Pagemethods In Javascript - Never Gets Redirected?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using PageMethods in my javascript to call a function in my c# code which is static. In that code, all I have was "response.redirect("default.aspx").. but somehow it never gets redirected. It just stays there.

function testredirect()
C# code:
Public static void Navigation()

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Javascript - How To Use MS Ajax PageMethods To Call A Function On The Server

Jan 16, 2011

I have a project that uses PageMethods to call functions on the server. The server functions (written in C#) return the values as array of strings, without doing any kind of serialization and in the client side (from Js) the accessing of the return values is by using static variable called arguments. I found that sometimes for some users (cases are not repro) sometimes an exception occured

"WebServiceFailedException the server method 'Foo' returned invalid data. the 'd' property is missing from JSON."

Some searching on google I found that people are serializing the return values using DataContractJsonSerializer class and in js accessing the return value using one of the callback function Example:

function OnRequestComplete(result,
userContext, methodName) {
var Person = eval('(' + result + ')');
alert(Person.Surname); }

So is the first technique is correct? or what?


the function on the server is defined on the default.aspx.cs file as follows:

[System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()]
public static string[] Foo(string s);

from the client side the calling is as follows


Also all the users have the same browser version (IE8)

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VS 2008 - Calling A Server Side Function From Javascript Without Using PageMethods?

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i have used PageMethods to access the server side functions in javascript , but now my problem is that with pagemethods your controls will not go throught the full page lifecyle and these leads me to have "Object not set for an instance of an object" error. Now can someone come with a differnt approach without using pagemethods. What i want is to call a server side function , i dont want to pass any parameters to it

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AJAX :: Calling A Server Side Function From Javascript Without Using PageMethods?

Sep 17, 2010

i have used PageMethods to access the server side functions in javascript , but now my problem is that with pagemethods your controls will not go throught the full page lifecyle and these leads me to have "Object not set for an instance of an object" error. Now can someone come with a differnt approach without using pagemethods. What i want is to call a server side function , i dont want to pass any parameters to it

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JavaScript - How To Implement Super Fast AJAX Callbacks/PageMethods

Feb 7, 2011

I am designing an ASP.NET web application (.NET 4.0) which basically has a page that should interact with the code behind every 1-2 seconds (Using Client callbacks or PageMethods via ScriptManager or jQuery.ajax) It'll be hosted on an intranet, so a 1-2 second refresh rate is kind of reasonable.

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C# - JavaScript PageMethods Call Loosing HttpContext.Current State?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using JavaScript's PageMethod functionality where I am invoking a PageMethod which works like a gem. However I am having an issue in accessing the HttpContext's state which returns me a value "SYSTEM" for


which is not the actual current User Name.

I know there are couple options like storing HttpContext.Current in a Session or saving Context's state in some other custom container but given a web farm environment I am assuming that this will not work as expected.

Here is the code I am working on with

function MyFunction(){

here is the signature of the server method

public static void MyPageMethod()
// gives me "SYSTEM"
var user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

Also if I use the above code to access user name in OnLoad event of the page then it works fine and returns me the CurrentUserName.

I am trying to get the above code to work in an ASP.NET Webform... :)

So I am wondering if there is a way to access the current actual user in page methods without making use of sessions.

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C# - Get Redirected Url From Code

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using an API which, given a url, redirects to a file on the server. The file names have "_s,_m and _l" appended to the end (small, medium, large). However, since the url's querystring is parsed dynamically, I don't retrieve the actual file name. The image displays correctly, but is it possible to retrieve the filename of the image file from the code? (i.e. where the url has redirected to)?

e.g. (this is what I enter) "" (this is where it redirects to. I would like to get this address from code)

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Tests Set Of Url's And Checks If Get Redirected To Another

Apr 23, 2010

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Security :: Add ReturnUrl But Don't Get Redirected?

Apr 8, 2010

For a testproject I use two Login pages. I order to do that I use a dispatcher page:



I then just redirect in the dispatcher to the real login-page according to the ReturnUrl. So far so good. The only problem I have is that I don't get redirected to the ReturnUrl once I'm logged in... Of course I add the ReturnUrl to the forwarded Login-Page (/Admin/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=...).

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MVC :: Redirected To The Log In Page / Color Box?

Feb 27, 2011

Ihave a controller that returns System.Web.Mvc.FilePathResult

I do return this.File(filename, contentType, download name);

This action is called when user is clicked on a link and I have made $("a[rel='popup']").colorbox();

.So whenever a user clicks on the links It takes to the controller method and the file Shown in the colour box.

