Insert Values From An Excel Sheet To Sqlserver 2005?
Feb 19, 2010
i have an excel sheet where i try to upload my excel sheet to sqlserver all having same colum name. now i do not want to add dll files as an web reference in my project. rather place the (dll) in an folder and call them dynamically in .cs i am doing like this
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"");
now in my .cs page i need to generate this property or methods of an excel dll which i have loaded dynamically
microsoft.officce.interop.excel.applicationClass excel= null
so that after loading my excel dl dynamically i need to sent values from my excel sheet to sqlserver 2005
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Feb 18, 2010
i am Using sql server 2005. i want to copy the data of the excel file to the table.
i wrote the query like :
INSERT INTO test(empId,empName,empMailId,empContactNo)
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=C: estExcel.xls',
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
got the following error :
SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online.
then did this
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;
again am trying the same above query ,now am getting the following error:
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error. Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
i want to copy the data of the excel sheet to the table.
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Dec 15, 2010
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Dec 27, 2010
I have a web application (ASP.NET 3.5) that allows the users to upload their own excel sheet. This sheet contains information about items that needs to be inserted to SQL Server 2005.
I already have this functionality, however, it's very slow (it takes almost 20 minutes to finish the request). I need a better way to handle this problem.
The sheet contains information about an item. These properties will be inserted into multiple tables for example (Books, Authors, Titles ... etc ...).
What I'm currently doing is the following:
The user uploads the file. The application opens the file. Read each row and update the database accordingly.
I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Edit: I'm working with 10.000+ rows per sheet.
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1. To insert one record at a time which makes 30,000 database hits. How will this affect the performance?
2. To use liked servers - bu this is not working for me.I do not have database permissions to use linked servers. So, the only option i have is the first one.
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Table.Caption = "Header Text"
Table.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.Top
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We are deveopingawebiste in There are tempelates of each aspx page made in the form of excel sheet. Upon completion of the online calculation, the user is to be allowed to export the results to excel and save them. There would be obviously no formulae in such sheet
I do not want to install Excel on theserver and instead want to utilize the Excel installed on the user's computer for this purpose as every user's computer is expected to have Excel installed. Is this possible to do? How to do this?
I am not an expert in this. let me know if you would need any more information or clarification.
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Aug 6, 2010
I am trying to create double and number format cells in excel using NPOI library. I used code like
Dim cell As HSSFCell = row.CreateCell(j)
In excel numbers are aligning right but when I check format it is showing in "General"
then I changed my code to like below
Dim cell As HSSFCell = row.CreateCell(j)
Dim cellStyle As HSSFCellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle
cellStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("#,#0.0")
cell.CellStyle = cellStyle
Then While opening file it is giving error and also taking so long to open. But Excel format showing in "Number" error showing is like below.
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Sep 15, 2010
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with Sheet name different from table name..........
So the issue is that when I open Excel Sheet it show sheetname same as filename
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I can copy table from SqlServer(MS Sql Server 2005) into Excel Sheet as follows:
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Source File: C:UserssharmilaDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesWebSite16PostJobs.aspx.vb Line: 46 Stack Trace:
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select r.Name,c.Name,s.Name,(select count( profiles p1 where and and and p1.Gender=1)as Male,(select count( profiles p1 where and and and p1.Gender=2)as Female from religion r,profiles p,caste c,subcaste s where and and group by r.Name,c.Name,s.Name,,,
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May 4, 2010
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