AJAX :: Update Panel And The EnablePartialRendering Set To True On The Page / Page Size

Feb 16, 2010

I have a form, with an update panel and the EnablePartialRendering set to true on the page. Here's my problem, the page size with every AsyncPostBack gets larger, even if my code makes no changes to the markup. It also, never stops... it just keeps growing about 3-4K with every AsyncPostBack. If EnablePartialRendering is set to false, full postbacks do not cause the page size to grow like that. It's like it's sending resources and then never getting rid of them out of the page even though they're not being used because an updated copy has come down.

1.) Is it supposed to work like that?

2.) If it's not, what can I do to not have 4K added to the page size everytime an AsyncPostBack occurs (not again, full PostBacks do not have that same behavior).

3.) This behavior happens whether I compress the ViewState or not (I am using ViewState compression). However, the ViewState size is NOT growing... it's the size of the content in the page that is (I'm monitoring the ViewState size/the Page Size closely).

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AJAX :: Update Panel In Master Page Is Affecting Another Update Panel In Child Page?

Aug 4, 2010

i have my master page with one update panel working like a banner, so when the timer do tick every 5 sec

the image change. That works fine, but i have an update panel in my index page, this update panel works with some buttons that change the text inside the panel when click.

Now, the problem.

When i click one button to change the text and the banner change, the text returns to his default text. The update in master page is affecting the update on index page.

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AJAX :: ScriptManager.EnablePartialRendering - Demonstrate Partial Rendering Without Full Page Reload

Feb 27, 2010

I am reading a tutorial article on this site about Partial Rendering using ScriptManager.EnablePartialRendering - [URL] The article uses button_click to demonstrate Partial Rendering without full page reload. I copy exactly the same codes but everytime I click the button the page refreshes.

I have examined after the page is loaded - ScriptManager1.EnablePartialRendering = true ScriptManager1.SupportsPartialRendering = true I am using vs2005 .NET 2.0 and AJAX extension 1.0 (same version as used in the article)

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AJAX :: Update Panel & Update Progress In User Control / Multiple Instances On Same Page

Feb 16, 2010

I have a user control, that has an update panel and update progress control in it.

I use this user control in more than 1 location on the same page.... problem is, when ucA posts back, I see the update progress control for both ucA and ucB. I assume this is because it is a user control and the update panel and progress are named the same?

Either way - how do I make it so that the update progress only displays for the proper user control?

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AJAX :: Using A User Control's UpdatePanel.Update() From A Page-level Update Panel's Function Call?

Jul 14, 2010

I've exempted the irrelevant bits of code. Essentially, I am trying to change the URL of an image control inside of an update panel inside of a custom user control from a function called inside an update panel from my main page. Using UpdatePanel.Update() isn't working: I end up waiting for the next full page POST to occur before all the updates I make to CustomControl from buttons within the main page's update panel are visible. I verified that Update() was being called via the debugger: there are no issues in that department.

Here, you can see Custom Control and the Button declared. The button is in an update panel to avoid giving a full POST and causing the whole page to reload.

<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>

This control stores images within their own seperate update panels because rerendering the images is very slow (it requires processing arrays of millions of datapoints) and the user only ever needs to modify one image at a time. I'm using Image1 as an example.


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AJAX :: Update A DIV Without Updating The Whole Page Using Update Panel?

Jan 12, 2011

Above is my code to call a hidden DIV:


And above the html for the DIV:


on Code behind:


Now i was trying to use an UPDATE PANEL, in order to when i click button Save, only the DIV updates. Because the whole DIV is closing when i click on SAVE, even if i put a div in an update panel.

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AJAX :: Update A Section In Page Except Update Panel?

Aug 21, 2013

is there any other way by which we can update a section in page except Update Panel?

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AJAX :: UpdateprogressControl On Page And An Update Panel?

Aug 11, 2010

I have an UpdateprogressControl on my page and an Update panel. The UpdateProgress is not associated with the UpdatePanel as I want the update progress to show when the user clicks on any control in or outside the Updatepanel content. However the update progress only shows when a control is fired from within the update panel and not on any control outside the update panel.


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AJAX :: Update Panel Avoidreloading Page?

Dec 20, 2010

I have used the update panel for avoiding reload page.but because of update pane radiobutton event not fired properly. I want to show Popup widow on link click.This popup contain the gridview.When I choose radiobutton which belogs to that gridview popup will be closed and as per grid row selection data will be display in text box which are belogs to form rather then
popup.Now because of update panel I can avoid reloading page but above functionality doesnot work.

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AJAX :: Reuse Update Panel In The Same Page?

Dec 15, 2010

in one table

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="Operations" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtOperations" runat="server" Font-Names="Code128bWin" OnTextChanged="OperationEventHandler" AutoPostBack="true"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID = "txtOperations" EventName="TextChanged" />

and a label in other table

<asp:Label ID="lblOperation" Text="OperationID not Valid" runat="></asp:Label>

and the code behind page is

protected void OperationEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridView GridViewValidOps = new GridView();
GridViewValidOps.DataSource = TB.ValidateOperations(txtOperations.Text);
if (GridViewValidOps.Rows.Count <= 0)
lblOperation.Text = "OperationID Not Valid";

Is there a way to use the same update panel for the label , because i want the value of the label to be updated if the user enters wrong value.

