I have two DataSet were mention below DataSet1 & DataSet2. DataSet1 records are already in User Database table. I would like to insert the DataSet2 records to User table, Before going to insert the Dataset2, I am trying to check the duplicate records in DataSet2 Compare with DataSet1. How to identify the duplicate records in DataSet2 using LINQ. I want to Get the List of Duplicate record set. Or Return the True Or False. Note: In User table SiteId and UserName is Combinational primary key Records.
I have a linq statement that retrieves several rows from a stored procedure and maps them to a custom class. The rows returned could contain mulitple instances of the same ID
eg id date total 1 01/01/2011 3 2 01/02/2011 2 3 02/03/2011 5 1 01/01/2011 3
the stored procedure perfoms some complex calculations to return the data How can I remove the duplicate rows in the list ive returned? Ive tried distinct but it doesnt work I want to process the RETURNED list (as there are only 4 rows here, i want to end up with 3) and just have 1 instance of ID 1.
Is it possible to bind data to specfic columns in Gridview?
I mean, if I send a query to my database and it returns 1 column, then bind that column to the first column in the gridview, then send another query and bind the resulting column from that query to the second column without erasing the data of the first column etc etc.
When i see MVC Music store. They have used ADO.NET entity data model and used LINQ language to perform operation in DB.. Is there any way to use normal sql queries?
I use LINQ-SQL as my DAL, I then have a project called DB which acts as my BLL. Various applications then access the BLL to read / write data from the SQL Database.
I have these methods in my BLL for one particular table:
public IEnumerable<SystemSalesTaxList> Get_SystemSalesTaxList() { return from s in db.SystemSalesTaxLists select s; } public SystemSalesTaxList Get_SystemSalesTaxList(string strSalesTaxID) { return Get_SystemSalesTaxList().Where(s => s.SalesTaxID == strSalesTaxID).FirstOrDefault();
I'm trying to do something that on the face of it is very simple.
If I have 5 text boxes, and 1 of them is blank, I want to exclude that textbox from the query, rather than searching for where a field is blank.
I've tried to do a bit of research into dynamic linq queries, but have come up empty handed, or what I've found doesn't seem to quite answer my question.
I have my Linq query in which i need to find time difference(not days difference).
The field in database is datetime.
Dim ldtToday As DateTime = TimeOfDay Dim SR_RM_InnerJoin = From SR In lcntxRT60Entities.RtSReports _ Join RM In lcntxRT60Entities.RtRMaster On SR.RtRMaster.ReportID Equals RM.ReportID _ Select SR, RM _ Where SR.TID = 1 _ And --(Check) SR.ReportDeliveryTime.Value.AddDays(1) < ldtToday
How can i check if the time field of the record is less than current time??
I want to check for duplicate records,if the record is already inserted then "record has already been inserted" should appear or else if its a new record then it should be inserted.. This function is inserting even if it exists and showing the error msg..
Sub CheckForDuplicateRec() Dim da As SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable cmd = New SqlCommand("Select * from Table3 where Name='" & txtname.Text & "' AND FName='" & txtfathersname.Text & "' AND MName='" & txtmothername.Text & "' AND Add1='" & txtadd.Text & "' AND Add2='" & txtadd2.Text & "' AND Add3='" & txtadd3.Text & "' AND City='" & txtcity.Text & "' AND State='" & ddlstates.SelectedValue & "' AND Pincode=" & txtpincode.Text & "", con) da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds) dt = ds.Tables("Table3") If dt.Rows.Count = 0 Then cmd = New SqlCommand("Insert into Table3 (Name,FName,MName,Add1,Add2,Add3,City,State,PinCode) values('" & txtname.Text & "','" & txtfathersname.Text & "','" & txtmothername.Text & "','" & txtadd.Text & "','" & txtadd2.Text & "','" & txtadd3.Text & "','" & txtcity.Text & "','" & ddlstates.SelectedValue & "','" & txtpincode.Text & "')", con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Else lblError.Text = "Records already exists" End If End Sub
I am using AutoCompleteExtender on a text box as follows
My problem is the autocomplete returns a long list of recods ,I want to limit it to maximum 10 recods .How can I do that? I set CompletionSetCount="10" ,but it doesn't seem to work How can i do that?
A sample linq query from MSDN: var expensiveInStockProducts = from p in products where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 3.00M select p; Does this query select EVERY column from the database table immediately, or does it return some sort of pointer that retieves the actual column data on demand? ie. If there are 50 columns in my table and I only use a single p.UnitsInStock in my actual code, then am I retrieving 50 times more data than I expected?
I am creating entries in a contract table using linq to sql.
One column needs to conditionally be assigned an application number from a range of values.
I'd like to simply increment the max existing value, however it is a multi-user application and I'm concerned about multiple contracts receiving the same app number if they happen too close together.
Is there a way to either force the entire thing to use the same transaction, or to execute both during the same submit?
I have a webform which users fill in and all fields are submitted to table. How do I check that the record doesn't already exist in the table before the data is submitted? And if the data does exist I'd like to display error message label.
I have a page which consists of a grid and add new button. When the user clicks add new button he gets several fields to be entered. So, when he clicks submit I usually write a query which checks if there is an entry already in the database. In this case, I succeeded. However, my task is to also show the records identical and let the user decide to proceed or not.SO, I am not sure of how to proceed with this one. So, can anyone just help me in giving an idea on how to proceed with this one?
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Programme WHERE Title = @Title) BEGIN SET @ErrorMsg =@Title + ' Already Exists' RAISERROR (@ErrorMsg,11,1) return END I am Using this code to avoid Duplicate records in Database. Which code I have to write in .aspx.cs Page To Show Error Message on .aspx Page..
i need to query a table which normally will return multiple records for the id and I need to loop through probably using a cursor and pull values out from each record to make a string.
what is the syntax for this? i've seen cursors using a set number (EX: loop through 5 times) but I need to create a query so that I can loop through once for each row returned from my query.