Unable To Find Any Documentation Of The Properties And Methods Available A Client Side?

Jun 9, 2010

Where can I go to find documentation about client side properties and methods of an asp:listbox controls. I need to access the control at client side but can not find any documentation of the properties and methos available a client side.

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Unable To Find Any Documentation On This Library (using JavaScript With .dll's)?

Sep 3, 2010

I love the demos of ASTreeView. I'd like to use this in my project, which is completely local and currently only uses HTML, JavaScript, and CSS - i.e. no ASP.net or anything dealing with servers...

Is it possible for me to use this? There is a .dll and a .js included in the package, but I have no clue where to start since this isn't a ASP.net project for me. I can't find any documentation on this library.

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AJAX :: Calling Server Side Methods From Client Side Using PageMethods?

Jan 24, 2016

I am calling server side methids from client side using PageMethods. Can those methods return value back to client side. If yes then how and if no then how can that be achieved? refer to my code below.

function getValuesFromPSS(s,e)


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C# - Using SoapExtensionAttributes On Client Side With Async Web Methods?

May 6, 2010

I implemented custom soap extension and registered it into client application configuration file. It works fine.

(I would like to implement progress bar functionality like [URL]

But I don't like some thing - custom soap extension is invoked by every call of my web service. In order to fix this situation (call WS just by required methods) I implemented custom SoapExtensionAttribute like below:

public class CustomSoapExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
public override int Priority { get; set; }
public CustomSoapExtensionAttribute() : this (1)


I added this attribute to required methods of web service proxy classes (and removed registration into client configuration file).

My soap extension doesn't invoke when required web methods are calling. Anotherone, I don't know it is important or not - my required methods are async web methods.

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Data Controls :: Unable To Get TextBox Inside GridView Values Modified Client Side Using JQuery On Server Side

Apr 30, 2014

i have a grid asĀ 

<asp:GridView ID="dgv_passengerdetails" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CssClass="pasdetailsgrid" BorderStyle="None">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Seat No" DataField="seatno">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />


the string gs=null, if i click the button again then gs takes the value from textbox.

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AJAX :: Get AccordionBehavior And Its Properties In Client Side Javascript?

Jan 25, 2011

Recently I met a problem when I try to use 'behavior' things with an Ajax Control.

I try to use an accordion's accordionbehavior on client side.But whenever I tryied

alert($find('myaccordionId').AccrodionBehavior.AutoSize) // prompt me: AccordionBehavior is null


alert($find('myaccordionId').AutoSize) //prompt me: 'AutoSize' is null or not an object

Although I can get

alert(AjaxControToolkit.AccordionBehavior) //prompt: is an object

I am using AjaxControlToolkit.dll(1.0.20229) and .Net framework(2.0.50727), I really wondered why I always get null for those object instead of proper value like what Ajax ControlTookkit Accordion Reference said to be [URL] am I missing something.

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Architecture :: What Is Role Of Object Properties When Using Client Side Validations

Aug 24, 2010

I have been using properties and have idea that using properties with private fields we can implement validations and buisness rules in them.

But I am just thinking asp.net client side validation controls provide good strength and they provide good user experience as well. They can be used for any type of validation (using regular expression) on client side and their re-use is possible on server side. When validation controls are a must and they are powerful; is making properties not just wastage of time ?

Is there still some use of properties ?

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How To Find From GUI Whether Client Side Scripting Or Server Side Scripting Is Running

Mar 16, 2010

We have a GUI which runs on ASP.NET 2.0 framework (Client-Server model). From the support perspective how can one find whether the pages which are opening on GUI at any point of time is a server side scripting or Client side scripting.

The reason why I ask this is because I understand that some of the codes are executed by the browser such as Javascript. So, if there are such scripts which are handled by the client browser, how can one find out that it is the Client side scripting which is running at that moment.

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Web Forms :: Find Client Id Of A Server Side Control?

Apr 24, 2010

i have a server button control i use from

'<%= MyControl.ClientID %> to access client id in java script

but ,if my id is a string variable in javascript how to access to thid control client id

i use from

var strClientID =
"<%= %>" + ServerID +
"<%.ClientID %>";


var strClientID =
"<%= " + ServerID +
".ClientID %>";

not work properly

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Put Breakpoints On Client Side JavaScript Code

Mar 20, 2010

I am using VS2008, SP1. I am unable to put breakpoints in my client side javascript code. Wherever I try to put the breakpoint, I am getting the message: "This is not a valid location to put the breakpoint". I have the js intellisense working fine. I also unchecked the two "Disable Debugging" checkboxes on IE. Due to this problem, I am unable to debug the js in VS 2008.

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Javascript - User Control With Client + Server Side CustomValidation; Wrong Client Side Validator Is Picked

Nov 23, 2010

I have a user control which contains a CustomValidator which is used according to whether a RadioButton is checked or not (there are several RadioButtons, I'm only showing the relevant one)

<asp:RadioButton runat="Server" ID="RadioBetween" GroupName="DateGroup" CssClass="date_group_options_control_radio" />

There is some client + server side validation code (the server side code does exactly the same thing and is skipped for brevity)

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDateFields_Client(source, args) [code]...

