How To Involkes DoPostBack Callback To The Page Manually

Sep 23, 2010

I have a web forms page with a button that involkes a __doPostBack callback to the page. I would like to invoke this manually - by "manually" I mean from outside the webpage, for example by using wget.

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Similar Messages: - Use Of Eventargs In DoPostback Function?

Feb 10, 2010

This may be a basic question. I know __doPostback() function accepts 2 arguments, eventtarget and eventargs. eventtarget is used to identify the control that causes postback. Then what is the use of eventargs in doPostback function?? I saw the _doPostback function always set the __EVENTARGUMENT hidden field to nothing for any postbacks caused thro controls with even autopostback to true or a control like linkButton.

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C# DoPostBack Function Is Not Appearing In The Html Code?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a form with multiple dropdownlist and each list has onselectedindexchanged defined.

<asp:DropDownList ID="SPR" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="Reload_OnSelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true">
<asp:ListItem Text="1 day" Value="1:D"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="5 days" Value="5:D"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="1 month" Value="1:M"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="3 months" Value="3:M"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="6 months" Value="6:M"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="1 year" Value="1:Y"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="2 years" Value="2:Y"></asp:ListItem>

So when I run the page I expect to receive the postbackcode and the select code with the onchange property defined.

When I invoke the pages in Explorer, Safari or Chrome everything works fine but in Firefox the __doPostBack function and the onchange property in the select tags are not defined. Why is that?

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Web Forms :: DoPostBack Does Not Occur Post Backs?

Dec 9, 2010

Here is my simple markup, I hope its understandable as to what I am trying to do

<form id="form1" runat="server">

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Web Forms :: Page Goes To Error After Click Before Page Fully Loaded / Invalid Postback Or Callback Argument

Oct 25, 2010

When user cliick on the control before page fully loaded it goes to error page.

Following is the trace.

Execution Error

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.


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Send A Callback To Other Page?

Aug 18, 2010

I have an page. I'm using a jquery library to open a modal window on link click. Within this modal window I'm loading another page. After i make update within this modal window I need to send a callback to "Parent" page. if I call function from this window I'm getting the error it couldn't find function. Window.opener.functionname also not working.

here is an example of my code

$(function () {
$('#ControlId').click(function (e) {
bgColor: '#3333cc',
url: 'default.aspx'
return false;
return false;

Is there any way how to send a callback?

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Rebuild Whole Page On Callback?

Mar 15, 2010

In is it a requirement to rebuild the whole page during every callback? For example my web page is split into three distinct areas and I have an update panel for each area. Lets say I want to update the third area, do I have to bother with any processing of the other two areas?

For example lets say there is a grid view in area two. The update panel in area three callbacks to update its content. Do I have to rebind the grid in area two?

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Response Redirect Cannot Be Called In Page Callback?

Jul 16, 2010

I am getting the following error when I leave my web inactive for a while

"Response.Redirect.cannot be called in a Page callback."

I'm storing the user ids in session and during page load I check to see if the user id exists if not then I redirect them to the login page.

I am using devexpress controls, How can I get the redirect to work?

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Web Forms :: Page Is Shaking By Each Callback, Scrollbar Effect?

Jun 25, 2010

When the page is loading i have the problem, that the Page shakes a little to the right and then to the left. Thatīs maybe because of a scrollbar effect in the browser.

I tried to fix a vertical scrollbar, but it does not work.

Take a look at the site: [URL]

There the pages in progress are available. When you hit the Navigation bar, the Page reload is shaking.

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Page Is Reloaded After Ajax Based Client Callback To WCF

Feb 20, 2010

Ive set up a basic client side callback to a WCF service. see sample code below.

when viewing using an http filter attached to the explorer you can see that:

1. service1.svc/js is working fine and return proper java script to the browser

2. serrvice1.svc works and returns a proper json data.

3. call is fine and using alert instead of updating the div info i get the data.

but then after OK on the alert the page is then reloaded from scratch.


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AJAX :: Extra Request To A Default Page On A Callback?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a following issue (it's only happening in Internet Explorer).

I add callback to a page in the old-fashioned way -> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(...)

