage

and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPage

i have update panel at test.aspx

when asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads MasterPage Page_Load

i want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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How To Send An Asynchronous WCF Call

Mar 18, 2011

How to make a call to my WCF service asynchronous?

Here is how I am doing it

Dim wcfService = New EmailBlastService.EmailBlastServiceClient

But when I actually do the call it seems to tie up the server for about a minute (even though I know the async process takes longer than that and is still processing the request). Even if I try to hit the page in a different browser it still takes a minute to load.

Basically I just want to make the WCF call and forget about it, I don't want users to be waiting while I am doing some heavy processing and calling an external

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AJAX :: How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPagenot only update panel embedded page .I want to prevent this MasterPage postback . is this possible ?think like i have a MasterPage and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPagei have update panel at test.aspxwhen asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads
MasterPage Page_Loadi want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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Invoke Asynchronous Method Call From .NET?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm currently working on a web site which involves a data upload process. The file is currently uploaded to the server method is called (in app_code) where ultimately a DTS package is called (via a web method) to load the data into a database and perform some validation on it.The client has specified that they don't want to have to wait for the DTS package to execute (execution time is less than 5 minutes) so it appears that I need to call the method asynchronously. The user will probably logout or close the browser window while this task is running so I believe I'm unable to run this on an asp.net thread.

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Asynchronous Ajax Call Using QueryString?

Nov 23, 2010

Since i am fresher to .net, i m unable to handle asp.net. I have call asynchronous ajax call using XMLHTTPRequest and also use QueryString to filter Employee details.

I have following files:

1. Default.aspx code

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Task2._Default" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="SearchResult" Src="SearchResult.ascx" %>


3. Ajax.aspx is empty in design

what should be the code in Default.aspx.cs when u take some text in textbox to search, OnClick of "ok" button there should'nt be any postback.

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WCF / ASMX :: Asynchronous Call To Web Services?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm working on an existing web application (web site project and some class library projects). In the web site project, the guys created many web services, that are called from the aspx pages (sometimes on client side).

I need to create a new web service, so I was suggested to put it "near" the existing web services. I'm gonna need to make an asynchronous call to my new web services.

So I created the service this way, but when I try calling a method asynchronisly, I have only the method in intellisense, I don't have the method for the asynchronous call, neither the Complete event. Why is that ?

On the other hand, I created a new project, with a web service application and a web site where I added the reference to the web service, and this way I have the asynchronous method and the complete event in intellisense.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Get Data From An Asynchronous's Service Call

May 12, 2010

I have an process that take about 15minutes to execute. And i have toput this process in a service, and managed his statWell, i placed this process in a service and in some specific pointi have one variable telling me how much % the process have done.So my service reference im my consumer project its typed to let asynchronous calls.When i start my process with a


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.net - Possible Memory Leak In Asynchronous .NET Call To A WebService?

Sep 16, 2010

I've created a small class library to asynchronously call a WebService(Fire and Forget. I don't need the result).In a Windows Form application, the XXXAsync() method works fine. But, in a Web Application, the process is locked until the XXXCompleted event is fire.My problem is: I tried to create a Delegate and use the Begin/EndInvoke to call the XXXAsync() method. It worked fine, but, the w3wp process seems to be consuming a huge amount of memory. I'm calling the EndInvoke method properly. Invoking the GC.Collect did not free any memory

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C# .net Asynchronous Function Call After File Is Uploaded?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a C# asp.net file upload form with a submit button. After the form is submitted the file is uploaded and post-processing is started. The point is that the post-processing can take up to several minutes.I would like to create some kind of asynchronous call of the post-processing function with showing information to the user

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WCF / ASMX :: Cancel Asynchronous Web Service Call?

Apr 21, 2010

am calling web service method asynchronously using callback method which is long running process.

In mid time in client want to cancel this asynchronous method call then can it be done....??? and if yes then how can it be done..?

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Make Asynchronous Call In Static Class Function?

May 17, 2010

is it possible to make an asynchronous call to a static class function?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Asynchronous Call And Waiting For Function To Finish Processing

May 10, 2010

I have to call a function to run a report through a web service, then call another function to get the data but only after the 1st function has finished processing. How do I make c# wait till the first function has finished processing to run the second function?

my code looks something like:

NetworkCredential Cred = new NetworkCredential("uid", "pw");
ReportWebService reportService = new ReportWebService();
reportService.Credentials = Cred;
string s = reportService.runReportAsync("0ede9884e6394daf73fa418e9bffd4fc");
string report = reportService.getReportData(s);

This code will break because s is not set since the function (runreportasynch) has not finished running to produce s.

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How To Make Response.Redirect Inside A Asynchronous Call Method - C#

Jul 15, 2010

I have a try-catch inside a method that is called asynchronously. When an error occurs, inside the catch I have a Response.Redirect because I need to redirect to the login page.

This is my issue.

But my problem doesn't involve things that expire, so the idea of a timer isn't the best way to resolve it.

