Format Controls Which Was Created Dynamically?
Jun 21, 2010
I will have to retrive data from database assume this is the data I got
|No | Name|
46 ANN
and so on. I will have to create checkbox dynamical by these data like this
checkbox ANN checkbox LISA checkJOAN
checkbox JACK
I will create a container and then create checkbok , then add control to container.. my problem is how to give it a break each 3 controls? and how to format them like this
<TD width =33%>
checkbox ANN
<TD width =33%>
checkbox LISA
<TD width =33%>
checkbox JOAN
<TD width =33%>
checkbox JACK
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Similar Messages:
Sep 28, 2010
I'm creating an quiz application which queries the database and extracts the questions and choices. I use dynamically created controls such as a checkbox list and fill the values dynamically. How do I do this? Right now I have these functions:
array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20 - extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function. - validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.
I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive "enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a tree view with checkboxes for leaf nodes. If i click on checkboxes, I am creating some html controls dynamically. And in other static button click event I need to get an ID's of those dynamically created controls.
My Code is:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlOuter" runat="server" Visible="false" Width="650px">
<asp:Label ID="lblQtnrName" runat="server" Text="Questionaire Name"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQtnrName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>...
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Jun 5, 2010
In my code behind (c#) I dynamically created some RadioButtonLists with more RadioButtons in each of them. I put all controls to a specific Panel.What I need to know is how to access those controls later as they are not created in .aspx file (with drag and drop from toolbox)?
I tried this:
foreach (Control child in panel.Controls)
"test1" and "test2" dont show up in my page. That means something is wrong with this logic.
View 3 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
I know this question has been asked thousands of times, and I've struggled with it before, but for some reason, I can't accomplish what I want to accomplish... I have a dynamically added LinkButton that when clicked will dynamically add a control (in this example, a textbox) to the same panel. The intent is to continuously add on as many controls as times the LinkButton was clicked (i.e. I click it once, one box, then another click will give me 2 boxes, another click adds a 3rd). In the code below, I use the current date and time serialized to create a unique ID for each textbox control.
When I execute the code, clicking "Add Filter" will generate a new textbox, but once clicked again will create a new one, and dispose of the one before it. Instead, I want to persist the previous textbox as well as any data submitted within it.In the aspx:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlFilter" runat="server">
In the aspx.cs:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
LinkButton lb = new LinkButton(); [code]....
View 4 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
I want to preserve the dynamically created control when postback occurs .
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
} It can be achieved by calling CreateTable() in Page_Load. Is there any alternative way to preserve the control
View 2 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
How I can determinate width of some control, that was created dynamically?
For example I have such code:
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<encosia:HighslideManager ID="HighslideManager1" runat="server" FadeInOut="true"
OutlineType="RoundedWhite" ControlBar="false" />
<table style="width: 100%; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
I need to calculate width of imageTD. I've trying to calculate its width in pages events, but this property also like other styles property is empty.
View 5 Replies
Feb 14, 2011
I have a website that sales associates access to view account information with clients. S.A's can only view information for accounts that they are tied to. Some clients have more than one account, S.A's can be tied to more than one account, but not all accounts of one client need to be tied to one S.A.
On the account info pages, I have account numbers (dynamically displayed labels) displayed of other accounts that the account client is associated with, which the S.A's can see. I'm modding this so that if the S.A has viewing permissions of any of the other accounts on that list of accounts, that instead of a label being displayed, a button directing them to that account page will display instead. In order for this to work, I have to attach a security function to the button, otherwise the page will blow out on the S.A's.
So I'm running a piece that is displaying a button instead of a label, which is working fine. My problem is when I try to attach the security event to the dynamically displayed buttons. It seems that the page just posts back and doesn't execute my code at all.
On my Page_Load, I'm running this after the buttons and labels are displayed:
For x = 0 to tblAccountList.Rows.Count - 1
'use a try to target the button, use catch to handle if it's instead a label, only one cell per row.
