Controls :: Display Word Document On Webpage - Unable To Find The File Error

Jan 17, 2014

I downloaded the example from the article Display Word Document on web page

I'm showing the following error when i try to run it

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException:Unable to find the file (C:Windowssystem32PROGRAMAS.doc)

And its supposed to be on this line :

applicationclass.Documents.Open(fileName, readOnlyObject, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, isVisible, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType, missingType)

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Office;


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I have never used ASP before!I have a server which has a shared folder where all quotes for our small business are saved.I have setup a HTTPs website with authentication, which then allows you to browse the folder contents as HTML. If you WORD installed on your machine you can download and open. No need to be able to save or anything - it is for viewing only.

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I have QuestionTable.

ID Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4

But I want import from MS Word into table. I have question like this:

Question:   @1.The capital of India.

 Answer:$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

@2.The capital of Tajikistan.

$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

@3.The capital of Afganistan.

$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

Output result:

ID Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4

1 1.The capital of India. A) Dushanbe; B) Moscow; C) Delhi; D) Kabul;

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Windows Sharepoint Services - FullTextSqlQuery Document Library Unable To Find Items Created By System Account?

Apr 5, 2010

We have created an ASP.NET web app that upload files to WSS Doc Libary. The files get added under 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT' in the library. The FullTextSqlQuery class is used to search the document libary items. But it only searches files that has been uploaded by a windows user account like 'Administrator' and ignores the ones uploaded by 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT'. As a result the search results are empty even though we have the necessary data in the document library. What could be the reason for this?
The code is given below:

public static List GetListItemsFromFTSQuery(string searchText)
string docLibUrl = "http://localhost:6666/Articles%20Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx";
List items = new List();
DataTable retResults = new DataTable();
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(docLibUrl))
SPWeb CRsite = site.OpenWeb();
SPList ContRep = CRsite.GetListFromUrl(docLibUrl);
FullTextSqlQuery fts = new FullTextSqlQuery(site);
fts.QueryText =
"SELECT Title,ContentType,Path FROM portal..scope() WHERE freetext('" +
searchText +
"') AND (CONTAINS(Path,'"" +
ContRep.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + ""'))";
fts.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
fts.RowLimit = 300;
if (SPSecurity.AuthenticationMode != System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationMode.Windows)
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.PluggableAuthenticatedQuery;
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.NtAuthenticatedQuery;
ResultTableCollection rtc = fts.Execute();
if (rtc.Count > 0)
using (
ResultTable relevantResults =
retResults.Load(relevantResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
foreach (DataRow row in retResults.Rows)
if (!row["Path"].ToString().EndsWith(".aspx"))
//if (row["ContentType"].ToString() == "Item")
using (
SPSite lookupSite =
new SPSite(row["Path"].ToString()))
using (SPWeb web = lookupSite.OpenWeb())
SPFile file = web.GetFile(row["Path"].ToString());
} //using ends here
return items;

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