Cannot Use The Classic Button, Because It Required The Use Of Images?

Oct 26, 2010

You can define a view in MVC 2 the following code and have only one form to handle all events.I can not use the classic button, because it required the use of images.

<% using (Html.BeginForm("action","controller")) {%>
<input type="image" name="button" value="action1" />
<input type="image" name="button" value=" action2" />
<input type="image" name="button" value=" action3" />

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Similar Messages:

Set Previously Selected Radio Button Checked In Classic After Page Is Postbacked?

Jun 9, 2010

I have never worked on classic ASP and unfortunately i am supposed to modify an old classisc ASP web site.

ASP.Net ViewState does take care of maintaining control's sate automatically. How do i do it in classic ASP ?

I have two radio buttons and a text box placed on my ASP page, when user types in something in the text box based on radio button selection we display different search results. Now what i need is to keep the previously selected radio button as checked after the page is postbacked. How do i do that ?

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Disable A Button If The Required Page Has No Data?

Oct 19, 2010

I have the following scenario and I'm not sure how to go about in resolving it. Any ideas would gratefully recieved.I have a page(A) with a button that when selected opens a new page(B) with a populated gridView.However if the gridview hasn't got any data to display, rather than use the <EmptyDataTemplate> within the gridview, I'd rather use disable/lock the button on page(A) thus preventing access to page(B)Is this possible? How on earth would I go about such a task ?

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Web Forms :: Binding Required Field Validator To Only Single Button?

Jun 12, 2010

i have two button in form i want to bind required field validator to only one button, bcaz it invoke in both button.

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ASP.NET PageMethods - Back Button Causing 'Authentication Required' Prompt

Oct 15, 2010

Since last week I've had a really odd issue with PageMethods and the back button which i've never seen before.

Essentially, I have a 'home page' which on document.ready (using jQuery), loads some data through PageMethods, and then renders a list - from which you can click through to a details page about the item. In general use, it works fine. However, using the back button after clicking through (ie: going back to the home page), it throws a PageMethods error. The browser's 'authentication required' prompt appears, and if you click cancel, the server returns a 401. The error returned by PageMethods on the client side is 'authentication failed'.

Just FYI, the application is using ASP.NET forms authentication. The weird thing is, this happens as soon as you click the link and click back. It's not like the authentication cookie has expired or anything, and if you click cancel when the prompt appears and refresh the page, it works fine. I just can't work out what is going on.

I've tried disabling caching on the page [as I thought it was something to down with some browsers' caches of the DOM), but the same thing happens.

One workaround i've had is to redirect the page to itself if the PageMethods error is 'authentication failed', which does work - but only when you cancel the authentication prompt. Obviously the prompt appears, which is not ideal.

I don't understand it, and the user is clearly authenticated. Does anyone have any idea which might be happening?

It's happening in Chrome, Firefox, and IE.

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Web Forms :: Why Doesn't Required Field Validation Work After The First Button Click

Feb 14, 2010

to explain my problem as simple as i can i have made the following page each textbox is a required field. when i enter valid data in the text box and click the button everything is fine. the problem i am having is that after this button click > i empty out the last 2 textboxes > click the button > the required field validation is not thrown.

the autopostback property being set to true is a must in this case.


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Web Forms :: Required Filed Validation Not Working On Button Click On First Time?

Mar 4, 2010

Hello to all I am using required field validator and i want to disable it on buttob click event on submitt button but the button click event is not working properly as it disable the validator on second time when i click the button,and refersing the page first time and i do'nt want to referesh page here i am attching my aspx as well as aspx/cs code



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AJAX :: ASP.NET PageMethods - Back Button Causing 'Authentication Required' Prompt

Sep 27, 2010

Since last week I've had a really odd issue with PageMethods and the back button which i've never seen before. Essentially, I have a 'home page' which on document.ready (using Query), loads some data through PageMethods, and then renders a list - from which you can click through to a details page about the item. In general use, it works fine. However, using the back button after clicking through (ie: going back to the home page), it throws a PageMethods error. The browser's 'authentication required' prompt appears, and if you click cancel, the server returns a 404. The error returned by PageMethods on the client side is 'authentication failed'.

Just FYI, the application is using ASP.NET forms authentication. The weird thing is, this happens as soon as you click the link and click back. It's not like the authentication cookie has expired or anything, and if you click cancel when the prompt appears and refresh the page, it works fine. I just can't work out what is going on. I've tried disabling caching on the page [as I thought it was something to down with some browsers' caches of the DOM), but the same thing happens. One workaround i've had is to redirect the page to itself if the PageMethods error is 'authentication failed', which does work - but only when you cancel the authentication prompt. Obviously the prompt appears, which is not ideal. I don't understand it, and the user is clearly authenticated. Does anyone have any idea which might be happening? It's happening in Chrome, Firefox, and IE.

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Submit Button Click Required Field Validator Is Not Working While Using OnClientClick Event...

May 13, 2010

This is my button code:-
<Round:RoundButton ID="SubmitBtn" runat="server" Height="24px" Width="100px" Blend="FromCenterToSurround"

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Web Forms :: Required Validator Firing When Cancel Button Is Clicked In Wizard Step

Jul 6, 2010

I have a cancel button on a number of steps which when clicked allows the user to exit the wizard. However, I have a few steps that use the RequiredValidator control, which when the cancel button is clicked these validators are also fired. Also I have these steps inside User Controls as a oppose to being on one page. How do I stop these validator controls from firing when the cancel button is clicked?

