AJAX :: While Typing Some Text In Search Lable Of Listsearchextender The SelectedIndexChanged Event Is Fired And The Page Is Posted Back?

Jul 9, 2010

In my current web application I have a listbox containing large number of elements. I have used an ajax listsearchextender to help the users in selecting the elements. I have set the autopostback property of listbox true. The application is working fine as expected in internet explorer. But in firefox while I am typing some text in search lable of listsearchextender the selectedIndexChanged event is fired and the page is posted back. So I am not able to selected the item properly using list search extender control. Can you please suggest me how can I stop the selectedIndexChanged event.

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AJAX :: SelectedIndexChanged - Why Event Fired Within The Onblur - Event When It's Fired Anyway

May 3, 2010


A breakpoint is set on FillForm() and this method is called two times but I can't explain myself why this happens. I have client side javascript code, when the form is being send, the onsubmit method is also called twice... Where do I have to search?! Is it a (known) bug? Think I could get it to work with this Thread: [URL] But why is the event fired within the onblur-event when it's fired anyway??

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AJAX :: Page Is Posted Back Due To Asynchronous File Uploader Control ?

Nov 22, 2010

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For that i tried to use Page properties IsAsync, IsCallBack but even page is posted back on responce of File Upload these properties are false,only IsPostback property is True.

Why IsAsync and IsCallBack properties are false ?

I was thinking that since this control upload files Asyncronously, so atleast on File Upload IsAsync property should be True.But that is also false .

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Web Forms :: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged Event Not Fired When Programatically Setting SelectedValue?

Oct 27, 2010

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I would think this is a common scenario of wanting the selectedindexchanged event handled when setting the selectedvalue/selectedindex/listitem's selected property, of a DropDownList. What is the suggested way to handle this? Is there a significant drawback of creating a custom control inherited from DropDownList that has the functionality of raising this event when changing the SelectedIndex or SelectedValue?

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public partial class form_staffinfo : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){


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My problem is that when I click in the listbox the prompt is "...h". When I start typing it changes to "...x" where x is the last letter of the listbox item.

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Can any1 explain me why this is happening?

here is the code:

aspx page:


aspx.cs page:


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Oct 15, 2010

in my web form i have a department dropdown box, in its selectedIndexChanged event i have to fill the equipment dropdown box and in equiment dropdown selectedIndexChanged i have to fill out the other textboxs.

the depratment dropdown box get its value from sqldatasource.


what i want is when i run the page, it shows the very first deparment in the list, and according to that it should pop up the values in the other fields, means it should show the values in the equipment dropdownbox and from that one it should pop up the values in the other textbox.

here is my selected indexchanged event for department dropdownbox


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Feb 21, 2010

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Jan 29, 2010

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I moved the UpdatePanel into the same TabPanel with the DDL.The DDL has AutoPostBack set to true and the event for SelectedIndexChanged never fires.I also turned off Validation in case a validator was capturing it.This all worked fine before I "tabified" this page.

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C# - Display Search Results Dynamically As Typing?

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to build a SharePoint 2007 web part in Visual Studio. This web part should search a sharepoint list and display the results.

What I want to accomplish is to display the results as soon as the user stops typing, so no clicking button involved.

Probably, a combination of text_changed event and onkeydown javascript?

This sharepoint site is "Ajax-enabled", btw.

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Aug 26, 2010

I did some research and found two lines of code that would make the page postback. But, the method is not being called for the button. how to fire the onclick event with using ModalPopupExtender.

Here is my code:



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Jan 15, 2011

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload UploadedFileError Event Fired?

Jun 18, 2010

On my webform I have an AsyncFileUpload control. At first it is set not to be visible until two textboxes are filled. On the textbox_textchanged events the uploadcontrol is made visible. At that time the UploadedFileError event is fired.... why? The control is empty, so there is nothing to upload, but apparently it still tries to.How can I fix this?

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AJAX :: Tab Controls ActiveIndexChanged Event Is Not Fired?

Feb 4, 2010

I have AjaxCOntrol tool kit Tab control on the page.When I set the ActiveTabIndex proferty programatically in button click event ..like

tabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 1;

Then the serverside event 'onactivetabchanged' is not fired.I set the 'AutoPostBack' property to True.When I click on the tab, then it will fire the 'onactivetabchanged' event properly, But when set programatically it woun't fire.

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AJAX :: Checkboxlist Event Fired After AnimationExtender?

Jun 16, 2010

my AnimationExtender target to one checkboxlist, what im doing is while SelectedIndexChanged event of checkboxlist i have bind some items to controls within AnimationExtender, now the problem is when i click Checkboxlist then immediately AnimationExter will show a window and Checkboxlist event not fired, when i close the window after that only it'll fired SelectedIndexChagned event.

What i expect when i click the Checkbox list then first have to fire SelectedIndexChangedEvent and call the AnimationExtender, how to do this?

Below is my code

<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="cbCountry">


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