C# - Variable Returns To Its Default Value (zero) In Other Scopes?

Sep 22, 2010

Can I assign a value to a variable (int) and never lose this value inside any scope? the problem is I am assigning the value to the variable in some scopes but the variable returns to its default value (zero) in other scopes..

protected void Button_AddNewCourse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ID = 10;

so when I am trying to use ID in other functions it falls back to zero

protected void AnotherFunction(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Variable ID here is zero

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested GridView Control Returns "Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set" ?

Oct 20, 2010

Nested GridView Control returns "Object variable or With block variable not set" when outer GridView returns rows.

The Nested GridView Control works as long as the outer GridView returns rows, the following code works: [Code]....

Object variable or With block variable not set.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object variable or With block variable not set.

Source Error:

Line 118: If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Line 119: Dim myStatus_ID As SqlDataSource = CType(e.Row.FindControl("sqlDeviceStatusAssign"), SqlDataSource)
Line 120: If Not e.Row.DataItem("Status_ID") Is Nothing Then
Line 121: myStatus_ID.SelectParameters(0).DefaultValue = e.Row.DataItem("Status_ID")
Line 122: End If

I have tried checking for IsDbNull and checking to see if a label exists in a given row. This code *If Not e.Row.DataItem("Status_ID") Is Nothing Then* appears to do nothing.Same with the following:

*Dim localLblItemReference As Label = CType(e.Row.FindControl("lblItemReference"), Label)

*If Not localLblItemReference Is Nothing Then


To further clarify my question above, I am looking for a method to detect e.Row.DataItem("Status_ID") is nothing/null due to the outer GridView returning 0 results in a query.I have a (Outer) GridView Control with another GridView Control inside of a template field with it's associated SqlDataSource control.

In the "Protected Sub GridViewReport_RowCreated", I provide the Select Parameter for the associated SqlDataSource with the DataItem row value.When the (Outer) GridView Control does not return any rows, the "e.Row.DataItem("Status_ID")" throws a:

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object variable or With block variable not set.

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FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl Always Returns The Default?

Nov 22, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC app and am using Forms auth. When going to a page that requires authentication, meaning there is an [Authorize] attribute on the controller action, it redirects the user to the login page with a return url like http://localhost/Login?ReturnUrl=/MyAuthorizedUrl.

This is how my config is setup:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login" timeout="2880" defaultUrl="~/" />

This is how I'm getting the redirect url:

var url = FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl( model.Email, model.RememberMe );

This always returns the default url.

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JQuery :: Grab A Global Variable Or Session Or View State Variable In The Javascript?

Dec 9, 2010

can we grab a global variable or Session or View State variable in the javascript or using jquery?

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State Management :: Public Variable Vs Session Variable To Store Logged In UserID

May 17, 2010

I have a web application which uses a session variable to store the logged in userid. If no user is logged in, of course this variable will be empty and the contents displayed on my website are meant for guests. If there is a user logged in, the user specific controls/access/links will then be a displayed.

I am now having issues with my hosting where on shared application pool, the worker recycle is triggered every 90 minutes, this will clear sessions causing all my users to be logged out. I opted for a dedicated application pool, which got worse because I am only allocated 50MB memory limit and if this is reached, the worker recycle is triggered and I lose my sessions again. I have tried as much as possible optimization techniques, e.g. dispose where possible, close connections, disable viewstate for static controls etc but my memory per instance keeps building up from page to page without any signs of improvement. I don't use loops nor store huge objects like bitmaps etc but my sessions are now gone even faster than 90 minutes in shared application pool before.

I have considered using SQL Session State but there isn't a simple guide on using this with MySQL. I am getting desperate and considering using a public variable, a string as a replacement to store logged in user id instead of in a session variable. I am pretty sure this will solve my issue with sessions being recycled but are there any negative consequences of doing this? One problem I can think of is if the user closes the browser, the system will never know that the user is now logged out and this public variable should be nothing. In this scenario, will the GC eventually clear this abandoned public variable.

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Web Forms :: Convert System.Drawing.Image Variable To Byte Variable?

Oct 7, 2010

I got a variable of type System.Drawing.Image and need to convert it to a variable of type byte so I can store the image in the database. Can someone show me how to do that in VB.NET code.

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C# - Hidden Variable Vs Server Variable Accessing On Client Side In Javascript

Jul 14, 2010

I'm evaluating two options of accessing a server side data on client side. Little bit confused about the efficiency or may be you can call it as finding best approach to do it.

