Concatenate Two Columns In Subsonic Datasource?

Mar 20, 2010

Does anyone know how I can concatenate two columns in my subsonic datasource? I want to display a first and last name in this dropdownlist but I don't want to put them in the same SQL column.

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DataSource Controls :: Concatenate The Multiple Columns In Linq?

May 8, 2010

how to write that below query in linq

DECLARE @Name varchar(20)

Select @Name = empFirstname+','+empLastName+','+empBankCode From srpEmployee

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Subsonic And Two DataText Columns In Dropdownlist Control?

Jul 8, 2010

Does anyone know how I can concatenate two columns in my subsonic datasource? I want to display a first and last name in this dropdownlist but I don't want to put them in the same SQL column.

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ADO.NET :: Concatenate Two Columns (text And Date) In A Dropdownlist?

Nov 29, 2010

I am trying to concatenate two columns (text and date) in a dropdownlist. In sql query: SelectCommand="SELECT [name] + ' , ' + [date] AS abc FROM [table] ">It gives this error: The data types nvarchar(max) and date are incompatible in the add operator.

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ADO.NET :: Convert SQL Concatenate To LINQ Concatenate Query?

Oct 20, 2010

convert the code below to LINQ, converting my project to a wseb version usimg LINQ To SQL. The project contains 10 textboxes to possibly select from, but I'm only providing the first two textboxes to simplify my question.

If Not ((TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) And (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " where "
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NSC IN (" + TextBox1.Text & ")"
End If
If (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "isnull(IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN) = FALSE"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
ElseIf (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " OR IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If astrixState = 2 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN NOT IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN NOT IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
End If

View 12 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Concatenate TableName With Int?

Jun 7, 2010

I have the following code:


In this line, I wanted to assign the table to the datatable of dtCA1 and dtCA2.

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DataSource Controls :: Concatenate Field For Unique Identifier?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and SQL Management Studio Express 2005. I need to link 2 tables to either present in a Master/Detail or GridView/Form view.The goal is to allow the user to view time card information from the AS400 (read only) and then enter any corrections into a SQL table. My problem is in trying to connect the two tables.I've asked the AS400 administrator to add a unique identifier field to the table (HAPOINT), but he says he can't. I've tried to concatenate a field within Visual Web Developer's Query Builder but keep getting errors.Table 1 - exists in AS400, is non-permanent (cleared every 3 months) and can't be modifiedEmpl ID WO Date In Time In Date Out Time Out Table 2 - exists in SQL Server, newly created for this project (no data yet, so can be modified)Rev ID Empl ID Date (of revision entry) X (Revise - y/n) Revised Time In Revised Time Out I tried finding a solution through the SQL Forum, but haven't gotten a solution, so I'm posting here. There are additional details at that post: anyone tell me how to concatenate "Empl ID /WO / Date In / Time In" from Table 1 to produce a unique identifier that I can then use in Table 2, thus providing the link between the two tables? Or, is there another way?

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DataSource Controls :: Removing Duplicates From Two Similar Columns Or Any Other Columns In A Database Schema

Apr 21, 2010

I have two columns first name and last name , that have duplicates, how can i remove the duplicates and only leave the distinct members intact?

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Show Several Columns In Datasource As Autogenerate Columns In Gridview?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a datasource, which includes many columns, idealy, I need use a gridview to show:

1) first 3 columns: template fields, these fields depends on values in some columns of datasource. I use template fields, hard coded. works fine.

2) the other columns. This is I do not know how to do it. In the data source, there are about 10-20 columns data, each time, the # of columns of the data varies. idealy, I need show each of them as a seperated column in gridview. The entire data source may have 30 columns, but some of them are used in 1), and I only want show these 10-20 columns in gridview. Some columns in data source, I may not use them at all. is there a way to do this? or have to seperate them as a detail view style UI?

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C# - How To Use Subsonic 2.0

Mar 25, 2010

i try to use subsonic 3.0 but i can not do that. i decided to use subsonic.2.0. So i try to make it i can not :(

my Web Config :


also look this article: what is error? [URL]

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To Set Subsonic Command Timeout?

Jun 23, 2010

Is there a way to set the command timeout for everything generated by subsonic?

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Mvc - None Of The Generated Classes From Subsonic For Data Are Available

Jul 28, 2010

I have an MVC project setup, and I've brought the subsonic Active Record templates into my project, and they generated successfully and I can use the subsonic classes to access my database. However, how do I create a strongly typed view using the subsonic generated classes? When I select "add View" and I check the checkbox to create a strongly-typed view, none of the generated classes from subsonic for my data are available.

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Changing The CreatedBy Convention In Subsonic (3x)?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm working against a database that wasn't designed by me and in all the tables there is a CreatedBy field that is an int. Now when I generate against this db i get all kinds of errors because subsonic is expecting that field to be a varchar.I don't particularly want to go and rename the field in all of these tables so I was hoping there was a way to "alter" or change the internal convention (without getting into the source) in subsonic.Has anyone been able/done this in subsonic 3.0.4??EDIT: I'm using the active record model in subsonic 3

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Subsonic 2.2 Paging Linked Table Collection

Dec 26, 2010

I'm creating a small forum for my CMS and I'm using subsonic 2.2 as my DAL.
I'm loading my theads like this:

DAL.ForumThread item = DAL.ForumThread.FetchByID(id);

In my database my ForumPosts table looks like this:

ForumPostID | ThreadID | Description | UserID | CreatedOn| etc

So now when I have my DAL.ForumThread item I can load the connected post collection by using:


This all works great, but the problem is that I'm using serverside paging and want to add some additional select parameters too like showing only active records.

