Configuration :: Web Application Runs Slow On Hosting Server?

Aug 16, 2010

I have developed a web application in with c# with out using master page. I have developed this application in iframe.

The problem is that my application run smoothly but suddenly it stops and do some processing and it run again smoothly.

it stops any where on page load, on button click, on checkbox changed. i can not tell where it stops

it stops only when page post. i can see the processbar on browser's statusbar it stop for long time 40 to 60 seconds and after that i fire same event now process complets within 2 to 5 seconds

Hosting server detail :

1. IIS 6.0

2. Window server 2003.

3. Sql server 2005.

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2010-04-10 11:58:38,083 - Application_Start
2010-04-10 11:58:38,111 - Application_BeginRequest
2010-04-10 11:58:38,117 - Application_AuthenticateRequest
2010-04-10 11:58:52,321 - Session_Start
2010-04-10 11:58:52,454 - Page_Load
2010-04-10 11:58:53,951 - End Page_load
2010-04-10 11:58:53,981 - Application_EndRequest

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where CertificatePath = C:inetpubwwwroot......

X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(CertificatePath, CertificatePassword);
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ERROR [42S02][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'user'

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<add name="directoryConnectionString" connectionString="DSN=directoryProd" providerName="System.Data.Odbc" />

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<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"

connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:directoryConnectionString%>"


SelectCommand="SELECT fName FROM [user]"></asp:SqlDataSource>

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