Webforms - Data Bound RadPanelBar In Not Collapsing?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm binding to a RadPanelBar control using the ItemTemplate; it creates the RadPanelBar correctly using this approach, but the panel bar doesn't close when you click on the header??? How do you get the header click to close the item, or is there an alternative way for this kind of setup?


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Comma For Thousands Separator On A Bound WebForms TextBox?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm trying to format a data bound value as below, but I keep getting a space as the thousands separator, i.e. the displayed text is always "12 340.00" when it should be "12,340.00".

What am I missing?

<asp:TextBox ID="budgetText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Budget", "{0:#,0.00}") %>'></asp:TextBox>

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding RadpanelBar With IList?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to bind the panel bar with the IList. I have the follwing code in my class libarry


I need to bind the panel bar with getmenuItems. In the above code DataReviw, Score Rep, Something else, section 2 and sample are the parent node of the panel bar and Test1,


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C# - PostBackUrl In RadPanelBar Telerik?

Sep 7, 2010

how do i assign a postback url in my radpanel items in my master page

Eventually i have a MasterPage wherein i construct my radpanelbar.. and i have this Item Quiz with a child name Create

What i want to achieve is when i hit the button Create in my radpanelbar it will make a


how to do this and another question how do i manipulate the Create child in my RadPanelBar.. i have started this code shown below.. but i don't know what to do next to achieve my goal..

Protected Sub RadPanelBar1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RadPanelBarEventArgs)

Dim instance As RadPanelBar
instance.PostBackUrl = "CategoryCreate.aspx?Quiz=True"

'//// i don't know how to pass it to child in my radpanelbar

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Implementing RadPanelBar / How To Understand Datafieldid And Datafieldparentid

Oct 28, 2010

I have a table with 3 columns Itemid(int),Itemname(string),ItemDesc(string).. Im trying to use a radpanelbar to display this information, where the bar initially shows the item name and on clik/expansion it will show the item description.. I tried looking at the examples on telerik site but didnt understand the point of datafieldid and datafieldparentid. What are they used for and what would their values be for my table.. I tried using different combination of column names for these two ids but I still didnt get it..

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AJAX :: Accordion Not Expanding Or Collapsing?

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TreeView Nodes Not Expanding And Collapsing?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a TreeView menu populated from a SiteMapDataSource. The TreeView defaults to all nodes expanded, but the normal client side expand/collapse behaviour for the nodes is not working. I get one Javascript error in my Firebug console, being:

TreeView_ToggleNode is not defined

What could be causing this?

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AJAX :: Accordion Immediately Collapsing On Safari?

Nov 3, 2010

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<AjaxToolkit:Accordion ID="AccordionStat" runat="server" SelectedIndex="-1" RequireOpenedPane="false"

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Web Forms :: Collapsing Spaces On Datatext Field?

Sep 21, 2010

I append 2 fields of a List items to 1field like this with 4 spaces between 2 fields:

lptItem[lptItem.IndexOf(i)].Tuyen = lptItem[lptItem.IndexOf(i)].Tuyen + " " + lptItem[lptItem.IndexOf(i)].ThoiGianKhoiHanh;

Then I bind it to a bulleted List:

BLstDuongBo.DataTextField = "Tuyen";

but space will collapse to " ", I cant us nbsp 'cause it's a text filed. Pls help me with this :(, I want 4 spaces :(.

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Web Forms :: Panel Not Collapsing On Page Load?

Apr 27, 2016

I am working on an asp.net webforms application using VS2013.

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The following is the code for the first panel that is operating correctly:

<asp:Button ID="btn_open_new_rvw_frm" runat="server" Text="Initiate A New Document Review" CssClass="frm_btn_style" Visible="false" /><br /><br />
<div class="row">


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JQuery :: SlideUp And SlideDown Functions Are Not Collapsing And Expanding Smoothly ?

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AJAX :: To Make Expanding/collapsing CollapsiblePanelExtender From Code Behind Smooth And Animated

Aug 24, 2010

I've got a CollapsiblePanelExtender in place on a panel in test and it works like a champ. (I get excited about the simplest things). When I click the panel header it expands and collapses with smooth animation, as expected and desired.

But when I change its state via code behind, it seems I am merely changing its state and somehow bypassing the javascript that controls the smooth animation.

My markup is out of the box. I have added code behind and some javascript, but I am missing the connection. Here is the javascript:

function pageLoad(sender, args)

And here is the code behind:

protected void btnExpand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.CollapsiblePanelExtender1.Collapsed = false;[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Event For Data Bound Control Vs Data Source?

Jan 1, 2011

I've been using the Item Inserted event for my data controls, such as details view. I'm wondering if there are advantages to doing this with the data sources instead of the data control. There is a lot of overlap in the events provided by these two types of controls. Are there advantages to using the events raised by the data source instead of the ones raised by the data control itself. Should I be using the events raised by the data source instead of the control used to enter the data?

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How To Keep Bound Data And Add New Row To Gridview

Apr 19, 2010

this is my my code snip


I put a textbox and a button to page when user click Button , I want to insert a new row to datagrid assume

TextBox.Text = Vivi

when user click Button

first : I use TextBox.Text to DataBase retrieve data for this No (ex: select Name, Tel from student where No = '" TextBox.Text + "'")

and then I want to add this datarow to my DataGrid

I hope I can get result like this


How to open a new row to existing GridView? and still keep original data?

