Jquery - Assigning Event From String

Mar 17, 2011

I'm using ASP.net and it creates a pager for a gridview that has the following HTML:

<td><a href="javascript:__doPostBack(.....)" class="MyLink">pagenumber</a></td>

The problem is that when the user clicks on the cell but not the actual content of the cell, the script doesn't trigger because it's not linked to the whole cell. So I'm writing a small script to extract the link and assign its value to a click event handler for each cell. This is what I have so far:

$('.MyLink').each(function () {
var TheLink = $(this).attr('href');
var CellContent = $(this).html();
// alert(CellContent);
var LinkExtract = TheLink.split(":");
var PagerCell = $(this).parent();
$(PagerCell).click(function () { LinkExtract[1]; }); //problem here

Both alerts return the expected content. However, the click event doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Use String Variable Before Assigning Value

Aug 15, 2010

I have a page the retieves transaction data from PayPal. The data is retrieved as a string of text. I need to break down the string and save parts of it to my database. I have justed a plain string in my test to see if my code works. I have converted some working VB code into C# but I am getting the errors when trying to Response.Write the different parts. The Error message says that I am trying to use the string variable before I have assigned a value to it.


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C# - Assigning Command Argument Value To String In Code Behind

Nov 26, 2010

<asp:CheckBox oncheckedchanged="chk1_CheckedChanged" ID=chk1 CssClass='<%# Eval("UserID") + "," + Eval("IsB") %>' runat="Server"/>

I got this check box on my page..if I need to assign these two values of CommandArgument in CssClass attribute ie <%# Eval("UserID") %> and <%# Eval("IsB") %> to two strings in my code behind..How do i do this?

protected void chk1_OnCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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string s2 = "Need the second value from Command argument here";

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I need to accomplish a simple task like this:

1. Assigning text of a few lables to corresponding variables.
2. Taking/posting these variables to server and process them.
3. Print the outcome in a message.

An example would be: Take lable1 as variable x. Take lable2 as variable y. then process as z=x+y. and print z on the page.

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Forms Data Controls :: ClientIDRowIDSuffix - Assigning Value - Can't Convert Type String

Nov 30, 2010

I've been successful in creating GridView controls programically using c#. I'd like to take advantage of using the clientmode=predicatable but I can't resolve setting the ClientIDRowSuffix value. Below is a code snippet:

public void GenerateView(int fileno, string GridType, GridView dataView)
object ctrl = FindControl("pnlForm");
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel ctrlPanel = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel)ctrl;
dataView.Width = 640;
dataView.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
dataView.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige;
dataView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dataView.Caption = "<B> indicate your selection by typing Add of Delete in the Action box below</B>";
//Resulted in the following error
// Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'string[]
// dataView.ClientIDRowSuffix = "CTR_SEQ";
// I also tried casting it
// CS0030: Cannot convert type 'string' to 'string[]'...........................................

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DataSource Controls :: Assigning A Variable With A Value From A Database Grid - Error "Input String Was Not In A Correct Format"?

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Assigning a var with a value from a database grid

currentID = Convert.ToInt32(GridView_ABC.DataKeys[0].Value);

I get the error 'Input string was not in correct format' currentID is an integer var. When I hover over the GridView_ABC.DataKeys[0].Value it is """, it should be an integer.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using ItemDataBound Event - Assigning Data?

Dec 13, 2010

I had a scenario where I needed to massage some data before it got bound to a repeater control, so I first thought to use ItemDataBound event to handle it. I assume this would also apply to gridviews, listviews, etc. The pattern I've seen used to do this is something like:

if (it's the right row type, item, alternating item, etc..)
{ someType row = (someType) e.Item.DataItem
someControlType control = FindControl("controlID")
control.PropertyYouWant = row.FieldYouWant }

In thinking about my task, I'm thinking, ok, intercept the data before it's bound, change it, then let it proceed and do it's normal thing... so the step of finding a particular control and assigning the data to a property of it (like 'text' or 'innerhtml') seemed like an extra step to me? do you always need to explicitly assign the data you want to a control to display? For example, say you have a div tag and the field data needs to be it's content. This already happens when I'm not handling ItemDataBound myself to change the data, is there a way to handle the ItemDataBound event to change the data and have it just display where it would if you were not handling the event? The aspx markup already has an <%# Eval("fieldName") %> within the div tag for placement. I know there is an alternative way to handle the call to massage the data right inside the aspx with a helper function like: <%# HelperFunction(Eval("fieldName")) %>, which is what I have used, but I would like to understand the option of using the ItemDataBound event.