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Web Forms :: Required Field Validator's Message Is Blinking On Cancel Button Click?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a textbox with a required field validator and two buttons .One to save and other to cancel the action. On clicking the cancel button i am clearing the text entered in textbox.

The required filed validators is working on the save button if the textbox is empty. But on my cancel button click the required field validators message is blinking .

I am giving the mark up of my controls below:


View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Disabling Required Field Validators Using HTML Input Radio Button?

Feb 4, 2010

I have an html input control that is a radio button. This radio button needs to disable required field validators when selected. This is my non working code so far. What have I not done?

<input ID="card1" runat="server" type="radio"/>Card<br />
if (card1.Checked == true)
RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled= false;

this however doesnt disable the control.

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Web Forms :: Set Required Field Validator For Radio Button Based On Group Names?

Aug 1, 2012

how to set required field validator for radio button based on the  group names

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Images Are Not Toggling On The Button Click

Jun 17, 2010

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">

the images are not toggling on the button click

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Web Forms :: Browse Images On Button Click?

Dec 2, 2010

i want to select 10 images on browse button click and upoad it on upload buttton, in need to show a pop up window if more than 10 images selected on browse button.

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Web Forms :: Use Button Images In Menu Control?

Sep 21, 2010

How can I use button images that I have created in a graphics program in the the menu control?

I'm using the menu control as a single horizontal button navigation bar.

Can it be done with properties or with CSS?

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Let User Delete Images By Clicking On A Button On Top Of It?

Dec 6, 2010

I have found a suitable way to let user bulk upload images


After upload the images, the next step is to let user delete them when they come back next time or even immediately after upload.

I'd like to create a film strip of images (scroll-able) so the user can press the delete button on top of each image to remove it. Perhaps even better, let user select the checkboxes on top of the images and then press a Delete button nearby to remove them all.

Is there an existing component to do that like how Plupload does upload so well?

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Web Forms :: Button For Printing All Images From Server-side?

Oct 1, 2010

i have 3 images in my image folder like ~/img1.jpg and ~/img2.jpg and ~/img3.jpg .

i need a button in my webform to do this :

1- print each image in separate paper .

2- in print page setup > all margins = 0

3- in print preview >> scale = 70%

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How To Use C# Class In Classic ASP

Oct 12, 2010

I am new to ASP.Net. I am working on an ASP application in which I need to use an existing C# class (.cs) to get a return and pass to my ASP code. I know it may be impossible to call C# class directly from classic ASP.

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Is There A Forum For Asp Classic

Nov 23, 2010

Just two many pages to re-write. A Microsoft consultant informed us it would cost about $750,000 to rewrite all of our pages. The school district's budget is only $67,500 so this is out of the question. Therefore I am going to have to stick to asp Classic.

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.net - LINQ To SQL Or Classic ADO.NET?

Jun 15, 2010

I am asking my self many times before start writing a new app or data access library , should I use LINQ to SQL or classic , I have used both and the development time I spend on building an app with LINQ to SQL is like the 1/3 compared to

The only think I like using LINQ to SQL is that I don't have to design the domain objects LINQ does that for me and saves me from spend my time on boring things :P But is LINQ to SQL suitable for large scale projects, is there an overhead that we can avoid when using ?

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How To Add A Facebook Like Button On Website For "liking The Images"

Jan 18, 2011

I have developed a niche photo sharing website, where user submit their photographs. I want to add a "Facebook like button" just below this images so that when somebody clicks it, it get displayed on their facebook profile.

I got the FBML code for the "Like" button from the facebook developers site and I pasted it on the site. However, when I click the like button, it produces following output.

User X likes "title of the page" on ""

The above update is purely text. However, what i want is that the facebook update should also display the image which the user has liked along with the text.

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Social Networking :: Share Images On Facebook Using Share Button

Jun 29, 2013

I am showing thumbnail images in dataList on a page of my website. When i click on any image they open in big size. How i will share(Facebook). that particular big size image. My code is given below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var CurrentPage = 1;
function GetImageIndex(obj) {
while (obj.parentNode.tagName != "TD")
obj = obj.parentNode;
var td = obj.parentNode;


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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Cache Images - Page Takes To Long Due To Images Not Caching?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been trying to get image caching working for the last 8 hours and I keep the same problem time and time again, I'm trying to cache Images at the moment and then when thats succesful, apply this to cache my js and css files. I have at the moment Sql Dependancy caching working on my dynamic pages but the page still takes to long due to images not caching.

What I have tried is going to IIS7 Management and adding HTTP Response Header for the images folder and setting various things for the cache control.i dont care how long it caches it on the client or on the proxy servers i just would like it to check when the file was modified and compare it with the one in the client or proxy cache and if they are different then fetch the new image which has been ftp up. i could solve this by changing the image name but the thing is the image name is generated when they are ftp'd to the site by an application and the name is a direct reference to the product so i cant change the name each time, as it would mean making a lot of otherpages accross the board.

so What i would like, is to set and expiry date of lets say 32 days or more on the images and then check to see if they have changed by date modified or some other way of checking(Etags maybe) I'm not sure, if they have changed on the server then redownload and recache them, I tried using post-check and pre-check together but that just permantly cached them, so when i change the image the only way it would display the new image is to just hit F5.

In Brief, how can i Cache images, on the client machine/ proxy cache and recache them when the modified date of the file has changed.

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VS 2005 - Show Selection Of Images From Folder And Have The Images Scroll From Right To Left

Mar 9, 2010

I want to show on one of my pages a slideshow type page. Basically I want it to show a selection of images from a folder and have the images scroll from right to left.

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