There are two instances of this control in the page. When running the client side version it hits the wrong one (the version of the control which is disabled). You can see from the generated HTML both are correctly specified. I'm not sure how .NET works out which clientside function to call given they both have the same name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator = document.all ? document.all["ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator"] : document.getElementById("ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator");

Do i need to add something in to scope it? What's the best way to achieve this? If I disable the loading of the second control everything works fine.

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How To Find Documentation On The Accordion Control

Oct 29, 2010

Been trying to find documentation on the accordion control. Was wondering if it's possible to have all the Accordion Panes collapsed when the web page loads?

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Where To Find Documentation Or Tutorials On MVC2

Mar 31, 2010

It looks like the final release for ASP.NET MVC 2 has been already around for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I can't find documentation that's intended for MVC 2 exclusively. I've checked Amazon.com (no book yet on MVC2), ScottGu's Blog (only 2 short posts), ASP.NET/MVC website (they've only posted what are alreadi in the ScottGu's blog).

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Version 4 Documentation / Trying To Find The Local Help For It?

Feb 21, 2011

I've just installed ASP.NET version 4.0 and I'm trying to find the local help for it.

(IOW: Accessing help with Document Explorer).

OS is Win XP (updated).

Looking in: Start > All Programs

I do not see an entry for Microsoft .NET Framework SDK v4.0

I do see the old entry for Microsoft .NET Framework SDK v2.0

I've always accessed local help with the following shortcut:

"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedHelp 8dexplore.exe" /helpcol ms-help://MS.NETFramework.v20.en /LaunchNamedUrlTopic DefaultPage /usehelpsettings NETFrameworkSDK.20

How do I get this to work for version 4.0?

... or ...

Did something go wrong with the install?

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Feb 9, 2010

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Aug 30, 2010

Where i can find documentation about expressions and syntax of WebForms view engine?And what is the difference between <%: expression %> and <%= expression %>

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DataSource Controls :: VS 2005 - Can't Find The 'Advanced Properties' For The XSD File - Can't Find The 'Custom Tool'?

Jan 29, 2010

I am trying to create strogly typed datasets for my project. When I right click on the xsd file that I need to generate a strongly typed dataset for I can't find the 'Advanced' properties as described in the below article (almost half way down)[URL]As I do not see the Advanced properties option I can't find the 'Custom Tool' property/option to set its value to 'MSDatasetGenerator'. Do I have to install some kind of patch on my VS 2005?

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Jquery - Creating A Custom Control In Javascript Properties And Methods?

Feb 23, 2011

As a starting point for creating custom controls, I would like to make a control that simply displays a number. If we imagine the .ascx file contains nothing except for a literal control, and the code behind sets that value to 1.

I then want to be able to do myControl.increment();
This will run some javascript that increases the value of the literal control.

I could inject a javascript into the page, such as pseudocode:

scriptything.register("function increment(x) { $('#myLiteral').increment(); });

or something, but that wouldn't be myControl.increment, that would just be increment(). More than one control on the page would screw it up.

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C# - How To Access A Silverlight Control's Properties And Methods From An Aspx Page

Apr 26, 2010

I'm developing a web site, and i'm using infragistics for web, but I want to use in some pages silverlight controls (Infragistics too). Is there a way to access a silverlight control's properties and methods from an aspx page?

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Web Forms :: How Do You Write To A Client-side Control (text Box) With Server-side Code

Jan 6, 2010

If I have a standard HTML textbox


but got a readonly error.

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Access Server Side Variable On Client Side And Vice Versa And JavaScript?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a requirement of adding server side variables in client side and other way round. Because I need to set a value from client side using javascript and access the same in code behind page.

I have to use C#.Net and JavaScript.

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Jquery - Options For Page With Matching Client-side And Server-side Markup?

Oct 17, 2010

Suppose I'm building a StackOverflow clone using webforms ASP.NET and jQuery. The Question page has a question, several answers, and comments under each. Requirements:Users can post new answers and comments, and edit existing ones, without postbacks. No UpdatePanels; the AJAX calls retrieve just the JSON they need, not HTML fragments. The page loads with all existing answers and comments in place (no javascript needs to run to read the page).

What I'm trying to figure out is how to do this without having to maintain two sets of markup (one that's bound on the client using some form of jQuery templating, and one that's bound on the server using traditional WebForms).

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Ajax - Listbox Items Client Side Reordering Not Reflected In Server Side?

Jan 5, 2010

I reordered some items in a listbox using Javascript. When I read the items in a postback in the code behind (ASP.NET), the order is in the original order. How do I get the same order as shown in the screen after Javascript manipulation?

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AJAX :: To Know Error Like Username Or Password Is Incorrect On Client Side Instead Server Side?

Oct 4, 2010

I m using site login Control in my login.ascx file and disaplaying login control in Div so if there is login link in page and i click on that then Login Div will popup which is site login.May i know how can handle error like username or password is incorrect on client side instead server side?

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Print The Aspx Page Either Using Server Side Or Client Side Approach?

Feb 9, 2011

I have to implement the print functionality on aspx page like on click of print image icon user will be able to get the print out of aspx page .aspx page will contain the server controls like textboxes , Gridview etc which one approach will be the best server side or client side printing ?

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