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Jquery - Catch Event Data On Click Event In Fullcalendar Using Mvc?

Sep 9, 2010

I am using fullCalendar and I'm able to populate the calendar with events very easily. And I undertsand the best way to add events to the calendar is through the database. What I need now is to catch and populate an edit event form after the user clicks an event.

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JQuery - Change Event On Select-element Getting Fired Twice When Using Both DOM-event?

Jun 17, 2010

There is a bug in jQuery 1.4.2 that makes change event on select-element getting fired twice when using both DOM-event and a jQuery event, and this only on IE7/8.Here is the test code:


<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>[code].....

This causes alot of trouble for us in our application cause we use both ASP.NET-events mixed with jQuery and once you hook up a change event on any element every select (dropdown) gets this double firing problem.

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Dec 24, 2010

I have a link button in a repeater control. the li element is drag and droppable using jquery. when the page loads the the link button works perfectly, the jquery that is attached and the server side code both execute. when I perform a drag and drop then click on the link button it doesnt not fire. when i click it a second time it does fire. If i perform 2 or drag and drops in a row the link button doesnt fire a as many drag adn drops as i before it will fire. for example if if perform 3 drag and drops then it will take about 3 click before the events are fired.


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Feb 14, 2011

I want to restrict the user if they select the language which is already selected by displaying alert msg using JQuery.

Is there any event which fires before the change event.

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Sep 24, 2010

I thought I was coding a change event correctly, yet somehow i'm not getting any resultI made the simplest of examples to accomplish what i want


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JQuery :: Server Side Event Not Fire From Jquery

Mar 14, 2011


static System.Collections.Generic.List<T> CreateList<T>(params T[] elements) {
return new System.Collections.Generic.List<T>(elements); }
protected void btn_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
var obj = new { Ministry =
"Ministry 0", Title =
"Title 0", Criteria = "Criteria 0" };

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JQuery :: Unbind Event And Rebind A New Event?

Feb 11, 2011

I try to unbind an event and then rebind a new event to an input element of type text. I think the unbind works, as teh default behavior is disabled, but the rebind not.

The code used:


The alert message doesn't show up on a keypress.

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Jquery - Secondary Repeater W/ ObjectDataSource Databind Event Fired From Another Repeater's Click Event?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm having trouble managing how to call upon databind from clicking on a row over an already populated repeater that will populate data regarding the row clicked TO another repeater on the same page.

I've succeeded doing that with postback, calling a jquery click event of that row, taking the data of the specific row and passing it onto a "Querystring" and after postpack, it will be pushed into a Session which the ObjectDataSource of the secondary repeater will recognize and populate the data tables accordingly.

The problem is, I must do it without a postback or in other words purely on client side.

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Force JQuery Click Event To Proceed Any Control Click Event On Page?

Mar 22, 2010

I've found posts about making a click event with jQuery for a button, however I need a little more then that. When any postback occurs on a page, I need to fire off a jQuery click event. Based on a condition, I want to continue processing (including running the server-side event code after the jQuery code), or, perform a redirect. I'm not quite sure how to go about this.

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JQuery :: Checkbox Click Event Problems When Using JQuery Safari Checkbox Plugin?

Nov 26, 2010

my page are 1 checkbox and 1 hidden label and 1 hidden panel. With the help of forum member raghav_khunger I've managed to write the code which shows panel and label when checkBox is checked. I've also added the code which is checking on every page post back the status of checkbox and hide/show panel and label appropriately. This is working fine.However when I add jQuery Safari checkbox plugin [URL] problems appear.

