AJAX :: Clientside Templates / Index syntax Has Changed In Latest Version Of The Client Templates?

Apr 26, 2010

I have recently found this snippet of code but I am unable to get it to work. Does anybody know if the $index syntax has changed in the latest version of the client templates?


I keep recieving $index is undefined.

The offending line is


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Dynamic Templates And Edit Templates In Gridview

Feb 1, 2011

i am using two tables for salary components like bonus,hra,ta,da.one is salary lookup table for viewing which components are chosen and according to this salary table is created dynamically.i want to view data fields of salary table in gridview and update thier value.

now problem is that how to create template field and edit template field for updating fields of salary table because field of the salary table changing every time as it is creating dynamically.

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Visual Studio :: Web Site / Web Application Templates Seem Changed - Default.aspx Only With Site.master

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AJAX :: Looking For Templates Reference/documentation?

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Are Client Side Validators Fully Supported In Latest AJAX

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C# - Coderush Templates For MVC

Oct 25, 2010

Am in the process of creating my own set of coderush templates for MVC both on the HTML side and in the code-behind. Am wondering if anyone has gone through the same process and has put them anywhere on the public domain where I could obtain them rather than "reinventing the wheel"? Otherwise will put together a list of the templates myself and post them on the public domain somewhere.

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Use The Same IDs In Different FormView Templates?

Mar 3, 2010

I understand that only one FormView template is rendered at any given time, so is it ever a problem to reuse child control IDs?For example, the insert and edit templates are identical in this FormView, each has a TextBox in which a user may enter their name. Would it be a problem (or a bad idea) to give both text boxes the ID "NameTextBox"?Better yet, is there a way I can create a single template that is used in both insert and edit modes? With the same code-behind, event handlers, etc? I found a forum thread somewhere that suggested creating a web user control to use in both insert and edit modes - is this typical?

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Oct 18, 2010

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Is There A Source For Website Templates

Jun 11, 2010

I have a requirement to create several three to five page mini websites. We are creating simple folders within an existing website, i.e.: [URL]

We are testing Visual Studio 2010 and are wondering if there is a masterpage/content page template source for this requirement. All of these folder website will be administered in house, no additional user access will be needed. Essentially we would like MasterPage and Basic Content page code that can be dropped into a folder. Is there any safe source for this?

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MVC :: Redefine Templates Folder?

Mar 3, 2010

I was reading the new template features of MVC 2 in: [URL] Is it possible to redefine the Templates folder? Maybe having all templates on a folder named Templates on View root? I need to create an editor template that displays three drop down boxes, day, year and month when a DateTime property is passed in the model. But I would like to have some kind of control on the year range when calling the template. Can this be done?

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MVC :: 2nd Posting - Install Templates

Aug 11, 2010

How do we intall and use templates tha are on asp.net's web site? I have done the following:

Go to "%PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEProjectTemplatesCSharpWeb1033" (folder might vary since I'm using VS2010 Ultimate, but you can locate the folder easily by just looking for
ProjectTemplates folder at %PROGRAMFILES%). Locate and copy the MvcWebApplicationProjectTemplatev2.0.cs.zip and
EmptyMvcWebApplicationProjectTemplatev2.0.cs.zip files into "%HOMEPATH%My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010TemplatesProjectTemplatesVisual C#"
If you are running Visual Studio you'll need to restart it before you can see any effects.

I also have installed n2cms_2.0_Framework and mvc 1 installed although I do not see it in VS 2010. I am running VS 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimated with SQL 2008 RC. VS and SQL are on Drive D:

Should these templates be part of IIS under inetput/wwwroot? assist me with this questions or point me in the right direction.

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Mvc Editing Auto Templates TT

Feb 22, 2010

im using dataAnnotation and meta data for my model classes all all is good however i dont like that it creates an untidy form, and would rather it comes out in a nice table i have set a style for so i have labels next to my inputs etc. now there was a post somewhere that they are created from TT files and that you can set MVC to run from custom TT files but how do i do this? anyone got a link to the post somewhere.

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Looking For Single Webpage Templates?

Jun 12, 2010

I am looking for single webpage templates suitable for business profiles, no navigation needed. Does any such resource exisit. Frontpage use to have prebuilt pages - does the new VS 2010 have any resource for quick and simple webpage construction?

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MVC :: Re Use Display And Editor Templates

May 13, 2010

I need to re-use display and editor templates across solutions. How do I register my templates so they can be used? What's the best approach for reusing display and editor templates?

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Oct 4, 2010

I have my web form that the user enters in a boat load of data. The form also has a drop down and based on that dropdown selection I need to send a certain email. How can I create email templates and populate it from my web form? I have everything in code to grab the correct one, I'm not just not sure how to populate the template from the code behind.

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C# - Creating Data Templates Using MVC?

Mar 14, 2011

I am currently evaluating the use of asp.net and MVC for a new project (vs. web part or web form pattern). While I really like the MVC pattern and the ability to abstract the code from the UI. I have a specific requiremt to create a custom control that returns data in a pre-defined format. As an example for this project I need to have data returned in a listbox control where there listboxt items contain an image and then values from the DAL. I want to have control over where the image and values from the DAL appear in the listbox control. Using WPF I have done this using Data templates. Is this possible using ASP.NET and the MVC pattern or is this only possible using a web form/ web part pattern?

Update In doing some more reading it appears that I can control how the data would be rendered in the view using markup: As an example if I have a collection (products) that returns image, name, description, price I can render this in the view by writing:

<ul id="products">
<% foreach (var p in products)
{ %>
<br />
<%} %>

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VS 2005 - Unique URL (SEO) Over Two Templates

Aug 3, 2011

I have a content page with show part content of an article with a friendly URL address (for example):- [URL] ....

The article titles are unique in the database. My problem is I want to show it on template A which only shows a small amount of it with a hyperlink to show the full article. If I put the same url in it takes it to the same location:- [URL] ....

Is there a way of trapping the click of the hyperlink and setting some sort of parameter which I can pickup in my url rewrite routine. for example

private sub hyperlink.click

myparameter = "Template Name"

Then in my url rewrite be able to see myparameter and say load the content with the full article template.

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Want To Learn Latest Version For Development

Feb 13, 2011

I want to learn asp.net latest version for development.what is the procedure to install .net at free of cost

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