Overriding Alternatingrowstyle In Gridview

Feb 1, 2011

I have a GridView which uses the Alternatingrowstyle property, but I also would like to higlight each row when the user Edit the row, but using this code, it only highlights the rows that don't have the Alternatingrowstyle.

protected void gv_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
gv.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
gv.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
if (e.NewEditIndex % 2 == 0)
gv.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

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Similar Messages:

JQuery :: Gridview Mousehover AlternatingRowStyle

Feb 24, 2011

Page Language="C#"
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" [URL]
#000000; color:White;
#dadada; color:Red;font-size:larger;cursor:
pointer; border:solid
1px Red;

is my design code. run time i just bind some data to the gv control the problem is, i want to apply the row styles when mouse over, mouseout and mouse click events , now when i move the mouse over the gv then all the columns are getting white background color. but i expect the current row should display in some style and the clicked row should show in some style. (if i remove the tags <rowstyle> alternaterowstyle> then its working great). i want to do this only by JQuery

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Overriding The Editindex After A GridView Update?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a GridView control hooked up to a datasource that I allow row editing on. I use the standard edit/save/delete buttons that point to the Update, Cancel, and edit GridView commands.

I would like to add an additional button, "Next" inline with the save/cancel button. This would function the same as the save button, but would also add an additional row to the grid, and place that row into edit mode. To do this, I've added code to the Updated event of the GridView, which adds a new record to the db, rebinds the grid, and sets the editindex. This seems work, but the grid does not actually return in edit mode. I stripped out the new record code and simply left the statement to set the editindex, but the grid still will not stay in edit mode.

Is it possible to force the grid to stay in edit mode in this scenario? It appears that unless you set the cancel property of the GridViewUpdatedEventArgs, the Grid is going to flip to view mode. I don't want to set the cancel property in this case, because I want the GridView to trigger my datasource object to save the record.

If this doesn't work, it appears that I will need to allow the update to occur normally, return to the client, and then send another server request to add the record. I'd prefer not to do it this way, I would like to perform the necessary operations in context of one roundtrip.

Here's what the code (simplified) looks like:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Works Fine
this.sampleGridView.DataBind(); [code]...

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C# - Having Two Page_Load Without Overriding?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a class named PageBase inheriting from ASP.NET Page. I want to do something in PageBase's Page_Load.All pages in my application have their logic done on their Page_Load. I'm thinking of a way that Page_Load of both of PageBase and other pages run without having to override Page_Load in pages. Is it possbile?

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ADO.NET :: Overriding A EF Object Property Set?

Dec 7, 2010

I've generated an entity framework class to handle my users from a custom db table. Now I'd like to override the password property of the EF object to Encrypt the value when it is set. From what i understand of MVC this should be done in the model where the EF object lives. I am able to do this easily in the controller but that doesn't seem like the most appropriate place as it will lead to duplicate code anywhere that needs to edit this user class. Is extending the partial class generated from EF possible for generated DB column properties?

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C# - IIS Overriding Custom 404 Error Page

Feb 18, 2011

I am trying to create a 404 error page and currently I have all of the following/tried all of the following to try and accomplish this. When the user types in :


It works just as its supposed to. But if the user types in:


with no .aspx then IIS7 takes matters into its own hands and I get the lovely error page that IIS7 comes with. The goal is that the site redirects with only a 404 status code (so not a 200, or a 302 redirect). I have tried in both the web config with:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/error/Default.aspx redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/error/NotFound.aspx" />

This works for the url with a .aspx file extension but not for no extension. Same with this approach in the global.asax

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
var serverError = Server.GetLastError() as HttpException;
if (serverError != null)
if (serverError.GetHttpCode() == 404)

The same results are present for this :( My final attempt was to apply this to the web config:

<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />

With this I just get a plain white screen with nothing on it...

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MVC :: Custom Exceptions - Overriding OnException?

Jun 18, 2010

I've created a custom exception that inherits from Exception. I initially tried using the HandleError attribute with it, but too many things to list went wrong with that. I read about overriding OnException in a base Controller class, and decided to give that a try. This is the code:


This works, but I have a few questions. First, does an error page have to derrive from 'System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo'? I added a few new properties to my exception, and thought I'd be able to send it as a model to the error View where I could display those properties as usual when populating a View, but when I changed the type that the error View derrives from I get the yellow screen of death.

Also, I read that the above code would cause MVC to look first in the Views folder that correspondss to the controller that threw the exception. This was not the case. I placed the Error.aspx file in that Views folder and was treated to the YSOD again. I simply cut and pasted the file into the base shared folder and it worked. I am using Areas, and wonder if that could be a bug.