Dim accountLink as Button = tblAccountList.Rows(x).Controls(0)
Addhandler accountLink.Click, AddressOf Me.PermissionViewCheck
Catch ex as InvalidCastException
Continue For
End Try
I don't have any code checking for postbacks or anything like that, but the "PermissionViewCheck" event never fires and just reposts the page.
View 6 Replies
May 28, 2010
I need to create web controls (e.g. label etc) dynamically.The problem is that for example,
on my onload event, I create a label. The text of the label is read from one line of a xml file.
But sometimes the text should be like " Messages (4)", in which the message count is something not generic and need some logic to calculate. I tried to put things like "Message (<#% MessageCount %>) " in my xml file, but the displayed text label is:
Message (<#% MessageCount %>) instead of Message (4 ).
View 12 Replies
Nov 24, 2010
I have a control declared with PartialCaching attribute, like this:
[PartialCaching(60 * 60 * 12)]
public class MyControl : Control {
// control contents ...
but I create it in code, using new keyword. The problem is that if the control is in cache I must not create the control again the next time, but I need to add the control to the page hierarchy, otherwise nothing is going to be rendered. What I need in pseudo-code is something like this:
if (myControlIsCached) {
var ctl = ???; // something that represents the cached control
// e.g. could be: new LiteralControl( myControlCachedData ) [code].....
View 1 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
i wrote a function to create dynamic table in code behind on selectedindexchanged of checkbox,that is when user will check 2 checkboxex 2 tables will be generated with textboxes,Then on button click i want insert values of these textboxes in database,for that i want to find textbox using findcontrol,but i could not find it,
So i called same function of table creation on page load,but then it shows error that textbox is having duplicate id
View 2 Replies
Jun 17, 2010
I have a set of dinamically created User Controls on the page. They are pretty small 170X120 px in size, but when the page is displayed, they are all one under the other. All styling is default, which means they should be positioned in normal flow. Is there any way to place them next to each other. This is not a problem when I dinamically create for standard controls, like a button or an image. Why the user control is different. This is the markup behind the control:
and this is how I create them:
View 2 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
I was looking through my transcender exam kit for 70-562 and they say load dynamically created controls in the loadviewstateEvent. This should be CreateChildControls() instead, no?
View 1 Replies
Oct 15, 2010
I'm trying to use the following loop to loop through dynamically created controls on my web form:
for(x = 0; x <= count; x++) {
Stmt += $("#DDLColumns" + x).val();
switch($("#DDLConditional" + x).val()) {
View 1 Replies
Jan 25, 2010
i create textbox dynamically (not in page_load)
for example
dim t as new textbox
t.text ="wywyr""wrytwry"
after that when i want to get the value from this one i cant.
i searched all the controls that i add into panel1
Each Control
In panel1.Controls
Dim s
String = Control.GetType.ToString
and it doesnt show nothing
how do i get the value from the dynamically generated textbox ?
View 5 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
I'm creating an quiz application which queries the database and extracts the questions and choices. I use dynamically created controls such as a checkbox list and fill the values dynamically. How do I do this? Right now I have these functions:
array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20
- extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function.
- validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.
I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work. What's the right way to do it?
View 3 Replies
Sep 13, 2010
I am building a webform dynamically but when I go to get the values the placeholder has no controls. Every control added has an unique ID. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong (language is C#).
aspx page
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upShoppingCart" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phShoppingCart" runat="server" />
<br /><asp:Button ID="btnUpdateCart" runat="server" Text="Update" OnClick="btnUpdateCart_OnClick" />
View 6 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
I have a GridView:
I have this LinkButton in the ItemTemplate section... I want to add a jQuery Popup when the user will click on it. The message that will be displayed depends of the value in the label. Is there a way I can do that?
View 6 Replies
Jun 3, 2010
I'm passing a List to an MVC view and generating checkboxes for each object in the list (The checkboxes are named t.Name).I'd like to be able to tell which checkboxes were checked once the form is posted. However, I'd like to avoid using the FormCollection object.
