AJAX :: Control ToolKit / Error Using The Numeric UpDown Control From Ajax Control Toolkit?

Dec 8, 2010

I am Getting the following error using the Numeric UpDown Control from Ajax Control Toolkit.
Assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' contains a Web resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js', but does not contain an embedded resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js'.

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Similar Messages:

Error Using Editor Control From Ajax Control Toolkit / Value Cannot Be Null Or Empty

Mar 27, 2011

When trying to use the editor control i'm getting the following error:

Value cannot be null or empty.

Parameter name: elementID

Here's my HTML:


I'm using asp.net 4 with ajax control toolkit for version 4.

I believe the error is talking about the routing I have. Is there something special I have to do if I want to use the toolkit and custom routing?

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Error Trying To Add Ajax Control Toolkit To Toolbox

Jul 13, 2010

ive used the Ajax Control Toolkit in previous versions of VWD but for some reason im having trouble adding the Toolkit to the toolbox in this new version (2010) i have setup on my laptop, when i browse to and select the .dll file it gives me the error "Object reference not set to instance of an object" can anyone please help ive been trying to fix this issue for a little over an hour now.

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AJAX :: Error With Adding Control Toolkit

Apr 27, 2016

The type or namespace name 'ToolkitScriptManager' does not exist in the namespace 'AjaxControlToolkit' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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AJAX :: Error With Control Toolkit - Requires 4.0 Scripts

Aug 25, 2010

This is the error i get in the browser. Update panel is workingBut Accordion,Rounded Corners Extender & much more controls does'nt workRESTARTING Visual Stuio does'nt help!

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Causes WCF Error / $inetinfo Is Undefined

Apr 16, 2010

I am using both the AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditor and making AJAX WCF calls from my web form. Since we can only have one Script Manager per page, I am using this:


When my page loads, I do an initial AJAX WCF call and it works.

But if I try to make an AJAX WCF call after the page has finished loading, I get the following error:

$inetinfo is undefined

If I take out the AJAX Control Toolkit script manager and replace it with this:


Then my WCF AJAX works fine, but my HTMLEditor does not.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Filtered TextBox Error?

Nov 9, 2010

wanna use filtered TextBox ajax control in my simple page.I add a textbox in my page. And then i drag first script manager on my page and then drag filtered textBox in my textbox.But when i run my project i had an error like this picture..What is the problem? Where i doing mistake?

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AJAX Toolkit 'unknown Server Control' Error?

Jan 14, 2011

I just installed Ajax Toolkit. The controls are available in my Toolbox, but when I insert them in a page, Visual Studio underlines them with the error message "unknown server tag".

I googled the problem and found several ideas :

check if the DLL is in Bin folder check if ajaxToolKit tags prefix is registered in web.config and make sure I'm not using a different prefix in my pages check if the DLL is registered in the pages with <% @ Register ... %>

Unfortunately all of this is fine, but I still can't get the controls to work. Is something else missing ?

EDIT : My environment is ASP.Net 2.0, Ajax Extensions 1.0, Ajax Toolkit 1.0.20229, Visual Studio 2005

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit , Gridview And Jquery Error?

Dec 31, 2010

Me using Vb.net and Ajax control tool kit with Database Sql server.My problem is that When I select one Radiobutton list it genrates only one row in gridview and when i select another button it throws error like ".non MS DOM browser is undefined."and sometimes " document.getElementByid() is null or not an object" OR ".javaScript_dopostback.".I have few componets on my page

1. RadioButtonList Which is placed inside Update panel1 first.
2. GridView Which is placed inside Update panel2 second..and Gridview generated five Textboxes Dyanamically in which i have used autocomplete extender with one textbox.
3. I have also used Ajax tool kit extender for calender control.
4. I am also using Jquery and master page too.
5. i am generating new row on textchange event of one of the textbox in grid view.So how can i do all the above functionality properlly.

My problem is that When I select one Radiobutton list it genrates only one row in gridview and when i select another button it throws error like".non MS DOM browser is undefined." and sometimes " document.getElementByid() is null or not an object" OR ".javaScript_dopostback."

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AJAX :: Getting Error When Try To Add Ajax Toolkit Dll File To Ajax Control Tab?

Dec 22, 2010

When iam try to add ajax control dll file to my ajax toolkit given in visualstudio express edition 2005, i am getting the following error.

"There are no components in 'C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft ASP.NETASP.NET 2.0 Ajax Extensionsv1.0.61025AJAXExtensionsToolbox.dll' that can be placed on the toolbox." what is the error in this?

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Combobox Produces An Error 800a025e?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a ajax combobox in my page, when i try to select an item from it i can select by typing in text and its selectedindexchanged event fires, but when that event is complete and when i try to select another item from the combobox it produces the following error:

could not complete operation due to error 800a025e,and an alert asks me if i want to debug it.If I press yes then i get this page:

// Name: AjaxControlToolkit.ComboBox.ComboBox.debug.js
// Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit
// Version: 3.0.30930.28736
// FileVersion: 3.0.30930.0
/// <reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js"/>

htmlfile: Could not complete the operation due to error 800a025e.

_setTextSelectionRange: function(textBox, selectionStart, selectionEnd) {

// set the selection range on the text box[code]....

The Weird thing about this is that the error does not occur on the development machine but only on the server.

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AJAX :: Remove The Configuration Error Found In The Control ToolKit?

Nov 24, 2010

How do I remove the Configuration Error found in the ASP.Net Ajax Control ToolKit?

