How To Create Reusable "widget" Markup Across Modules In MVC 2.0 Website
Oct 4, 2010
platform: ASP.NET 4.0, MVC 2.0 (doesn't have to be MVC if it's not the right solution)
Create various widgets that inherit the same core markup:
The above "simplified" example should be in some reusable control or masterpage.
The flow is something like this:
Controller -> View -> Partial View (1..n) -> widget markup
User instantiates an action which calls a controller. The controller tries to render a view that contains content + multiple widgets (left rail, right rail, etc). The Widgets all have their own individual partial views but each partial view should inherit or consume a base set of widget markup and have controller areas where to embed functionality.
Functionality in the head, body, and footer can either be plain text, HTML, or additional custom controls.
What is the best recommended approach?
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<ns:MyControl ID="someID" runat="server" SomeOtherAttribute="true">
<asp:Label ID="someLabel" runat="server" Text="Normal page markup and controls should go here" /><br />
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<ControlEvent ControlName="idOfOtherControl" Event="Click" />
<ControlEvent ControlName="idOfSomeOtherControl" Event="MouseOver" />
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<ns:MyControl ID="someID" runat="server" SomeOtherAttribute="true">
<asp:Label ID="someLabel" runat="server" Text="Normal page markup and controls should go here" /><br />
<p>This should be OK too.</p>
<ns:ControlEvent ControlName="idOfOtherControl" Event="Click" />........................
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Test project consists of two files code.cs and test.aspx with only "Hello!" text.
1. GenerateA with GetDomainForGenerator failed with "This method cannot be called during the application's pre-start initialization stage."
in the out.txt and stack trace
2. GenerateB with copy-pasted CreateWorkerAppDomainWithHost from cassini source generates correct out.txt
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<img id="imgpro" runat="server" ImageUrl="/images/imagedisplay.ashx?ID=<%#Eval("ID") %>&Table=ProductPhotos&Thumbnail=true&DefaultImage=true" AlternateText="<%#Eval("Name") %>" />
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