How To Get Only User Name At The Login Control

Feb 25, 2010

Using the login control, after the user enters the username and password, the login button is clicked. I would like to get the name of the users that has just logged in. So in the login button click event I have this:string strUserName = User.Identity.Name;

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What if, I'm not using the LOGIN CONTROL but rather creating a Custom Control for Login. Is it possible to have user roles and a site map that redirects to its own destination when the user login?

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Security :: How To Authenticate And Login A User Without Using The Login Control

Feb 7, 2011

I have built a login form that does not use the 'login' control.

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May 28, 2010

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C# - How To Display User Name In Login Name Control

Jan 10, 2011

I have a master page that holds the loginview content that appears on all subsequent pages based on the master page. i have a username control also nested in the loginview to display the name of the user when they are logged in. the code for the loginview from the master page is displayed as follows:


My authentication works perfectly and the page gets redirected to the designated destination. However, the login view does not display the users name. i actually cant figure out how to pass the users name that i had picked from the database to the login name control to be displayed.

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Create A Login Box As A User Control?

May 16, 2010

I'm starting out learning some ASP.Net programming and I'm going to be making a little community website for my friends and myself.

I was thinking of having a usercontrol and have that 'loginBox' shows the appropriate textboxes and login button, but also show his username when he is logged in.

Do you think I should handle this as a user control or am I missing something as an ASP.Net newbie?

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Security :: Use Login Control For 3 Catagarios Of User?

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how i will do it using Login Control.

If you some code it is most valuable for me.

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JQuery :: Show Login Control In Ligh Box Effect So Its Like If I Open On Login Link Login Control Wil Show And Same Time?

Sep 24, 2010

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Security :: Using Login Control To Display User Info?

Feb 5, 2010

I am using the Login control on my login.aspx page to login to my /Members/Default.aspx page to display their current weight and their goal weight using the DetailsGrid. I have everything setup and I can log in and verify the user login name, but it only give one weight regardless of who logs in. Below is the SQL for the SQL Source on the DetailsGrid. I am new with this, Comparing the UserNames on aspnet_Users.UserName and memInfo.UserName should be able to extract that data, correct? Obviously I'm missing something. :)

SELECT memInfo.curWeight, memInfo.goalWeight FROM aspnet_Membership INNER JOIN aspnet_Users ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = aspnet_Users.UserId INNER JOIN memInfo ON aspnet_Membership.UserId = memInfo.UserId AND aspnet_Users.UserName = memInfo.UserName

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Security :: How Do Get The User And Password From The Textboxes Of Login Control

Jun 10, 2010

i have added login control provided with teh VS 2008 to the form, when i double click Login button of it, it creates the Click event,

what i want is to fetch the values in the boxes username and password, How do that? why i cannot access the id tag of the textboxes from the clickevent?

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Security :: Asp Control As Per User Login Or Just Web Page And Directories?

Jul 23, 2010

I was reading some tutorials on Internet and Go through some Scott articles. I learn how to make form security with different types and roles. Now I wanted to know is it possible to secure control as per user login or just web page and directories.

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Dec 15, 2010

I have a problem with using login controls form authentication ! as my website serves some pages for guest users(Anonymous user) and some pages are for only secure user(they must have to login for those requested pages)...... my problem is this that when i apply form authentication in web.config file to login control then visual studio directly shows only login page where i want that in general case only : guest user pages must be shown and if user clicks on login then after login the requested page he may open !

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Jul 23, 2010

I am using membership and the login control. I would like to prevent a user from logging in with the same use rname if they are already logged in. I would like to place code in the LoggingIn or Authenticate event of the login control to check whether the user is login and prevent them from logging in again. Any ideas on the best way to do this?

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Apr 17, 2010

I'm looking for a way to create a login control without the use of web admin tool

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Windows 7 Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ESET Anti-virus but SQL and Studio files excluded from being scanned. I have got a database. I've created the front end of the user login control manually not using the toolbox. Basically what I need is that once a user has registered. He then logs in. when he enters his username and password how do I code it so the database realises it's him/her and takes them to their LOGGED IN user

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is there any other way?

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Jan 17, 2010

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So far so good, but now i want to create the logic to do the actual login. In a regular aspx page i'll do it in the cmdlogin click event, but as i'm in the masterpage, i'm not sure if i can do that. I actually tried to do it in the code behind of the masterpage, but it didn't work. What can do?? do i ahve to use the login control?

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Mar 1, 2011

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2. how to pass the error to the error page so it can be displayed there?

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