C# - How To Create Rdlc File Dynamically And Save It

Feb 12, 2011

i want to create rdlc file dynamically having textbox in it and how to save it?

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Using This Xml Code Want To Create A Rdlc File?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">


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Save The File Automatically After The File Is Dynamically Generated

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I have converting some pages into the PDF/Documents.

My requirement

1)Generate dynaimaclly document (Done already)

2)Save the file (Not done)

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I have an report that is in pdf file. Everytime the user click the button, it will go to SQL database and pull up the data, and then create the pdf file based on that data.

I wanted to save the pdf file the first time user click on the link. So that when he / she come back and open the report, instead of going to the data base and pull the data. It will just pull the pdf file from the file system. Here are the code that I have :

Dim parameterUid As String = CStr(Request.QueryString("Uid"))

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I have a rdlc report.When rdlc is openning i want to save rdlc report automatically as a pdf file.

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Set Save Path Of Rdlc Report (pdf)?

Mar 17, 2010

Currently on page load the report is automatically opened as pdf using code below

How can I save it before opening and where do I set the save path ?


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Dynamically Create Controls And Save The Controls Values Across Postback?

Mar 25, 2011

I allow the end user to create a tab control dynamically in an ASP.Net page by getting some details. For each and every tab added I get some settings -

Tab Title
Tab Content
Tab Footer link

So I get these details for each and every tab. The user is provided with a button 'Add Tab' to more one more tab. So I need to add one more tab settings panel in the page to get the tab settings. But doing so, I lose the values entered in the previously created dynamic tab settings panel. The user can add as many tabs and enter settings for each and every tab. Finally when they save it I build the tab control (based on their settings and content) and I render the control.

Since the controls are dynamic, I'm able to thing of two options -

Recreate previously created n - 1 tab settings panel while adding a nth tab. So across each and every postback I need to recreate the settings panel for each and every tab. But I don't know how to persist the values in this case.

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Create And Save Div Content In MS Word File On Server On Button Click?

Mar 18, 2010

I have to save a .doc file on the server when the user clicks a button with no 'Open/ Save / Cancel' dialog box.

my code:

HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset =
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType =


The problem is that the user first sees a 'Open/ Save / Cancel' dialog box. Instead of dialog box, It should be automatically save on server.

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Jan 4, 2011

Me with C# .Net 2.0, I am generating report using report.rdlc . In report.rdlc doc I have a table in with product description is listed, some times description may contain 3,4 lines but when I save the report as excel only 1 line is shown the rest are hidden when I drag the excel sheet column its showing. How can I make it in such a way that by default it should show all the contents

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SQL Reporting :: Automatically Save An RDLC Report To Excel?

May 5, 2010

I am trying to automatically save an RDLC report to Excel, without having the user do anything. I don't want to render the report, but just save it off as an excel file. I have the following, trying to get it to work on a button click:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim warnings As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning() = Nothing[code]...

I get this error: The source of the report definition has not been specified .Not sure where I am supposed to do this, the report runs fine and displays fine...This is a report that has been being used for a while now, but now they have decided they would like to have it automatically save a couple thousand to excel, so they don't want to go through and manually run it and save it off those thousands of times of course..

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Oct 4, 2010

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SLNo Language English Value
1 English Name Name
2 Italian Name Nome
3 Spanish Name nombre

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Sep 17, 2010

Precisely and concisely, I have aspx page that has only one button "Generate". If the user clicked on this button, one HTML page should be created.

The created HTML page should have title "Home" and the Body should contain "Hello World".

1) What is the code that should be written inside "Generate" button in order to accomplish this functionality?

2) Assuming the HTML page gets created, How to store it inside specific folder on the local drive? Or how to store it inside DB?

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Sep 1, 2010

how to set the size and location of the text box in RDLC dynamically. I cannot access it code, i cannot use parameters or expressions to set this.

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May 14, 2010

I am using asp .net 4.0 report viewer...how is bind rdlc dynamically using stored procedure..send me some useful links r some example using stored procedure.in asp .net4.0 .

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Mar 1, 2011

i create typed dataset and i create my report using this dataset in another page i create report viewer when i set the report source for the report viewer using wizard automatically the reportviewer generate 3 ReportDataSource one for each table it is working correctly but when i try to set the report using code the report dislplayed successfully but it is empty? here is my code to bind to dataset


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SQL Reporting :: Create Rdlc Report On The Fly?

Jul 9, 2010

i was trying to create rdlc report on the fly based on the fields selected.

after some research i found using rdlc/matrix i could create the reports on the fly. i found it from this link.


but rdlc/matrix report is based on the xslt templte. How can i create the xslt matrix tempalte for this purpose.

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SQL Reporting :: Dynamic Pdf File Using Rdlc File?

Jan 13, 2011

I want to prepare dynamic pdf file using rdlc file. I will try many ways but I can't able to design below format.

User Name: string variable1
Details: string variable2
Report (in table format):
Dataset (table1)

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I am using rdlc in asp.net 2.0 .Is there any way to Create table of content in rdlc ?

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SQL Reporting :: How To Create Rdlc Without Creating Dataset

Feb 9, 2010

I'm new to creating reports. I created a report rdlc, and created three report parameters and placed in data region. See the code below


When I build this..I got the error saying "The table 'table1' is in the report body but the report has no data set. Data regions are not allowed in reports without datasets. "

I need to create rdlc without dataset and to bind dataset at runtime.

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SQL Reporting :: Create Leading In Textbox (In RDLC)?

Jun 30, 2010

I mean if i have the Value "Home" and i give שמy value i get: "H o m e" and if i will give a lower value i get: "H o m e"

Can i? ( and dont create a function in sql server that inser spaces between the chars...)

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