Error Message reads: "The Master Page file .... DefaultMaster.master cannot be loaded Correct the problem in Code view"

<%@ Page
Title="HoverMenu Sample"
Theme="SampleSiteTheme" %>

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AJAX :: Error When Using Control Toolkit - Could Not Load Type From Assembly

Jun 13, 2012

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase' from assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.

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[Method Error 500] In Cascading Dropdown Update In Ajax Control Toolkit

Apr 16, 2010

I am getting [MethodError 500] when I use cascading drop down. below is my code

<td >
Select a Hoster:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlFeaturedHoster" runat="server" ></asp:DropDownList>
<ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown ID="cddHoster" runat="server" TargetControlID="ddlFeaturedHoster"
PromptText="Select a Hoster" LoadingText="Loading ..." Category="ActiveHoster"
ServiceMethod="GetDropDownContents" ServicePath="~/Hosting/HostingService.asmx"/>
Service Code:
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetActiveHosters()
List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> returnList = new List<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();
HostersManager hosterManager = new HostersManager();
List<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail> hosters = hosterManager.GetAllHosters();
returnList.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue("--Please Select One--","0",true));
foreach (Hosters_HostingProviderDetail item in hosters)
returnList.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue() { name=item.HostingProviderName, value= item.HosterID.ToString()});
return returnList.ToArray() ;
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetDropDownContents(string knownCategoryValues, string category)
knownCategoryValues = FormatCategoryWord(knownCategoryValues);
List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> values = new List<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();
HostersManager hosterManager = new HostersManager();
switch (category)
case "ActiveHoster":
case "ActiveOffer":
return values.ToArray<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();
/// <summary>
/// Formats the category word
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string FormatCategoryWord(string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return value;
if (value.LastIndexOf(":") > 0) value = value.Substring(value.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);
if (value.LastIndexOf(";") > 0) value = value.Substring(0, value.LastIndexOf(";"));
return value;

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How To Remove The Space Inserted Automatically In Ajax Control Toolkit Tab Panel Control

Mar 29, 2010

The Ajax control toolkit tab panel automatically inserts a space by all four corners of the body. For example, go to http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/Tabs/Tabs.aspx and look at the TabPanel on the page. The is a space before "Signature:" and "Bio:" labels. How can I set the space-width to 0px; in the tabPanel body?

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C# - Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Popup Extender Target Control Causes Postback

Jul 29, 2010

When I click the button to open the modal popup it shows the popup but then continues and forces a postback causing the page to reload and the modal popup to be hidden again.Here is the markup for the control:

<asp:Button id="LoginOpenButton" runat="server" Text="Login"/>

<asp:Panel ID="ContentPanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup">
<fieldset> [code]....

My script manager has no properties other than the id and runat set.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit 40412 / Trying To Use The Calendar Control In A Local Internet Enviroment?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to use the Calendar control in a local intranet enviroment, so I need to put all the Javascript files locally, I've downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit 40412 source code and extracted the Scripts from

"..AjaxControlToolkit_9c860ac12ae9SampleWebSitesAjaxClientWebSiteScripts",so I write the following code


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AJAX :: Multiple Series Line Chart Control Using Control Toolkit

Feb 22, 2013

how to work with multiple series! for example: with 2 series and display the name of each series in the graph! like this example: URL...

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Combobox Control Font - Square Is Not Appearing In The Text Area?

Nov 19, 2010

ajaxcontrol toolkit combobox control, a picture is worth than a lot of words so here is the picif you are not able to view then here is the link


the problem is the items text in the combox box is having a square beneath at the second character which is hindering the visibility of the list. but the square is not appearing in the text area.

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AJAX :: Is It Possible To Customize The Default Accordion Control In The Control Toolkit

Apr 21, 2010

Adding an Accordion only creates the outer most tags. I then have to add the headercssclass, contentcssclass etc. info. Then i have to manually add <Pane> tags, and then add Accordion Pane controls. Using VWDE 2008, is there a way to customize the control so that adding the Accordion control automatically adds this other info? Ideally with 2 Accordion Panes to start, but even just getting the various Accordion properties and the <Pane> tags added would make it much more <Pane>less!

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AJAX :: Reference The Control Toolkit Dll In Order To Have Access To Control?

Sep 16, 2010

MSDN documentation says that the ScriptManager class is part of the System.Web.UI namespace and I see that I can create a ScriptManager object programmatically. However, I don't see the ScriptManager control on the front-end. Do I need to reference the Ajax Control Toolkit dll in order to have access to control?

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AJAX :: Difference Between Rating And RatingExtender Control In Control Toolkit?

Aug 30, 2010

Can you tell the difference between Rating and RatingExtender asp.net ajax Control ?

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AJAX :: Unable To Find Pie Chart Control In Control Toolkit

May 7, 2015

I have downloaded the ajax toolkit control i been using it for a  couple of months now. But I cannot see Ajax toolkit pie chart control..

Why will I get it ? Do I have to download seperately?

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AJAX :: How To Install And Use Control Toolkit Control Components

Mar 29, 2014

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title></title> </head> <body>
<form id="form1" runat="server">

[Code] .....

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AJAX :: Control Validation In Page With Ajax Control Toolkit?

Nov 5, 2010

i have a page with some control like update panel and cascading dropdownlist. I have added some asp require validators but it does not working.

I have an asp image button with a postback url set. When i click on this button, the validations does not occurs and the application goes to the next page.

I am using the asp.net ajax validators too.

this is the event of the button:


this is the code of one of the DDL



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