Get ClientID If Textbox Name Is In String Variable?

Jun 30, 2010

I have written below code to check for blank value in my textbox but its generating compilation Error.

my code in javascript:

function checkTextboxNotFilled(txtbox) {
var txtb = document.getElementById("<%= " + txtbox + ".ClientID %>");
if (GetFormattedString(txtb.value) == "") {
return true ;
else {
return false ;


'string' does not contain a definition for 'ClientID' and no extension method 'ClientID' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I am calling it like this : checkTextboxNotFilled("MytextboxName")

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Use Textbox Value On Submit As A Query String Variable?

Jan 12, 2011

How would I take a text box value and use it in the query string on submit? I'd like it to start as this,


and end up something like this after the user enters in a search and clicks search.


The controller action looks like this

public ActionResult Index(string query,bool favorites)
//search code

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AJAX :: Accordion Pane TextBox Text Not Being Passed Into Variable String?

Jun 9, 2010

I would think that this would work pretty seamlessly, but I am having trouble getting the text from a textBox control in an accordion pane's content to pass into the paypal web payments https post.

If I put an amount in the querystring in my codebehind isntead of passing the text string and click the button in the accordion pane, it works perfectly on the paypal page. But for some reason, I am getting a null return in the text string when I try to make the amount in the querystring whatever the text in the textbox is.

I have tried putting the accordion in an update panel and got the same results....

Am I missing something the get the text from the textbox?

Here is my accordian pane:

<cc1:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server">
<a href="" onclick="return false;" style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold;">Donor</a>
<asp:BulletedList ID="BulletedList2" runat="server" Font-Size="Small">
<asp:ListItem>Program Listing</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>10% Off other productions</asp:ListItem>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<asp:TextBox ID="donorAmt" runat="server" Width="100" Height="15px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text="Make Payment Online" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click" />
<cc1:TextBoxWatermarkExtender ID="TextBoxWatermarkExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="donorAmt" WatermarkText="Your Amount" WatermarkCssClass="accTextWM" />

Here is how I am getting the text string in codeBehind:

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim amt As String = donorAmt.Text
Response.Redirect("" & amt & "&no_note=0&item_name=ALT Donor Level Annual Membership&sra=1&notify_url=")
End Sub

Note: Some of the paypal string has been removed for privacy

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Expanding ClientID In An Event String?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm having a problem with <%= obj.ClientID %> expansion, in a .ascx user control.

I have a .js file, containing a javascript function:

function doSomething(objectId)

I have a .ascx file, with some html elements, and in one element's onclick= I want to call doSomething(), passing the ID of an element in that .ascx file, where the passed ID is of an element other than the one being clicked on, so I can't use "this.".

Maybe it'd be clearer with an example.

This works:

<script type="text/javascript">
function redirect()
doSomething('<%= top.ClientID %>');
<div id="top" runat="server">
<img src="..." alt="..." onclick="redirect();"/>

But this does not:

<div id="top" runat="server">
<img src="..." alt="..." onclick="doSomething('<%= top.ClientID %>');"/>

When I look at the source, I see that the <%=%> substitution has not happened, instead of "doSomething('ctl00_myControl_top');" I get "doSomething('<%=top.ClientID %>');"

For some reason, the script expansion happens in the former case, but not in the latter. The work-around, of course, is not acceptable because it will break if I include multiple copies of the control on a page - only one instance's "redirect()" function will be accessible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Gridview Item Template Textbox Value To String Variable?

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Get Gridview item template textbox value to string variable?

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Web Forms :: Rendered ClientID Is Different From Programmatically Retrieved ClientID

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I get the ClientID of a control in ItemCreated event like this: 'ctrl0_spanLoader'

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This happens in Asp.Net 4 and I have no problems in Asp.Net 3.5.

How do I get the real clientID from ClientID property of my control? Is it a matter of configuration or anything else?

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Code behind



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How can i access it with previous page property?

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C# - To Add A Variable String To The SQL

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I know I could set comm inside the if statement, but I imagine there is a way just to add a variable string to the SQL.

string IndCBSQL;
if (iIndividualsCheckBox.Checked)
IndCBSQL = "AND CMMaster.CONSTTYPE LIKE 'Individual'";

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This throws

CS0019: Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'string'

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<img src="" width="1" height="1" />
var x ;
x Should be replace at the place of LEAD_ID
<img src="" width="1" height="1" />

Meas var x will replace at the place of Lead_ID

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Aug 15, 2010

I have a page the retieves transaction data from PayPal. The data is retrieved as a string of text. I need to break down the string and save parts of it to my database. I have justed a plain string in my test to see if my code works. I have converted some working VB code into C# but I am getting the errors when trying to Response.Write the different parts. The Error message says that I am trying to use the string variable before I have assigned a value to it.


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I am using and C#. I want to send mail to my user in HTML format, I have the content in HTML format let say like this

<table style="width:100%;">
<td style="width:20%; background-color:Blue;"></td>
<td style="width:80%; background-color:Green;"></td>

Now I am unable to assign this to a string variable, so that I could send it as a mail. how can I bind this whole HTML content into a varibale.

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C# - How To Add Doublequotes To A String That Is Inside A Variable

Oct 11, 2010

I have variable like:

string title = string.empty; My need is that whatever string is passed to it I have to display the content inside a div with in a doublequotes .So I have written something like:

<div>"+ title +@"</div>

But how to add the doublequotes here? So that it will display like :

"How to add doublequotes"

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C# - Get Role Of User In A String Variable?

Jan 21, 2010

is there a way i can get the role in a string variable using the below commands....

System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity wi = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal wp = new System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal(wi);

i need this for

FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, // version
UserName.Text, // user name
DateTime.Now, // creation
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60),// Expiration
false, // Persistent
role); // User data

as string role= wp.IsInRole();
but this is not right

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Compare A Session Variable With A String In C#?

Dec 20, 2010

it still does not work, the user writes appendix then press OK in Login, nothing happens

here is the login (

Partial Class login
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Session("passcode") = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
End Class

and here is the default page C#

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["passcode"] == "appendix")
Response.Write("OK !");

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How To Find The First String Symbol After @ Sign Of A Variable

Apr 22, 2010

i have the following variable:


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