How To View/review Excel File In Browser

Oct 20, 2010

I can place an Excel file in the root directory, use Browse and view an xlsx, xlsm or any other Excel file and it (sometimes) pops up in a browser window with no option to save or do anything other than view the Excel document (you can type in the cells and it gives you the option to save if there are any changes). I'm trying to find out how to do that exact thing client-side.

We have a server that allows a client to upload an Excel file and we want them to be able to review it only. If there is a way to bypass the Open message box that pops, that would be ideal, but just getting it to display in a separate, small browser window would be just what the doctor ordered. The Excel files are varied so the content is always different and not necessarily formatted the same. That removes the ability to go with named ranges and definitions.

Currently with the code we have, users can press a view button to review the file they uploaded for errors but it opens up the full version of Excel and then throws errors because it tries to force a save to a temp file. Not exactly ideal and very confusing to the user. I don't habve the exact code available to me at the moment, but I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

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