AJAX :: What Is Role Of Scriptmanager Control And Updatepanel Control

Jan 7, 2010

What scriptmanager control and

updatepanel control role if we add this control to web page

and when we use triggers with update panel control.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: UserControl With ScriptManager And UpdatePanel, Some Pages With ScriptManager?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a user control with both an UpdatePanel and a ScriptManager.

Some pages in the system have a ScriptManager of their own, and need to include the UserControl.

This throws the "You can only have 1 ScriptManager" exception.

If I remove UserControl's ScriptManager, I'll get 'UpdatePanel1 requires a Script Manager" exception.

I've tried to modify the UserControl to dynamically include it's own script manager if none exists. But all the methods I've used before involve adding a delegate to Page.OnInit-- which won't work, since the UserControl Init fires first.

Because the system designers here like making my life difficult, I can't create a MasterPage, or a BasePage for the system in inherit off of. I'd be stuck going to each page an adding a ScriptManager before the UserControl on each of them. Is there any way of, in the UserControl, detecting if the page has a ScriptManager, and if not, adding it dynamically in a way that makes the UpdatePanel happy?

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AJAX :: Behind The Scenes Of ScriptManager Control

May 30, 2010

Can anybody explain why cant you have more than one scriptmanager control in a page. Why gets emitted in the markup which creates a problem with two scriptmanager control on the page.

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AJAX :: Access ScriptManager In Composite Control?

Oct 4, 2010

Can anybody tell me how can i access ScriptManager in my Composite Control?

I do have reference of system.web in my project but when i type System.Web.UI.

i am not able to get reference of ScriptManager afeter UI.

The reason for doing this is that i have a composite control which is registering some client script on OnPreRender event.

this control works fine when placed on web page without update panel but gives error "object expected" when placed in an update panel

i am registering client script as follows


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AJAX :: Register Client Script Blocks With ScriptManager Control?

Nov 19, 2010

I am reading about "Registering Client Scripts with the ScriptManager Control". But I am not getting what means by registering the script with ScriptManager? What we get by registering the client script with ScriptManager?

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Need Updatepanel And Scriptmanager Get AJAX Working?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm finding that the scriptmanager and the updatepanel and basic implementations of AJAX for ASP.NET. I'm just wondering whether these were required to use AJAX and partial page update and referencing handlers such as button1_click on the server code page ?

Also if i can ask another question, I'm also wanting to know whether the updatepanel can support feed-in like facebook ? What I'm wanting to do is have something that updates the screen (like the update panel), and items within this panel contains links. When the user clicks on the link it shows a modal div, giving the user options to do some updates. Once the user clicks submit, then this makes a call to the server to update the details then also update the panel. Within the panel I also want to move some of the div elements using javascript (causing the drag and drops to save to the database).

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Control / Drag Updatepanel On Asp Page It Is Not Resizable?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using a asp.net 2.0 with visual studio 2005.

I am trying to build a web application using ajax.

but when I drag the ajax updatepanel on asp.net page it is not resizable,so how should i put other controls on it?

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AJAX :: Can't Use Double UpdatePanel. ContentPlaceHolder, ScriptManager

Nov 25, 2010

I have to ContentPlaceHolder One in head tag and the other one in body->form tag. In my master page.


I trid to add asp:UpdatePanel to asp:Content ID="Content1" ontentPlaceHolderID="head" but it did't work

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Web Forms :: Add "role" Parameter / Property To User Control Containing LoginView Control To Set "Role" Possible?

Jan 13, 2010

I am in the process of creating a user control that enables content areas of our web application to be editable. The control utilizes the asp.net membership/role providers and incorporates a LoginView that only displays the edit link if a user has logged in and is a member of the desired role. What I would like to be able to do is pass the "role" as a property of the control so it can be set dynamically and does not have to be hard coded into the control if I use elsewhere in another application.

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Using IE 7.0 And Updatepanel Control For AJAX ?

Jan 19, 2010

I get following error when I click on the button.I am Using IE 7.0 and Updatepanel control for AJAX in the aspx page (Not in master Page).This error goes After I clear cache.

"Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near ' <!DOCTYPE html PUB'."

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: What Is The Uses Of Triggers In UpdatePanel Control

Jan 24, 2010

what is the uses f Triggers in UpdatePanel control

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AJAX :: Bug In UpdatePanel Containing A Control That Has Javascript?

Apr 23, 2010

I cannot determine why this is happening, but I have narrowed it down to the javascript in one of the controls in an updatepanel.

ASP.NET 2.0 aspx structure:

A formview contains a large updatepanel. The updatepanel contains all the controls on the page. Only three controls are autopostback=true: two dropdowns and a checkbox.

The last three controls in the updatepanel are textboxes. Their autopostback=false. Each textbox has an anchor whose javascript launches a pop-up calendar window. The pop-up calendar selection populates the corresponding textbox. No problems there.

The bug happens whenever I fill in all three dates at once (I launch the calendar three times and select a date each time), and then I click Save. The form's save action fails because the code can no longer get to the controls in the formview. The formview.controls.count is zero.

It works if I fill in any two of the three dates *or* I fill in all three dates by typing the values into the textboxes (bypassing the pop-up calendar). I can fill them in random order, and any one or two are fine, but all three at once triggers the error.