The last question I have is about the exception object as it's thrown. After throwing an exception, in the OnException method I thought I'd be able to see and manipulate the exception, but if that is possible I don't know how. What I would really like to do is to treat the exception object like any other object. I want to intercept its handling in the OnException method and send it to a View.

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Architecture :: Overriding Aspx Pages - Best Design?

Jan 25, 2011

I would like to provide my client with a aspx pages, with code behind provided, etc. But in some cases they will want to write their own markup - I'm thinking of having 2 directories [siblings of each other], one for the pages I provide, and the other for their custom markup. At page serve time, check to see if the client wrote their own markup and if so use it. Otherwise use the default provided.

In a nutshell I would like for my clients to be able to modify the pages I provide, but if they blow it up have a very easy way to back it out. Or to put it in a more positive light, allow them to override my pages easily.

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Overriding The Now() To Adjust Server Local Time?

Feb 27, 2011

As the server of my website is located in a different timezone, is there a easy way to override the server local time by a setting in either web.config or global.asa?I could of course just use .AddHours() in all my .now() statements, but as this problem occured recently when I moved the site and that the .Now() syntax is used a number of times in the application I was looking for a another solution than changing my code everywhere I've used this syntax.

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Security :: Overriding A Method From Membership Class ?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm new to MVC and I have a question and I need your inputs.I have this portion of code inside a method (let me just call this MyMethod):


where I am simply using the default CreateUser method from default Membership class to create a new user. This method simply adds the user on the default membership table. Now I have another table which I call userDetails table and I am hoping to add additional information related to the user recently added on the membership table.I can simply add more codes inside MyMethod to do the above logic of adding the additional information to another table. However I was thinking that if I do this... and I delete the user using the ASP.Net Web Application Administration Tool, I may end up with orphan entry on my userDetails table after the user is deleted from the membership table (since the administration tool wouldn't know MyMethod and use the default method from Membership class).So is there a way I can override the CreateUser method from the System.Web.Security.Membership class such that it goes through this flow?

1. invoke the original or base CreateUser method (the user is now created during this step)

2. determine user_id of the newly-added user on membership table.

3. add more user-related information on another table example: userDetails table.

This way, every time I call the CreateUser method it automatically adds the necessary entries on the membership and userDetails tables.If I create my own membership class inheriting from the original class, it would mean a lot work rewriting lots of methods when in reality what I'm trying to achieve is only adding additional information related to the user. I tried modifying the default membership table from the provider database but I get and error during the user-creation process. This gives me the impression that I am not allowed to modify the existing tables... which would lead me to creating a custom provider.

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Web Forms :: Difference Between Page_Init() And Overriding Oninit()

Dec 31, 2010

explain the diference between these Page_Init() and OnInit() events and when we should use which one?

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Overriding The Default 'No Data' Message In MVCContrib Grid?

Oct 21, 2010

Is it possible to override the default 'There is no Data available' message in MVCContrib Grid with a custom message?

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C# - Overriding SQLMembershipProvider / Adding Few Extra Methods To Deal With The Roles By Using LINQ?

May 27, 2010

Is there built in methods into .net framework to do the following:

Get role GUID from user name/user GUID
Get role name from role GUID

So far I have been sending queries to the asp_roles and asp_users tables to obtain that information and I'm wondering if there is a nicer way of doing this?

I have the following methods that I store in the ASPUtilities class:

getRoleGUID(guid userGuid) { LINQ joins }

getRoleGuid(string userName) { LINQ joins }

getRoleName(guid roleGuid) { LINQ joins }


I have just looked into extending SQLMembershipProvider examples.

Few examples completely override the SQLMembershipProvider, but I think what I'm interested is just adding few extra methods to deal with the roles by using LINQ. Is this feasible?

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MVC :: Configuring Html.ValidationMessageFor(), Or Overriding Html.TextBoxFor()

Jan 3, 2011


The model has a required attribute for the first name property:but I would like to make this happen automatically if the property has the CustomRequiredAttribute. Is there a way to override the Html.TextBoxFor() and check for the attribute on the given property? Or is there another way to accomplish this behaviour?

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C# - WCF Some Clarification On "overriding"?