I need to access a server side data may be an integer value in javascript on client side. I know about two options to do it.Create a public variable or property on server side and set it to javascript variable on client side as below:

var value = eval(<% =value %>);

Create a asp hidden variable and set value in this hidden variable from server side and access it through javascript using document.getElementById().

Which is the best approach and what are the pros and cons?

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Declare Variable In C# / Use VAR (explicit Declaration) Or The DataType When Declaring A Variable (implicit)?

Sep 7, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Use of var keyword in C# Hi, I am pretty new in C#,I would like to know the best practices in declaring variables.I know it is possible to use VAR (explicit declaration) or the DataType when declaring a variable (implicit).

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BC3016: Variable 'myConnection' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm am not quite sure why I am getting this error.

Dim numUsers as Integer
Using myConnection as New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);InitialCatalog=dbtest;Integrated Security=True")
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num_Of_User FROM tblusers WHERE username=@username AND password=@password"
Using myCommand as New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, myConnection)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", requestName)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", requestPass)
numUsers = myCommand.ExecuteScalar()
End Using
End Using

This error occurs on the first using statment.

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Security :: Allowing Access To Default.aspx With Default Document Enabled?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to secure very mixed content that is located in an ASP.NET directory. For purposes of this question, it can be ~/MyApp/.

I want all of the content in the directory and its subdirectories restricted to authenticated users. The default.aspx page, though, should be accessible to everyone. This is the web.config in that directory:


Now if you are an unauthenticated user, everything works fine if you request [code]....

The problem occurs in that visitors do not always request "Default.aspx". We have a default document configured so that they get Default.aspx even if they just request "/MyApp". An authenticated user works fine, but an unauthenticated user is directed to the login page.

Now I know that essentially this happens because even though the request for "/MyApp/" will actually end up serving up "/MyApp/Default.aspx", the security system is only checking for "/MyApp/" since that is what I requested. That is then getting the default security for the directory.

How can you configure an exception to allow access when no particular file is requested in the directory??

Is there some dependency between DefaultDocumentModule and UrlAuthorizationModule? In this environment, the UrlAuthorizationModule has been removed and re-added in order to make sure it fires for non-managed requests. I would not expect that to change the order of execution, though, since UrlAuthorizationModule usually goes after DefaultDocument.

A workaround could be to set up the opposite security with the directory being open, and then trying to secure individual files. Because of the (changing) number of files, and extensions, etc, and the fact that you cannot use wildcards in a <location>, this is not really a workable solution for me.

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Variable Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Error

May 14, 2010

have a look at this simple code snippet


Here second declaration of x gives error that "variable 'x' hides a variable in an enclosing block. I wonder why this error is not given for second 'i' variable declared in second for loop?

Since i am declaring second x in a separate for block, why this error is given for variable second x ?

View 4 Replies

C# - Temporary Or Session Variable - Want To Add A Decimal Number To This Variable

Dec 2, 2010

What would be the proper syntax in ASP.NEt 3.5 C# to assign a TextBox value to a temporary or session variable to be manipulated (added, subtracted, multiplied, divided) at different points in the application? I want to add a decimal number to this variable in almost every instance as well.

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Why Does The Default Forms Authentication Cookie Have A Leading Period In It's Default Name

Mar 21, 2011

the default ASP.NET Forms Authentication cookie sets it's name as ".ASPXAUTH". Notice the first character is a period? Is there a particular reason for this? Like, does this have an impact on domain names or subdomains for the target domain.

Or is it purely some random thing an MS dev person came up with (maybe to help out the ordering of the cookies, when they were debugging or something .. as text with periods prolly get listed before other strings)?

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Application Variable Versus Web.Config Variable

Aug 24, 2010

Which is better from a performance perspective?

Accessing a Global Application Variable (Application["foo"])


Accessing an AppSetting variable from the web.config

Does .NET Cache the AppSetting variables so that it is not accessing the web.config file with every use?

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Which Is The Best Usage Session Variable Or Global Variable

May 25, 2010

I have the dataset. in this i am having total 20 tables with huge amount of data..I want use this data over all the page..so where i can keep this data..

before i used viewstate but the viewstate data is render to page every postback ..so this time the page size is increasing(interanlly viewstate is rendered to page)..so performence wise it was very slow..