The scenario is: 1) The default page is being loaded. On Page_OnLoad it assigns a NULL to some session key. Let's call it Control -> Session["Control"] = null;

2) User presses a button and gets redirected to a next page (let's call it NextPage.aspx) using javascript event -> window.location.assign(....) (also tried .href = ... - no help)

3) The NextPage.aspx assigns some value to Session["Control"] on Page_OnLoad

5) User clicks a button on the NextPage.aspx and a callback request is being sent to a server....

TA DA!!! The interesting part:

6) Along with the request to the NextPage.aspx another request is being sent to the default page.

7) The only response is being recieved by a client is a response from the NextPage.aspx BUT since the code on the default page is being executed it puts null to the Session["Control"] which screws all my following scenario. the default page doesn't recognize the request as a callback? so if(IsCallback) {} doesn't help....

I believe it's not a code issue since as I wrote above it works in development environment,but I have no clue what can 'cause it to fail in production and only in IE...

At least what to start to look at... and I have Helicon's ISAPI Rewrite installed on the production server. It doesn't seem to be the cause but who knows....


if I do not assign window.location and just add a link to the NextPage.aspx and click it manualy after callback ended it still sends extra request to the default page. if I click the link before I initialize callback it works fine without extra request.

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Can Manually Scroll Up To Top Of Page To See Required Field

Jan 14, 2010

I've currently got a RequiredFieldValidator added to the top 3 fields of each generated set of questions. The questions are dynamic, and what I'd love to do is pop up a red "YOU MISSED SOME FIELDS...blah blah" msg above the Submit button when the user misses those top fields. (I did do this previously with a custom validator, but I've had trouble doing this w/the dynamic fields that I've created.)Right now, if you miss a top-3 field, the page just does nothing, and the user has to manually scroll up to the top of the page to see "required field" pop up in red next to the missed field.

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Cannot Set Textbox Value In Callback Handler In C#

Mar 16, 2010

I am using ASP.NET Callbacks (that implements the ICallbackEventHandler) and in the handler, I try to set a value of the text box:

txtName.text = "Test";

but this value is not set. Is this a limitation with callback? It appears I cannot do much in a callback handler other than sending back a string to the client side (ofcourse I can access the Session etc)

View 2 Replies - Asynchronous Callback To Web Service?

Feb 12, 2011

I have been trying to figure this our for far too long and I cannot get my head around it. Every example I have seen seems to be far more complex that I need.

I have a web service in my project (.asmx). I want to call it very simply from a button on a webpage.

Run service asynchronously
return control back to webpage (web
service running in background)

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Web Forms :: Callback Gets Terminated?

May 25, 2010

I have a page in which the Grid View is loaded using ICallbackEventHandler Asyncronously(Callback feature of ASP.Net).The stored procedure to populate the Grid View is time consuming.Once the page is loaded,the Grid View appears on the page after 7-10 secs.The problem is that in the mean while if there is a PostBack from any control (example if a Button is Clicked) on the page,then in that case the Callback isterminated and the Grid View is not loaded.Did any one came across this situation?

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C# - Facebook Deauthorize Callback?

Dec 28, 2010

I am using ASP.NET I would like to implement the listener for the FB de-auth. I get signed_request param from the FB server.
How can I decrypt it using C#?

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C# - Identify Callback Control Id?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a masterpage that contains a user control. The usercontrol uses callbacks for various operations. However, every time a callback is issued from the user control it is propagated down to the pages that inherit from the master page. How do I determine the id of the control that issued the callback so that I can stop these callbacks from destroying the state of the pages?

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Implementing Clickatell CallBack In ASP.NET Using C#.NET?

Feb 3, 2010

I am building a web application in ASP.NET using C#.NET which sends a SMS using clickatell.I am trying unsuccessfully to receive a status back from clickatell by creating a CallBack Page called ClickatellCallBack.aspx Here is the codebehind of the Page:

public partial class ClickatellCallBack : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)[code]....

Basically, this Page retrieves the Query String values sent from clickatell and inserts them into a database table.I have registered the following Callback URL: with clickatell and selected the Callback Type: HTTP GET

In my 'sendmsg' command I set delivery acknowledgement and callback request as follows: deliv_ack=1 and callback=3

The only problem being that nothing appears to be happening. The CallBack URL doesn't appear to be reached by clickatell.Do I need to implement this Callback URL using something other than an ASP.NET Page? Is there some clickatell setting I'm missing?