Looks like the code which is handling click event is doing reverse thing: when panel and label should be hidden are shown. I can change this but then there would be problems because of the second part of the code which is checking checkbox on page load. So when I check the checkbox nothing happens. I must uncheck it and label and panel appears. But if panel is uncheck the label and panel would be hidden because on next page load (when user clicks button next).As I said before the same code is working fine and it's test in all browsers (IE,FF,O,S,C). Maybe there is problem with checkbox plugin since it's in beta version.


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Return A String Using Event : Dropdownlist_Onselectedindexchange?

Sep 6, 2010

Is it possible to return a string using event : dropdownlist_Onselectedindexchange(object sender,eventargs e)?

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Expanding ClientID In An Event String?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm having a problem with <%= obj.ClientID %> expansion, in a .ascx user control.

I have a .js file, containing a javascript function:

function doSomething(objectId)

I have a .ascx file, with some html elements, and in one element's onclick= I want to call doSomething(), passing the ID of an element in that .ascx file, where the passed ID is of an element other than the one being clicked on, so I can't use "this.".

Maybe it'd be clearer with an example.

This works:

<script type="text/javascript">
function redirect()
doSomething('<%= top.ClientID %>');
<div id="top" runat="server">
<img src="..." alt="..." onclick="redirect();"/>

But this does not:

<div id="top" runat="server">
<img src="..." alt="..." onclick="doSomething('<%= top.ClientID %>');"/>

When I look at the source, I see that the <%=%> substitution has not happened, instead of "doSomething('ctl00_myControl_top');" I get "doSomething('<%=top.ClientID %>');"

For some reason, the script expansion happens in the former case, but not in the latter. The work-around, of course, is not acceptable because it will break if I include multiple copies of the control on a page - only one instance's "redirect()" function will be accessible.

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JQuery .val() Returns Empty String?

Nov 10, 2010

With script below, request to the server always sends empty string (even if value is not emtpty), where the data line is:

data: "{ 'folderName': '" + $(this).val() + "' }"

The html element under investigation is this:

<asp:TextBox id="searcher" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" CssClass="classificationFolder" />

Script is:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".classificationFolder").each(function () {


The reason that I select elements by css class selector ($(".classificationFolder")) is that, this control is a user control and used in the same page more than once. That is why I'm not using $("#searcher").

I tested the code In IE8 and Chrome 8.0.552.28 beta. This issue is arising in both of the browsers.

On the other hand, request is sent to the server, client received response successfuly and response is processed on the client.

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.net - Execute JQuery On C# String Object?

Oct 11, 2010

I am retrieving the HTML source code from a remote URL via C#. I am storing the html in a string. I would like to parse through it, but do not want to use RegEx. Instead of want to leverage the jQuery engine to parse through it. Is this possible somehow?

This is how I getting the html from the remote url:

HttpWebRequest wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
string html = (new StreamReader(wr.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())).ReadToEnd();

I found the Fizzler library [URL], but it does not use the jQuery engine so there is a lot of things missing from it. Any suggestions on how to do this properly?

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JQuery :: Check The Length Of A String Value?

Sep 20, 2010

I want to modify my userAvailabilityCheck code and want to add the code that this userAvailabilityCheck function does not fire If the textbox is null or having character less than 6 but display related error message.

Below is my code-


As you can see in the above code, I have added if else code in my working code but after the addition of these checkers my code stops working.

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Using JQuery $.ajax To Pass String Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET and attempting to call a method with a signature of

public static string GetInfo(string id){...}

using the following javascript:

var elementValue = $("#element").attr('id');


And this is not working.If instead I set elementValue = 2; it works fine. If I try to hardcode in a string value for testing purposes e.g. elementValue = "nameToLookUp"; It fails.Why is this happening, and how do I resolve it?On a side not, why is type: required to be POST instead of a GET? In the end I just want to pass a string value I want to look up in a DB and retrieving some json data.

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Web Forms ::.trying To Get A String Into A Onclick Event On An Input Button?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm having problems with trying to get a string into a onclick event on an input button. Ill paste my code and explain more...


But i cant do that as the code is in an aspx page, not an aspx.cs page. I tried doing it this way...


But for some reason, when i try it that way, the page refreshes after the button is clicked and it messes up the layout of my page.

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