How To Create A Helper That Is Going To Render A Partial View With A Model

Sep 15, 2010

I'll give a very simple example:

at the moment I have to write like this:

<% Html.RenderPartial("hello", new HelloInput { Name = "Jimmy" } ); %>

I would like to be able to like this:

<%=Html.Hello("Jimmy") %>

So I would like to know how create this helper:

public static string Hello(this HtmlHelper helper, string name)
return the result of rendering partial view "hello" with HelloInput{ Name = name };

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Is It Possible To Render Partial View As A Model

Feb 18, 2010

Is it possible to render partial view as a model form in MVC?

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MVC :: Render Partial View Itself In View Model Document?

Oct 27, 2010

I am totally a new bee in mvc. Let me now explain my issue. I have a strongly typed view which inherits from a view model Document. I want to have a partial view in that view itself. My code for this purpose is :

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<HexsolveMVC.Models.Document>" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
Document Title: <span>
<%=Model.DocTitle %></span><span><a href="#">[ Edit ]</a></span></h1>
<span>*</span>Created Date:</label>
<%= Model.DocCreatedDate%></span></li>

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MVC :: Render A Partial View As Part Of Other View?

Dec 27, 2010

i need to do something like this :

i have a partial view and i can go to it like this :


this return a STRING with a movie inside

some times i want to return this string inside other view

(lets say i want to put the string movie thing inside full html view and not just the movie string )

so im doing it like this:


how the seriver side should look like ?

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MVC :: Using A Partial View To Render A Section Of A Form Twice

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if there's a good way to remove the duplication in this scenario. Here's the model ... a Person that contains two Addresses:


And here's the view:


The entire Address block is duplicated ... one for the Home address, one for the Work address. To remove duplication, I tried factoring out the Address block into a partial view, and doing this in place of the two divs above:


And the page renders fine, but when it gets posted back on form submit, the model binding doesn't work. (Of course it doesn't work ... the <input> tags for the address blocks both have name="Street", so there's no way for the model binder to know whether to shove that into HomeAddress or WorkAddress.)

I read this post:

[URL] but that answer seems most unsatisfactory. Is there a better solution?

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C# - How To Render A Partial View By Name Within A Master Page

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to implement something like Ruby on Rail's ActionDispatch::Flash to pass messages to the next page request. The approach that I want to take is to store a pair of (partial view name, model object) in the session context and render it in the master page when rendering the request to display the flash message.

Inside my HttpApplication subclass I now have:


to render the partial view that was specified by name when Global#Flash was called.

I want to use a view for the flash message instead of saving the message as a string in the session context because I want to include the URL in the message:

<%-- BookmarkAddedFlash.ascx --%>
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<MyApp.Web.Models.Bookmark_AddModel>" %>
<%: Html.DisplayTextFor(m => m.Url) %> was successfully bookmarked.

And I only want to render the view when the subsequent request is made; i.e. one request sets the flash message and the subsequent request renders it.

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MVC :: Partial View Not Sending View Model To ActionResult Method?

Dec 29, 2010

've created a Search partial view and it works, except for my view model. What i mean is, the partial view sends a string to my ActionResult Method, but only a string, that is not related to the view model that the partial view is built in. If i tell my ActionResult method to receive the view model in which the partial view is built in, it always tells me that i have null values. Here's my code This is my partial view:


Now here is my Model in my MoviesSearch view model:


Now the actual MoviesSearchViewModel


Inside my Search controller i have this


And then i have this:

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MVC :: View And Partial View Sharing The Same ViewData.Model?

May 3, 2010

making my first steps with mvc and I actually create a (very) small website.I have 1 controller : TasksController1 view : Tasks/Index.aspx1 Partial View : Tasks/AvailableSorting.ascx In my controller I have 2 methods :


In my Tasks/Index.aspx, I add my partial view (<% Html.RenderPartial("AvaliableSorting"); %>)

That sounds simple. But, It just doesn't work : the Index return a list of Task and the parial view (should) return a list of string.The index.aspx works perfectly, but the partial view doesn't get the right model ! he gets the model of the Index page (list of Task).

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MVC :: How To Pass A Partial View From A Different Model To A View Page

Nov 22, 2010

I would like to add a partial view to my view page

The view page contain a mode name "<IEnumerable<JvTake1.Models.VortN>>

And the partial view contain a model name "<IEnumerable<JvTake1.Models.VideoL>>"
So, theoretically I think they were suppose to work together but no Can any one guide me how to make it happen?

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MVC :: Partial View Model?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a single model type to wrap up various models I want to use in my view:

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C# - How To Pass Model From A View To A Partial View

May 5, 2010

I have a view that is not strongly typed. However I have in this view a partial view that is strongly typed.How do I do I pass the model to this strongly typed view?I tried something like

public ActionResult Test()
MyData = new Data();
MyData.One = 1;
return View("Test",MyData)

In my TestView

<% Html.RenderPartial("PartialView",Model); %>

This give me a stackoverflow exception. So I am not sure how to pass it on. Of course I don't want to make the test view strongly typed if possible as what happens if I had like 10 strongly typed partial views in that view I would need like some sort of wrapper.