View 9 Replies

AJAX :: Creating More Than 1 Control Using UpdatePanel?

Jan 30, 2010

I have an UpdatePanel with PlaceHolder inside.

I have a linkbutton "One more", which have to create a new FileUpload control when user clicks it.




how should I make an ability to upload non-defined number of photos?

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AJAX :: Exclude Control From UpdatePanel?

Mar 5, 2011

On my MasterPage I use UpdatePanel to update whole ContentPlaceHolder. Example of code you can find below. All content pages work fine with this MasterPage except one. This page is very complex. I noticed that when I disable UpdatePanel in my MasterPage this problematic page works fine. Question: is it possible to exclude something from UpdatePanel - in my example whole page but only this one?


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AJAX :: Updatepanel And Timer Control?

Mar 25, 2010

My popup panel is disappearing everytime the timer ticks in an updatepanel.How can i solve this problem please friends.

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AJAX :: Don't Update Control Within UpdatePanel?

Apr 14, 2010

This sounds weird, but I would like to NOT update a control that's within an update panel. Is this possible? basically the way facebook works, facebook controls are rendered on a "get" command. but I have controls within the same update panel that cause AJAX postbacks. When the postback's happen, I lose my facebook server-side controls. I am wondering if I can "unregister" a control from an update panel? Or do I just have to redesign that page.

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AJAX :: User Control Inside Updatepanel?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a custom control created to autofill the box as typed in. Its working great. But if I put the control inside an Update Panel, it works for the full postback but if partial postback happens (because of the update panel), it does not work.

View 7 Replies

AJAX :: How To Control Inside UpdatePanel Menu

May 28, 2010

I started a new project using VS2010. I have a menu control connected with an XML datasource inside UpdatePanel, Menu control works fine, problem is the styling. using a StaticHoverStyle Css works only after the page reloads, when I click a menu entry, the entry is selected but StaticHoverStyle does not reflects the menu items anymore (of course when I hover the items) Same behave with both Net versions 3.5 and 4. When I remove the UpdatePanel the StaticHoverStyle comes back to life ( post back occurs ).

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AJAX :: Literal Control Inside UpdatePanel?

Aug 5, 2010

I should probably say I love these forums, I've been viewing for some time and have found loads of valuable information. I'm having a problem with my project, I have an updatepanel containing several items (Two Daypilot Schedulers and a Literal Control). I have set it to conditional and have it update whenever bookings are added/modified in the schedulers. This all works perfectly! I then have a literal control which contains div items with onmouseover= parameters. The control basically contains a list of pending booking requests. On Page_Load I call a method which populates the list...which works fine.

However, whenever I call the UpdatePanel.Update() method (say, when a booking is added), the schedulers update but the literal control does not. I have gone through the debugger and found that the LiteralControl.Text property is correctly set to the new updated list just before calling the Update() method. So basically it all works perfectly apart from the literal control not updating along with the schedulers in the UpdatePanel.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel.Update() From Another User Control?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm new in developing and i'm in trouble with update a UpdatePanel inside a User Control from a Repeater inside another User Control.

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Ajax UpdatePanel Child Control's Visibility

Jan 17, 2011

I want to change the visibility of two asp.net image controls (runat="server") at the beginning and the end of the method call duration. I mean, I want the first image displayed and second one remains hidden until the last line of my method, which in turn, the second image becomes visible and the first one hides. I've put the area of the triggering control in updatepanel and have declared triggers of the updatepanel; But when I press the control (which is a button), the image at the end of the process is displayed correctly and on time but the one which should be displayed in the first line of the method is not displayed. I've configured my updatepanel to use conditional update mode and have used these lines for my intention:

imgLoading.Visible = true;
rest of the process
if (true)
imgLoading.Visible = false;
imgSuccess.Visible = true;

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AJAX :: Performace With UpdatePanel In ModalPopup Control?

May 20, 2010

I am using a modal popup control which contains an UpdatePanel. There are one combo and few text boxes and Calendar control in it. When I select any item in combobox, then it's selection change event is fired and there iI set the values of other controls and finally I call update method of update panel. Functionality wise it works properly but it takes a time to update the panel.Here combobox contains around five thousands of items. But when it contains 100s of items it works good.

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AJAX :: Not Able To Get Value Of The Control That Is Within Modalpopup, Which Inturn Is Within Updatepanel?

Jun 26, 2010

in the following code, value of list box - lstHrs, is not getting recognized on
btnBlock_Click event.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID ="updatepanel1" runat="server">
<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DPCal" runat="server" BusinessEndsHour="22" Days="5"


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AJAX :: FileUpload Control Not Working In UpdatePanel?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to uplaod my images into the database.it works fine if my images are inserted into the database on postback,but when i put my FileUpload control in UpdatePanel the FileUpload.PostedFile property shows NULL.remember my scriptmanager tag is in master page.

here is the code:


<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">



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AJAX :: Control Id 'chkCode' Not Found By UpdatePanel?

May 11, 2010

I have a Datalist with ID="dlCodes" and I have chechbox control with in datalist with id="chkCode".I want this chkCode as a trigger for my button click id ="btnContinue".both button and datalist are placed in update panels.


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