View 1 Replies
May 10, 2010
I'm working on an ASP.NET project in which the vast majority of the forms are generated dynamically at run time (form definitions are stored in a DB for customizability). Therefore, I have to dynamically create and add my controls to the Page every time OnLoad fires, regardless of IsPostBack. This has been working just fine and .NET takes care of managing ViewState for these controls.
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
private void RenderDynamicControls(){
//1. call service layer to retrieve form definition
//2. create and add controls to page container
I have a new requirement in which if a user clicks on a given button (this button is created at design time) the page should be re-rendered in a slightly different way. So in addition to the code that executes in OnLoad (i.e. RenderDynamicControls()), I have this code:
protected void MyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RenderDynamicControlsALittleDifferently() [code]
My question is, is this really the only way to accomplish what I'm after? It seems beyond hacky to effectively render the form twice simply to respond to a button click. I gather from my research that this is simply how the page-lifecycle works in ASP.NET: Namely, that OnLoad must fire on every Postback before child events are invoked. Still, it's worthwhile to check with the SO community before having to drink the kool-aid.
On a related note, once I get this feature completed, I'm planning on throwing an UpdatePanel on the page to perform the page updates via Ajax.
View 1 Replies
Jun 2, 2010
i have an array of buttons added to a panel control and need to reset them to their original values, is this possible pragmatically?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
View 3 Replies
Jan 13, 2010
I have a listview that displays a list of textboxes that get created on a button click. I would also like a label to be created next to each txtbox that would increment what is says from step x: to step x+1:
Do I need to create another listview control for this, or is there a much easier way (which I hope)?
Here is the current web code for my listview:
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<asp:ListView ID="lvDynamicTextboxes" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder" onitemdatabound="lvDynamicTextboxes_ItemDataBound">[code]....
And here is the code-behind
protected void btnAddNewStep_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
this.IncrementTextboxCount(); [code]....
EDIT::Since there seems to be a bit of confusion, I'll try to clarify:As of now, I have a textbox in a listview with a button underneath.
| txtbox |
When you click a button, it generates another text box, so clicking it twice results in this:
| txtbox |
| txtbox |
| txtbox |
These textboxes are to create steps in a process, so all I would like to do is add a generated label next to each generated textbox to say which step it is. So I want it to look like this:
["Step 1"] | txtbox |
["Step 2"] | txtbox |
["Step 3"] | txtbox |
And if they click the button again, then another label is generated with the text "Step 4"
View 4 Replies
Jun 11, 2010
My problem is:
I've got a table, dynamically created, fill with a lot of dropdownlists witches IDs are dynamically created.
When a button is pressed, I need to scan all controls in the table and save their value.
But after the postback I can't no longer access to the table.
View 2 Replies
Jan 13, 2011
My users have "demanded" to have an export function to their gridviews, and since they're running from usercontrols there's no way to modify the response stream. My workaround is to create an aspx to run in a hidden iframe. To do that, and to make it modular, I'm trying to dynamically create everything from the querystring. This *seems* to work just fine until I bind my sqldatasource to the dummy gridview. I then get "Procedure or function 'xxx' expects parameter '@NumberResults', which was not supplied."
View 1 Replies
Mar 1, 2011
have some code which dynamically generates a number of drop down lists to provide the user with different options. The items in these drop downlists contain a value which is a unique id for that particular combination of options and a text component which just plain text but not neccessarily unique. I then have assigned a handler to these dropdownlists which is called on selected index changed to perform the relevant actions based on what options are selected. The problem is to make the system perform the correct action I need the unique ID from selectedValue of the drop down box but when it posts back it appears the selectedValue has been replaced to match the text of the item.
Dim dynDdl = New DropDownList()
dynDdl.ID = "ddlOpts" & i
dynDdl.AutoPostBack = True
AddHandler dynDdl.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf dynDdl_selectedIndexChanged
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