Open Forums For Trainers (professional IT Courses Fro Developers)?

Sep 23, 2010

asked in forums but I could not find any forum, newsgroup or discussion boards for "trainers" (teachers, coachers) and supporters (writers of courses, sysadmins of labs, et al) of professional courses for IT developers Might be the certified by major vendors trainers have the sites with forums but they are closed to non-certified "colleagues". Are there? I even do not know!I train as a hobby, sporadically, and I am not certified as trainer, at least by private entity. I daresay I spend on preparation to train more than I earn from training

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Sep 24, 2010

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Jan 18, 2011

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topic - topicid (pk),sub, message (content), replies (count of replies), catid(fk), createdby, createddate, updatedby, updatedon, viewers( count of views)

post - postid(pk), topicid(fk), post (content), createdby, createddate, updatedby, updatedon.

retrieving data from both tables in posts page where the 1st post is in the topic table and rest i.e. replies are in the post table.

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