Apr 1, 2010

Recently I faced few interview questions.The interviewer asked the to give the detailed answer.1)Can we override a WCF service (Its is not OOPS overriding) ?.Explain the reason on either end. (WCF Related).2)Can we override Page events (Page_Load())?.Explain reason.(ASP.NET related).3)What is the primary responsibility of Pre_Init( page) event ,apart from user preference setting,skinning?4) Can we override Static methods.Explain the reason.(C# related)

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Custom Controls Derived From Existing Controls - Overriding Default Property Values

Nov 15, 2010

I have some (probably very basic) questions about developing custom controls. I am wanting to derive a set of button controls, and the first one I have started on is a "DeleteButton", that has a additional property (DeleteConfirmationText) that is built into the OnClientClick attribute. To get that added, I overrode the Render method as follows:


This all works well. Now, I will add some logic to make sure that there is some text in the DeleteConfirmationText property, but that isn't the intent of my question.
What I am also wanting to do is to override some of the default property values, so I added that to the default constructor:


Now, in the designer in VS2008, and I look at the properties for the control, there isn't a default value shown in the "Properties" section, and the Causesvalidation still shows the underlying classes default value of "True". As well, in design mode, where the GridView control that containse my DeleteButton control would be displayed, there is an error box "There was an error rendering the control. 'Are you certain you want to delete this attorney?' cound not be set on property 'DeleteConfirmationText'. Here's the markup where I am defining the deletebutton control:


What am I doing wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: (Grid View Union Gridview) - (Gridview Intersection Gridview) - Avoiding The Duplicates

Jul 19, 2010

I have two gridviews, say 'A' and 'B'...I want to add all the rows of 'A' to 'B' while avoiding the duplicates....For eg:

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Child Gridview In Parent Gridview Using Nested Gridview

Dec 1, 2010

In nested gridview, i am finding some problem, i want to show child Grid headers in Parent Gridview. Can anyone tell me that how it is possible? Its very urgent. Waiting for quick response.

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Web Forms :: GridView Inside GridView (Nested GridView) Auto Collapse Others When Expanded

Oct 8, 2012

while surfing code I had seen your Application Grid inside Grid.


I need the Grid inside Gridwith enable first + symbol when click on second one first one should be hide

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Add Button In Gridview That When Clicked - Downloads Document Listed In Gridview To Specific Location?

Jan 6, 2010

Do you know if it's possible to add a button in a gridview that when clicked, downloads a document listed in the gridview to a specific location, and then opens the document that was just downloaded? (It's too many steps for the users to right-click, do a file save as, save the document, and then open it). So, I need to accomplish a lot with this little button. Also, I'd need to specify a directory on the C drive to save it too.

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AJAX :: How To Pass Value From Gridview Row To Module Popup By Click The Image Button In Gridview Row

Feb 12, 2011

I want to pass testname to label in module popup by clicking image button in arow of gridview.


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Forms Data Controls :: To Add Insert Button To A GridView And A Scroll Bar To A Given Gridview Column?

Jul 9, 2010

how to implement Insert feature to a grid view?I need to use fields with scroll bar inside of a grid view. Is that possible through the template field?

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Nested GridView, DataItem Returns Null In Child GridView's RowDataBound Event?

Jan 8, 2011

In a nested GridView (GridView inside a template column of parent GridView). I am binding child GridView to a DataTable in parent GridView's RowDataBound event. this works as it should. But the problem i am facing is in Child GridView's RowDataBound Event, when i try to access e.Row.DataItem property it returns null. I am expecting it to return DataRowView Type. which i will then use to set values of TextBox's.


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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Dropdownlist In A Gridview By Selecting Another Dropdown In Same Gridview

Oct 9, 2010

How to populate dropdownlist in a gridview by selecting another dropdown in same gridview

i tried the code in driiopdownlist selectedchanged

dropdownlist d=(dropdownlist)gridview.findcontrol("dropdownlist1") but it gives null

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Forms Data Controls :: Decrement Gridview RowCount When Deleting Record From Inner GridView?

Apr 22, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005.I have an inner gridview.The outer gridview is "Authors" and in the inner gridview (GridView1 below) I have to set it up so that the user cannot delete the last book from the inner grid, if they try to delete the last book from that inner grid then I want to show the exception message below.

So I am checking the GridViewRows1.Rows.Count which works great when I have one record (one book) to start with. The problem is when I have 2 books (for example). I am writing out the test statement below and the RowCount is always 2 each time, never decremented, even after I rebind.Editing this now: i realize that my initial logic is faulty because when I rebind my inner gridview I am not specifying which inner gridview so the result is that only the last inner gridview is being re-bound, so I think that I need to get the selected inner gridview and then refresh that...


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