Now i change my logic insted of viewstate to i used Globel Dataset on Page Level.. now the performence wise better than viewstate..

i used Like shared dsControls as Dataset at top of the page..so every time i use this dataset..

my quesation is session is better or Globel variable is better way use in my situavation..

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Public Variable C# - Variable Is Assigned A Value In Another Class?

Mar 7, 2010


The variable is assigned a value in another class like this:


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MVC :: How To Consume A Default WCF Web Service In A Default Asp.net Project

Mar 31, 2011

How can I consume a default WCF web service, right out of the box from VS 2010 in a default ASP.NET MVC project right out of the box from VS 2010?

I know how to start up the WCF web service and add the service reference in the ASP.NET MVC project. So what I want to know is exactly what code I shall write in the ASP.NET MVC project?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBound Event - Error "Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set" Occurs When LV2 Or LV3 Is Not Populated

Jan 3, 2011

I am using three listviews on a page ... the first is always populated ... the other two are sometimes populated I want to total amounts and counts from all three ... so I set up steps in the DataBound events works great when all three listviews are populated the error "Object Variable or With block variable not set." occurs when LV2 or LV3 is not populated I've tried testing DataItem ... Is Nothing but get the failure on the If test instead

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WebMatrix :: Why Is "default.cshtml" Automatically Recognized As Default Page In IIS Express Server

Feb 4, 2011

When i created a simple site via Matrix which adopts Razor technology by default, i found site automatically display "default.cshtml" if started through "http://localhost:xxxx/bread/" ; however i hadn't set "default.cshtml" as "default document" for this site, even i seek in the "applicationhost.config" i just find

<defaultDocument enabled="true">
<add value="Default.htm" />
<add value="Default.asp" />
<add value="index.htm" />
<add value="index.html" />
<add value="iisstart.htm" />
<add value="default.aspx" />

which apparently hasn't "...cshtml" yet. So I am wondering now why in this case the web server actively sets "default.cshtml" as default start page ?

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State Management :: Show  default Country, State , City At Page Load Of Default.aspx ?

Sep 18, 2010

Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.

cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;

cache["stateID"]= stateID;

cache["cityID"]= cityID;

I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx

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To Reach A Variable From A Different Code-block Expression Than The Block Where The Variable Was Declared ?

Oct 25, 2010

I have 2 separate code-block asp.Net expressions in an aspx markup, with an html content between (span element in the example below). In the first code-block, there is "i" as an increment variable for the for loop.Then the code-block is cut with an html content.And another code-block expression is opened but as I see I can reach the "i" variable which was declared in the previous code-block.

So, how asp.net handles -compiles- the pieces of code-block experrions declared in the mark up? Does it check the semi-colons and generates some anonymous methods which will end up with many calls to Response.Write in the last place?
<%for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)


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Variable Be Shared Across Multiple User Or A Separate Variable Will Be Created For Each User?

Mar 7, 2011

I am having one doubt regarding the use of static variable in Asp.net pages.I am having one page say UserDetails.aspx.In this page, I have one static variable to store some data specific to a user. So, will this ?

public partial class UserDetails
static int numberOfReviews=0;


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How To Store A Value Into A Session Variable And Load From That Value Back From The Session Variable

Nov 22, 2010

Currently in an .aspx file, I am storing a value (filename that was created in that session) in an hidden text box. When the user clicks on the "Print" labeled Hyperlink control, it opens the file that was stored in the hidden text box control. But when the user goes to different screen (in the same session), I loose the filename value that is stored in the hidden text box control. So I would like to store the filename variable in a session variable. So that if the user leaves this .aspx file and comes back to this .aspx file I can load the value into the hidden text box from the session variable.

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MVC :: Default Date For Tag / Use Datepicker And Also Showing The Default Date Value?

Apr 1, 2011

currently i am using jquery datepicker with <input> tag:


however, i wan to have the default value for the date field, i use editortemplate to try:


this is work IF i change my <input> tag to <%: Html.EditorFor(model => model.FoodStoreDate, new { @class = "date" })%>BUT, if i use the editorfor, the datepicker cant work.so, i wonder is there any win-win solution?? so that i can use datepicker and also showing the default date value??

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Website Returns 302 Instead Of 200?

Aug 5, 2010

I used a Http Header check tool to check the headers of my webpage and guess what. In every request the response was 302 instead of 200.


So, am i missing something here? I have not placed any redirect in any way.

So where the f#$% my website redirects? Is there a security hole?

UPDATE: While googling found this one

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