Is this even possible when using SubSonic 2.2 ? The workaround I have now is just creating a new SubSonic.Query and select the posts by threadid and there I can set pageindex and pagesize without problems but I think this can be done easier?

I also would like to know if it makes any difference performance wise by just using item.ForumPosts() or starting a new query, I think the forumposts are already in the ForumThreads collection and don't require a new database call right?

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C# - SubSonic Active Record Generate Class?

Jul 6, 2010

i wanna use to subsonic 3.0.4 but i dont know, how can i start to generate class and use to new Template of T4. example: create new solution for generating to table's class and add to my project. ??

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C# - Subsonic Delete With Fluent Query Tool?

Jan 4, 2011

In subsonic 2 we could do this:

public static void DeleteTable(SubSonic.TableSchema.Table table)
new Delete().From(table).Execute();

How can we do the same thing in v3? I can only seem to find documentation about using generics to target a specific table in the database...I want to be able to use it with a parameter as above.

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C# - SubSonic .Paged() Query Returns Duplicate Records

Feb 8, 2011

Using a SubSonic (2.2) SqlQuery object, I am querying a view that contains distinct rows from another table. The results of the query, however, contain multiple rows for certain rows in the view. It appears to be because of a join on a temporary table in the query generated to achieve paging. How can I avoid this duplication of rows?

Bonus points: I have to use the view because SubSonic can't do .Paged() and .Distinct() at the same time. Why not?

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C# - Errors When Creating Custom Querable Object With MVC And Subsonic Pagedlist

Jun 8, 2010

I have the following code but when i try and create a new IQuerable i get an error that the interface cannot be implemented, if i take away the new i get a not implemented exception, have had to jump back and work on some old ASP classic sites for past month and for the life of me i can not wake my brain up into C# mode. The code is to create a list of priceItems, but instead of a categoryID (int) i am going to be showing the name as string.

public ActionResult ViewPriceItems(int? page)
var crm = 0;
page = GetPage(page);
// try and create items2
IQueryable<ViewPriceItemsModel> items2 = new IQueryable<ViewPriceItemsModel>();
// the data to be paged,but unmodified
var olditems = PriceItem.All().OrderBy(x => x.PriceItemID);
foreach (var item in olditems)
// set category as the name not the ID for easier reading
items2.Concat(new [] {new ViewPriceItemsModel {ID = item.PriceItemID,
Name = item.PriceItem_Name,
Category = PriceCategory.SingleOrDefault(
x => x.PriceCategoryID == item.PriceItem_PriceCategory_ID).PriceCategory_Name,
Display = item.PriceItems_DisplayMethod}});
crm = olditems.Count() / MaxResultsPerPage;
ViewData["numtpages"] = crm;
ViewData["curtpage"] = page + 1;
// return a paged result set
return View(new PagedList<ViewPriceItemsModel>(items2, page ?? 0, MaxResultsPerPage));

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C# - Subsonic ActiveRecord Template For MySQL Error On Inserting New Record?

Nov 7, 2010

public void Add(IDataProvider provider){

var key=KeyValue();
var newKey=_repo.Add(this,provider);
_repo.Add(this,provider); //NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code


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When Generate Against This Db Get All Kinds Of Errors Because Subsonic Is Expecting That Field To Be A Varchar?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm working against a database that wasn't designed by me and in all the tables there is a CreatedBy field that is an int. Now when I generate against this db i get all kinds of errors because subsonic is expecting that field to be a varchar.

I don't particularly want to go and rename the field in all of these tables so I was hoping there was a way to "alter" or change the internal convention (without getting into the source) in subsonic.

Has anyone been able/done this in subsonic 3.0.4??

EDIT: I'm using the active record model in subsonic 3

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Parent Columns And Child Columns Don't Have Type-matching Columns

Aug 3, 2010

i am making relation between two datatables and m getting this error

in this ds.Tables(0).Columns("In_ID") datatype is string
ds.Tables(1).Columns("row_id") datatype is integer

how i do the type casting here to make dataset relation

ds.Relations.Add("Rel_1", ds.Tables(0).Columns("In_ID"), ds.Tables(1).Columns("row_id"), True)

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DataSource Controls :: Add Columns To Table

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to add these 4 co,umns to the table as bit type woth a defaut of FALSE. What am I doing wrong here? I get a syntax error near (

create PROCEDURE [dbo].[AddADIFields]
ALTER TABLE dbo.tblTESTS ADD (AI1 Bit 0,AI2 Bit 0,AI3 Bit 0,AI4 Bit 0)

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DataSource Controls :: Add Space Between Columns

Mar 3, 2010

I am SELECTING two columns:

SELECT ([FirstName] + [LastName]) AS [FullName], UserID WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID

I would just like to know if there is a way to add a space between the two columns in the select statement.

This SqlDataSource Binds to a DropDownList so TextValue = "FullName" and DataValue = "UserId"

but of course, the way it is now the fullname is all one word.

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MVC :: Concatenate SQL Results?

Mar 23, 2011

I am working on an application that requires a lot of data sets being sent to the client when application starts. To avoid multiple trips to the server I want to combine all the data together and send it as one piece. I cannot build one single SQL statement, it's going to be many. Should I just put SQL results together like strings?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Constraint For 3 Columns

Jun 4, 2010

I want to create a constraint for 3 columns (A B and C) where if columns B or C are not null, then A cannot be null. And vice versa (i.e., if A is not null, then either B cannot be null, or C cannot be null).I am not very well versed in SQL and would like to know what is the best way to achieve this (e.,g Check constraint, stored procedure, function, trigger)? I'm leaning towards trigger but I'm not 100% sure if that's right nor of how to implement it.

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