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Data Controls :: Render Partial View Based On User Input In MVC

Jan 24, 2016

I want to know that how to render partial view based on where the user navigates. I mean to say if user navigates to Home/index it will load different partial view and if user navigates to Home/contact it will load different partial view on the _layout page. 

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MVC :: Partial View With Model Windows?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a partial view called experience that is basic html markup.

I have a page that contains rows of records (experience records) and one of the columns in these rows is an "edit" link column. When I click that link I want to pass the id of that row to a method that will package up the details of that row (linq query to the experience table using the passed in id).

(this is the important part) ...... I want the partial view (experience.ascx) along with its new Model containing the experience details to load in a modal dialog box rather than another page.

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MVC :: Getting Data For A Partial View Outside The Model?

Dec 13, 2010

have been unable to find any explanation of this anywhere.I have an .ascx partial view that's pulling data from a given model.I want to populate a drop-down list in my partial view using data from a table
outside the model (it is in the same database and entity framework).I don't know the syntax (I'm pretty much just learning MVC2 and jquery), and don't even know where to start. I've gotten about as far as <% foreach step in [???] %>, but don't know what to do with it. What do I put in the "[???]"???

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MVC :: Pass Variable From Model To Partial View?

Jun 17, 2010

i have a page which is bound to a viewmodel and i also have a partial view on this page which requires a parameter from the can i pass this parameter to the partial view?

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MVC :: Returning A Partial View With A Changed Model?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a partial view (an ascx page (see below)) that is used on every page on my site. Its basically a form, when the user hits submit I need it to call a procedure in one of my controllers and then return the page the user was on.


Public Function TalkToUs(ByVal customer As Customers) As PartialViewResult

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How To Return A Partial View From A Controller With Different Model

Mar 18, 2011

returning a partial view from a controller with different model than my main View. For example:

blic ActionResult Index()
//myModel - get Some Types
return View(mymodel);

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MVC :: Call Model From Masterpage With Partial View

Apr 19, 2010


<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.categoria_id) %>


i am trying to add this to the view so i can choose from the combo box


and i am having this error{"There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'categoria_id'."} so how can i start the model from the master page?

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C# - Render A Multiple-model CREATE Form On The Fly

Jul 9, 2010

It's a multi-model view, and I'm achieving this through an IList<Book>. Each Book has a Title and an Author

So for example if I wanted to make 3 Books:


However, I want to be able to generate such a form for any number of Books. I've done this before in Ruby on Rails through JavaScript and rendering partials, but I don't think I can render a partial in this case because the form changes (the index of the book has to increment for it to work)

EDIT: I'm looking for a way to do this in the Create view in particular. So in this case I don't have a list of books, but I'm building it.

A user should be able to click on a link that says "Add another item" and a form for another book should be appended to the bottom.

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MVC :: How To Render A Partial View Multiple Time On User Action Like Button Click Event

Jan 19, 2011

I need to render a particular partial view multiple times inside a view whenever user perofrm an action like button click event.How we do it in mvc?

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MVC :: Jquery Tabs And Sharing The Same Model For All Partial View?

Mar 8, 2011

I am implementing jquery tabs with partial views in my project.I just tried the implemention mention in this link [URL]My tabs are working very fine.. my question is how can i send the model in that viewto partial view..i think we can do it by this syntax @Html.RenderPartial("Name",ObjectModel);In the above link Kevin created the tabs with only anchor tags... it will pick the partial view and how can i send the model to that partial view....

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MVC :: Calling A Method (of Model Class) From A Partial View?

Dec 13, 2010

MVC / LINQ to SQL.I am trying to insert my website's main logo in the Header.ascx.I have this function :


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MVC :: Multiple Instances Of Same Partial (with Same View Model) Messes Up Validation?

Jan 27, 2011

This project I'm working on have this custom clientside JavaScript validation framework created for (which I cannot change) that show error messages/summary based on your data annotations and a "Validate" method in your ViewModel.

Like I said I'm not allowed to change this, so wont be able to go with suggestions doing that.

What the person that created this did not foresee, is that one might need put several partials of the same type and having the same view model (each in a form) on a view.

So I went ahead and did things the normal way (using Html.whateverFor<model => model.whatever) and wala!....the custom validation thing throws error messages for the specific form fields, next to each form in the view. I was suggested to create a "prefix" for each instance of the view model, and do something like this:

Change: <%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.AccountNumber)%>

To: <%: Html.Hidden(Model.ElementPrefix + "AccountNumber", Model.AccountNumber)%>

Not to mention the tons of jquery selectors and all that I have to go change (and all my view inputs)

(I just hate having to find workarounds for this "custom" everything they created for this project)

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MVC 3 - Razor - Trying To Use A Partial View For A File Upload In A Create View?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to use a partial view for a file upload in a Create View.

Here is my partial view, I removed the submit button, as the view it is rendered in, should activat the form post:

@model dynamic

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MVC :: Create A Partial View And A Controller That Will Feed Data To the View?

Jan 27, 2010

Can i create a partial view and a controller that will feed data to the view, and if i render that partial in a Master page, the Data will show on whatever URL i am?

Or is there another way of showing content from database on every page(view)?

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