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Resolve URL In Bound Data

Mar 17, 2011

i want to show a menu in some pages.

the menu is build from db with repeater


when i am in "folder/page1.aspx" all the link are ok [URL]. when i'm in a folder "folder/folder2/page1.aspx" the links are [URL]


i change it to

<a href="<%# VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/admin/"+(string)Eval("TD_PageName"))%>"><%# Eval("TD_Name")%></a>

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Data Controls :: Insert Data From GridView Bound Using ViewState To Database Table

Jan 7, 2014

how to insert data in DB table from view state gridview ?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           if (!this.IsPostBack)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort Data In Gridview Without Using Bound Fields

Oct 29, 2010

I am using gridview to display some columns with autogenerate column as 'true' and not added boundfields,headers.

And i am used stored preocedure for data source in gridview and i used dataset for gridview databind.

The gridview columns comes dynamically for each time.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview TextBox Bound By Typed Data Set?

Feb 10, 2011

When I bind my listview with a typed dataset the textbox is filled with spaces up to its max length.

For example if I have "ABC" in the typed dataset and the textbox has a max length of 5 it will actually bind "ABC ".

I know I could trim it ont he databound event, but I shouldn't have to.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Sort Data-Bound DropDownList When AppendDataBoundItems Is True?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm having a problem sorting a dropdown that I've bound to a SQL Server data source. I've narrowed the problem down to the fact that I have a static item at the top of the dropdown with the data-bound items appended afterwards. If I remove the static item (<asp:ListItem Value="-1" Text="All" />) the ORDER BY part of the select clause works fine. How can I get around this issue? What I would like is to have the "All" static item at the top of the list with the data-bound items sorted alphabetically afterwards. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET 4 if it makes any difference.


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Forms Data Controls :: Formatting Bound Data In Gridview Using Client-side Javascript?

Jan 18, 2010

I am looking for a method to format gridview bound data using javascript.

I know you can have custom formating in Eval using:


But I am looking for a way to perform this task on client side, rather than doing it on the server.

For example if I want to format a date field being bound in a custom way, something like emails date received in gmail. (Only show time if it is today's date [15:30] and only show day and month if it is this year date [14 Jan] and show the full date if it is not this year [10/10/2009].

So, how I use javascript to format a field (ie. custom date format or setting a control visibility)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Row Data Bound Method That Inserts A Row When Comparing Values On A Particular Field

Jan 22, 2010

I have a gridview, which on the row data bound method that inserts a row when comparing values on a particular field. If the two values are different, a new row is inserted, if not no row is inserted. This coding is working as a grouping gridview, and is working correctly. However, I have problem, and problem is counting the rows between each group, which I want to display in my blank row between each group, the value of which I am holding in a hiddenfield.

When I try to do it, the first group doesn't show the result, but is displayed on the next group. I am pretty sure that I am doing something wrong. My approach is that if the value between the last row and the existing row are different, then the value is one, on the next row data bound event, if the values are the same then the value is increased by one, else the value is one because it is a new group. Here is my code:

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
Table tbl = e.Row.Parent as Table;
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
Label lbl2 = new Label();
HiddenField rowValue = new HiddenField();
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
e.Row.Visible = false;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
Session["count"] = 1;
Label lbl = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblValue");
string str1 = ((Label)(lbl)).Text;
string prevStr= (string)Session["previousStr"];
if (prevStr== str1)
lbl.Visible = false;...................

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Forms Data Controls :: Treeview Error: Bound To XML Source, Data Includes Angle Brackets?

Dec 6, 2010

I have some data which contains angle brackets in some of the fields.Even if properly escaped as <: or > (or even the hex codes), or contained in CDATA, in Visual Studio 2005 ASP.Net, the field data is being truncated at the first angle bracket. If I replace the data with curly braces, it displays fine.Is this a parser defect in the TreeView control? I can use Response.Write and see that the data provided by the XmlDataSource is fine. Example:

<row TopNode="REQ 123456 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/><row TopNode="REQ 456789 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/>
<row TopNode="REQ 123456 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/><row TopNode="REQ 456789 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/>

This truncates right after TT Description. If I change to curly braces or parentheses, it displays fine.

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Forms Data Controls :: Reset Data Bound User Control Shown With Ajax Pop - Up Extender

Nov 1, 2010

I have a web form, and an "add vendor" button. Click the button, a modal dialog pops up (ajax:ModalPopupExtender). User selects one of two radio buttons which shows a data bound asp:View in an update panel - this view is data bound to a single row and must be populated by the user. However I also want to provide a cancel button which should close the modal dialog and reset the bound view.

However what is happening is that the ModalExtender closes, but when the "add vendor" button is presented again, it's still bound to the same data. Do I need to clear my data source? How so I reset the forms/views so that when the 'add vendor' button is clicked again the form is presented as it should be (IE the 2 select options, picking one re-binds the asp:View)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get PropertyName Of Data Bound Control?

Mar 26, 2010

is there a way to get the PropertyName of a data bound control? For example:

I have a text box like this:


How can I get the info that this text box is bound to the property with the name "Test"?

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