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AJAX :: How To Check Asynchronous Call Using PageMethods In Global.asax Using VB.NET

May 27, 2010

I am using PageMethods in my pages, and we have some requirement in which some maintenance process happened in certain time span, so in that time we set on DB flag consider as True False, I have written my code in Global.asax where in application_AcquireRequestState(...,...) Method I am checking the flag and depanding upon the flag I am redirecting my Page to one Maintenance dummy page, so application_AcquireRequestState() method working properly when page get postback or I am using thru any server control, but when I am using Asynchronous call using PageMethods in application_AcquireRequestState I am getting exception, Can anyone solve my problem I am using VB.NET.


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Load XMLdocument Asynchronously Or Asynchronous 3rd Party Service Call?

Dec 21, 2010

I am using a third party service for location time(zonal).If I pass latitude and longitude of the location with service URL it returns the time of that location in XML format.But the problem is some of the time this service gets too much slow so because of that my home page gets stuck because its a synchronous call of that service.here my code-

string TimeZoneUrl = "http://ws.geonames.org/timezone?";
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.Load(TimeZoneUrl + "lat=" + latitude + "&lng=" + longitude);
XmlElement root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("//*");

How can I make this a asynchronous call?

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Asynchronous - How To Update The UI During An Event

Jan 17, 2011

I've got a user control with a couple of buttons. Think of them as 'On' and 'Off'. When either button is clicked an async method is called. If the method is successful an event is fired. Within the event I want to update the enabled property of the two buttons so that only a single button is clickable at any one time. The problem is that any changes I make to the properties are not shown on screen because the postback is already complete. I tried wrapping the buttons in an UpdatePanel but I get an "Update method can only be called on UpdatePanel with ID 'xxxx' before Render' error. I understand why the problem occurs but I can't think of a solution.

Ideally what I'd like to do is simply call a method within the event that will update the UI, but I don't know if that's possible.


Here's some example code. I can't post the exact code, but this explains the problem:


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AJAX :: Asynchronous Additional Rendering - Display Piece Of Info Retrieved From Web Service Call

Jun 24, 2010

I am building a page with databound list control. For each row I want to display piece of info retrieved from web service call. This could be time demanding so I want to render page first and retrieved additional info asynchronously and in parallel later on. Anyone has some tips how to make it? Just to have a more detailed picture it is a product list in e-shop which I want to render so customers can use it (go to product detail/add goods to shopping cart...) but meantime there will be a placeholder displaying info that informations are retrieving which after completion of call will be replaced by result data.

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Web Forms :: How To Update Drop Down List Using Asynchronous Calls

Jan 7, 2011

I am currently developing a project management application using ASP.NET (VB). I am nearly done with it. But whenever users select an item from drop-down list control, a post back is triggered and screen is returned to the bagining. This is very irritating at times.

<p> So, I want to know how can I make partial postbacks so that page is not refreshed again and appropriate binding of list control with my oracle database is also made.

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Can Implement Mvc Chat Full Duplex

Jan 1, 2011

I want to create a Facebook/Gmail like chat me for my social network.I'm looking for the best technique to achieve it.
I found several libraries, but I do not know what the most appropriate


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Web Forms :: How To Call JavaScript Function After UpdatePanel Update And Page Fully Load

Jul 27, 2012

My javascript that scroll down the page.

function SetScrollEvent() { window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);}

I update update panel from server side like below.

protected void rptList_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e){
//HiddenField hiddenId = e.Item.FindControl("hiddenId") as HiddenField;Label lb1 = e.Item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
//Button bt = e.Item.FindControl("Button2") as Button;if (e.CommandName == "myclickevent"){
// your codes here...SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr);SqlCommand

[CODE] .....

I use repeater and repeater have button on button click i update the update panel. now where i have to call the javascript function so that it execute after update panel fully loaded. I want to call javascript function after page fully loaded.

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AJAX :: Asynchronous File Upload With Update Progress Using Loading Gif Image And Use Ajaxtoolkit 3.0

Apr 22, 2010

my application is running in visual studio 2005, i used ajax control toolkit for .Net framework 2.0.but now i want to use ajaxcontroltoolkit latest version which is for .net framework 3.5 in my application which is running on .net framework 2.0 and visual studio
2005.how to integrate or use ajaxcontrol toolkit ?because i have some functionality like there is one file upload control and when click button it will take 2 to 3 min for upload so
i need progress bar with loading gif file.because of asynchronous postback fileupload control has not file.so i must assign postback trigger to button if i assign postback trigger to button than loading gif or progress bar not working.so i want to use AsynchFileUpload control of newly release toolkit.

is there any way to do it? or any other way.my client also not want to switch over it's application from 2005 to 2008.My code is below

<asp:UpdateProgress ID="uppr" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="up" runat="server">
<div id="IMGDIV1" align="center" valign="middle" runat="server" style="position: relative; display:none; [code]....

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WCF / ASMX :: The Caller Was Not Authenticated By The Service While Using Duplex Communication In Wcf?

Jul 11, 2010

I am having a simple WCF service hosted in my website. I am using a console client to send and receive messages from the service. It works fine when I run the WCF web host in my local computer, but fails badly with the SecurityNegotiation exception "The caller was not authenticated by the service". It works fine if I use basicHttpBinding, but fails for wsDualHttpBinding which is required for duplex communication.All the source code for both (console) client & (web) server can be downloaded at:http://www.supernovaservices.com/downloads/WfcEventService.zipI have searched a lot and could not get a proper answer

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