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AJAX :: Master - Detail Page Reloading The Detail Page With Update Panel

Jul 27, 2010

I have a Page with a FileUpload control on the top with the "Insert" button, in order to insert pictures Below that, i have a Listview showing all the pics. THis is the way i am placing my Update Panel:


How can i, press the INSERT button and reloads only the Content Template after INSERTING?

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AJAX :: Update Panel Not Working Page Is Getting Refreshed

Jun 29, 2010

I have a web application project, in which i have 2 projects one is for my UI and other for dealing with database. In UI i have a page on which i have used update panel and script manager, the usual procedure, but surprisingly update panel is not working my page is getting refreshed.


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AJAX :: Update Panel To Exclude Part Of Page?

May 7, 2010

Got some small(Basic) doubt on update panel. Using Update Panel, Is it possible to stop updating a part of Page ?

The problem is, I have a very small portion of page, in which I'm updating some data using JavaScript, Which I want to retain(in ASP language Maintain State) for any post back that will occur in Page. I thought placing update panel will solve the purpose, But as per Update panel principle, It will updates only that part of page based on the Triggers conditions.

I want it exactly in reverse way (It is very difficult for me to place Update panel for the entire page excluding the small part).

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AJAX :: Update Panel Fires Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a script manager and 3 update panels on my page. I am not very familiar with AJAX but I would think anything in the contentTemplate would not cause a postback and page reload, but they all do, here is the outline of the SM and UpPanels

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="sm" runat="server" />

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AJAX :: Update Panel Keep Focus On Page Postback ?

May 31, 2010

I've got a page that posts back constantly and if im on the inputbox thats instide the update panel i loose focus on postback

how would i get it to recognise that im on the textbox in the update panel and keep focus on it.

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AJAX :: Postback In IE Fails When Having Update Panel In The Page?

Feb 23, 2010

It works fine in Firefox but in IE 7 fails doing the postback sometimes. Is it just a problem with my browser? The partial postback inside the update panel works great in both browsers, but when I hit the button outside the panel, the complete postback doesn;t work in IE....

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="PruebaPostBack.aspx.cs" Inherits="Administrator_Treatment_PruebaPostBack" %>

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AJAX :: Page Do Not Respond While Update Panel In Progress?

Jul 29, 2010

In a page I have multiple update panels that has timer associated with them to refresh the grids. Issue is that when asynchronous request (update panel) is in progress page do not respond. If use try to click some other link to move he even can not do that until asynchronous request is completed. Is it not possible that user may able to click some other button if he want while update is in process ?

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AJAX :: Two Update Panel Animation Extenders On One Page?

Aug 19, 2010

I have the following that changes the label colour according to an update panel:

<asp:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="UpdatePanelAnimationExtender1" runat="server"
Enabled="True" TargetControlID="UpdatePanel1">
PropertyKey="color" />

Fine. Works a treat.

However, I also have the following on the same page but within a different update panel:

<asp:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="UpdatePanelAnimationExtender1" runat="server"
Enabled="True" TargetControlID="UpdatePanel2">
PropertyKey="color" />

This also works a treat. However, the update causes the animation/colour change to fire on both labels when either of them fires.

How do, or what do I have to do so that only one label changes colour one at a time i.e. when UpdatePanel1 updates, lblSearch1 changes colour but lblSearch2 stays as is.

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AJAX :: Redirect To Same Page After Some Seconds Using Update Panel

May 7, 2015

I am using delete button in gridview , on row_deleted event i want to redirect to same page after 3 seconds ... how to do this ?

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AJAX :: Update Panel And How To Keep Script Manager In The Content Page

Jul 7, 2010

i m facing a strange problem, i have a script manager and form in the master page and in the content page i have two drop down list which are in update panel it is working fine in internet explorer and not working in other browsers. The problem is if i select united states as country then if i select some other country it again shows united states i.e the first selected option. Then if i keep the script manager in the content page it works properly.

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AJAX :: How To Trigger The Update Panel In Master From Content Page

Jan 3, 2010

I have an updatepanel in masterpage and information on a repeater within the panel. I want to update this information from the content page, when a user clicks a button in the content page.


I tried this but since button control is in the content page compiler can't find the control.

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AJAX :: Datalist In UserControl Not Updated In Update Panel On Page?

Mar 29, 2010

I have Dropdownlist and Datalist in Usercontrol. Images in Datalist will be loaded

according to Drodownlist Selected Value.I have placed the Usercontrol in Page with Update panel. So Now Usercontrol is placed With in Update Panel.the problem is Datalist is not Updated Properly. according to the Dropdownlist Selected Value.Can any one solve this issue.

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AJAX :: Update Panel For Page Load - How To Show Progress

Dec 14, 2010

I try to use Update Panel for the loading of next page using C#. How do I do once the page is loading then update panel will show theprogress

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AJAX :: Scroll The Page To The Label Control With Update Panel?

Feb 4, 2010

How can i scroll the page to the label control, so it is visible for Message?

I tried below code but it is not working with Label Control .

ScriptManager scriptManager =

and i also Tried the below but no luck

ScriptManager scriptManager =

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AJAX :: Aspx Page Get Hanged With Update Panel And Timer?

Jan 14, 2011

my the help of "tick event" of timer i execute some functios.

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