Can't Create Webpages / Project System Components Not Installed

Feb 1, 2010

i have winxp sp3 I have been using windows Install cleanup on vs2008 because I couldnt load setup on vs2008.
Now I find I can run setup but I create create web pages . I click new webiste and get this error 'project system components not installed' on vs2008 this didnt do a thing i still have the same problem

* Go To : start | Run

Type the command mentioned below

* devenv /resetskippkgs

nope didnt work at all

before this happened i iuninstalled vs2008 express editions as I have vs2008 prof, I installed sql server 2008 express

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Error 1
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MSDN 3 Tier

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Is this correct?

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Controller Code

public ActionResult Edit(int i)
var items = new SelectList(db.MST_COUNTRies.ToList(), "COUNTRY_ID", "COUNTRY_NM");
ViewData["MST_COUNTRies"] = items;

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<%= Html.DropDownList("COUNTRY_ID", (SelectList)ViewData["MST_COUNTRies"])%>

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Apr 5, 2010

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