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MVC :: Return Jsonp Data With Callback In 2

Jan 9, 2011

Does anyone have a working example of returning jsonp data with callback in mvc 2 that they can share?

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JSONP Callback Method Is Not Defined

Jun 9, 2010

I'm trying to get a jsonp callback working using jquery within a greasemonkey script. Here's my jquery:

data: { authkey: "temphash" },
type: "get",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(data) {

in my webservice ( I'm returning the response with a content type of application/javascript. The response the server is actually sending back is: jsonp1276109314602({"message":"I'm getting tired of this not working"}) The jsonp1276109314602 method name is being randomly generated by jquery, and I'm grabbing it with Request.QueryString["callback"] However my success function is never called and the firebug console gives me an error saying jsonp1276109314602 is not defined. What am I doing wrong?

NOTE: I'm making this call from a greasemonkey script on a craigslist page. It's a cross-domain request, but I can see the request is actually making it to the server and returning a good response, but for whatever reason the registered callback that jquery creates appears to not exist when the response comes back. It works fine if I run the script in the firebug console from the craigslist page, but not when it's run from the greasemonkey script.

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Javascript - Callback Function With Parameters

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using AJAX Page Methods, but I can't seem to be able to pass the needed parameters:

function getFavStatus() {
//favs is a list of DOM <imgs> that I want to modify their img.src attribute
for (i = 0; i < favs.length; i++) {
function setFavImg(fav, response) {
fav.src = response;
The problem that I can't figure out is how to use the "response" from PageMethods, AND pass the DOM object to the callback function.
I've also tried doing something like this:
function getFavStatus() {
for (i = 0; i < favs.length; i++) {
PageMethods.isFavorite(favs[i].alt, function (response) {
favs[i].src = response;});

In this case, the response works properly, but i is always > favs.length, because it has already iterated through the loop... Edit: My PageMethods.isFavorite signature is: [System.Web.Services.WebMethod] public static string isFavorite ( string p_id )

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Do AJAX Callback Before Each Postback For Webforms?

Oct 6, 2010

Whenever a postback would occur (AJAX'ed by an UpdatePanel) I want to do a callback beforehand and only after the callback has completed (either successfully or not) should the postback occur. How can I do this?

Elaborate explanation: We use ASP.NET AJAX (UpdatePanel 'n stuff) together with DevExpress controls. Among those controls is the ubiquitous GridView. As is typical with ASP.NET gridviews, you can edit rows one-by-one, and to save your changes you have to hit the "update" button at the end of the row. However if you make some changes to the row, then forget to press the "update" button, and hit something else in the page (say the big red SAVE button that causes a postback and saves the whole form to the DB), your changes will be lost. The row will still be in edit mode, but it will have reset to the data it had initially when you started the edit.

Our clients are not happy with this and want the row to be saved automatically if the user forgets to do so himself. Luckily the DevExpress gridview is smart enough to have an "Update()" method which I can call from JavaScript. Unluckily that causes a callback and returns immediately. If I allow the postback to continue as normally, the callback will get aborted. Well, technically it's a race condition I guess, but so far it seems that the postback wins. There are events to which I could attach for success/failure of the callback, but I don't know how to "resume" the postback that started it all. We could turn off callbacks for all the grids, but that would be a performance disaster.

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Web Forms :: CustomValidator ClientValidationFunction Using CallBack

Jan 30, 2010

I try to use CustomValidator ClientValidationFunction. The issue I have is CallBack using Asynchronous call which make it difficult to detect when the call is complete.

var callbackresult;
function ValidateSomething(src, args)
MyCallBackMethod(param); How shall I check when the call back is complete??? Any workaround?
if(callbackresult == 'true')
args.IsValid = true;
args.IsValid = false;

function CallBackRef(result, context)
callbackresult = result;

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Refresh GridView Using Client Callback?

Mar 15, 2010

How do I refresh GridView using Client CallBack?

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What Is The Difference Between Postback / Autopostback And Callback

Aug 27, 2010

can you define autopostback and postback and it's differences and which web server control support autopostback and postback and also the difference between postback and callback?

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