AJAX :: Upload Default File When No File Is Selected In FileUpload Control
May 7, 2015
How to set default file in <asp:FileUpload />
When a FileUpload is null then i want to set defualt file .
regarding my code :
Byte[] imgByte = null;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload1.PostedFile != null)
HttpPostedFile File = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
imgByte = new Byte[File.ContentLength];
File.InputStream.Read(imgByte, 0, File.ContentLength);
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sr1 = new StreamReader(FileUploadControl.PostedFile.FileName);
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Jul 11, 2012
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protected void BtnUploadS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string path = Server.MapPath(".") + "../image/House";
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