Extract Text And Image From A Pdf In A Selected Area Or Coordinates
Mar 11, 2010
I have a specific requirement of extracting text and images from a specific area in a pdf file.The area might be a selected or highlighted or from a given set of coordinates.
When i went through, all the approaches are to extract images and text entirely from the PDF on not in a specified location. I tried with iTextSharp,Syncfussion,Apose but couldn figure out a better approach for this.
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ElseIf drAtd IsNot Nothing AndAlso drAtd.Length > 0 Then
Dim dr As DataRow
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dr(1) = dtAtd.Rows(0)(1)
[Code] ...
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FirstName SurName (emailaddress)
FirstName SurName (emailaddress)
FirstName SurName (emailaddress)
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Geography - Higher - A1
Irish - Higher - A2
Maths Ordinary - B1
English - Higher - B1
Business - Higher - B1
French - Higher - B1
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