Now I am facing an issue it is like If a user is logged in to my site and open a page , where links are shown and the user goes away from his seat (ie session expires) Then he come back and clicks on the link .At that time my application breaks as there is no valid session.

So tried to return View("LogOn"); when session is null.

But as still it is not redirected to the I think it is because of the colorbox

I should be redirected to the log in page Even if I am taking a Color box ?

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Possible To Tell If Redirected To An Aspx Page?

Dec 22, 2010

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MVC :: Get The URL Of A Page From Which User Has Redirected?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a page containing a form which can be accessed from two pages. I want to set a button on this page depending on the page from which I redirect.

For eg., if I redirect from page 1, the button should be back to page 1 and I redirect from page 2, the button should be back to page 2. I don't want it to be a back button by the way.

How can I set this condition? Url.Action redirects to a page but how can I get the page from which I have redirected?

Also the form which when submitted should redirect back to the page from which the form page has been accessed.

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Why Ajax Pagemethods Are Static

Aug 18, 2010

Why Ajax pagemethods are static?

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AJAX :: PageMethods Not Getting Invoked?

Mar 28, 2011

I have defined a Shared Function in the code behind and a javascript function to call the webmethod. Also, I have EnablePageMethogs set to true in ScriptManager.

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Security :: Keeps Redirected To 401 Unauthorized Page?

Aug 26, 2010

I keep redirected to a "401 Unauthorized" page, which is the Login page. It first loads a 302 Found (Failed to load source for: http://localhost:4558) page then

the redirection.

<!--<authentication mode="Forms">
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<forms loginUrl="~/Login" timeout="2880"/>
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</authentication>-->

Everything works well when I comment the attribute Authentication at web.config or if after I logged-in.

Before this happens, I delete all files at (C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files). Don't you think this is the reason?

I'm under MVC, even if I remove the action filter Authorize(), I still get redirected to 401.

<identity impersonate="true" />

I use VWD 2008 SP1 and MSSQL2005.

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Track From Which Page Request Is Redirected?

Jul 10, 2010

I have three pages calculator1.aspx, calculator2.aspx and Menu.aspx. On each calculator page i have a button that redirect me to Menu page and on Menu page i have to go back to Calculator1 or calculator2 page from where the request initiated. So how can i differentiate from which page my request come when im on Menu page.

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Security :: Keep Getting Redirected To Login Page?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a test site that is a mirror image of production site.

Today I discovered that after logging in to test site when I try to submit anything from any page I get redirected back to the login page.

The production site is working fine, both sites hosted on windows 2003 servers with IIS and front page extensions 2002 plus 2.

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Dec 21, 2010

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my controller code looks like this:-


my view code looks like this:-


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VS 2005 PageMethods Is Undefined / How To Fix This Error

Jan 17, 2010

i got this error "PageMethods is undefined" on my AjaxEnabledWebsite. Any one had the same problem?

Client Side Code:


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Are Concurrent Calls To PageMethods Allowed

Mar 15, 2010

Can I call a PageMethod and then call another PageMethod before the first has finished? Are concurrent calls to PageMethods allowed?

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AJAX :: Executing Code From Js Pagemethods?

Jul 15, 2010

I wrote a code to call some event...




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AJAX :: PageMethods Calls Inconsistent?

Jun 14, 2010

Ran into a bit of problem when using PageMethods when calling a webmethod in the code-behind. My markup page has a radgrid which gets populated via the objectdatasource.Pagemethods works and returns data as expected when the objectdatasource binds the radgrid with some data but not when the objectdatasource returns nothing, i.e. radgrid is empty. PageMethods call has got nothing to do with the objectdatasource, I'm simply using its output to build a list of checkboxes dynamically on the client side using Javascript. And this is how my code snippets looks like:Markup page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CallGetARInvoices(src,dest)


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Web Forms :: PageMethods Is 'Undefined'' Error?

May 11, 2010

PageMethods Is 'Undefined'' errorI am trying to call a c# function from javascript when the user navigates away from this page. I am using a I have this script on the page:

window.onbeforeunload = CallMe;
function CallMe() {


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DataSource Controls :: DropDownList And PageMethods?

Jun 22, 2010


DropDownList and PageMethods?

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Reverse Authorized Pages Being Redirected To Login?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a page that I want only anonymous users to see, and authenticated users to be redirected. So, like this:

<location path="Login_ForgotUserID.aspx">
<allow users="?" />
<deny users="*" />

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