I have a Counter on a textbox done in Javascript like twitter that counts the text entered. Now It works fine. The Textboxes get field with data and after that i want to calculate the renmaining Text. i have a code for that after i bind the textbox. So i have this
And i realized that it only calculate the textbox counts for only the First one and fail to do it for the second one. Maybe it does not like multiple RegisterStartupScript ...
When you click the following in 'Chrome' it goes to the URL and adds 1 to the counter, yet when you do the same in 'IE' it goes to the URL but doesn't add one to the counter?
I have an ASP.Net UpdatePanel that updates on a timer. Within the UpdatePanel and nested in a GridView, I have a TextBox that the user enters a value in with a submit button. Everything works fine, except if the user does not submit the value before the timed interval, the text is removed from the TextBox. Is there a way to persist the user entry into the TextBox between updates? Is there a better way of doing this?
Now to my question. I would like to check for username availability. For this I need to extract the text entered in the UserName textbox from the CreateUserWizard. I don't know how to do so. I need to cast somewhere but where?
Here's my code: (the bold word draws a cast error which I need to sort out)
How to counting the repeated words in a text box using Asp.net with c#..
I want to display like this,
words             no.of occurrences
Rose                           5 india                           2 was                            1 select                         10
I want to data bind jQuery Counter just like we do to Ajax Counter. Also I would like to know that do we have events for jQuery counter just like we have a tick event in Ajax Counter?
I have a form where users enter information in a multi-line text box. This could be anything, such as bullets, carriage return line feeds, etc. Think of anything that you might copy and paste into a multi-line text box from Word Pad, or Word. I then store this information into a SQL Server NText field.When I retreive this information, I need to display it as the user entered it into the text box field into a Literal or Label control (or something else if there is a better alternative) to display it. Problem is that when I display this text into the Text property of a Literal control everything is jumbled and all characters (bullets) are lost, no carriage returns, etc. One big mush of stuff. If I display this information in the Text property of Label control, I get the bullet characters, but no carriage returns
i have 2 template field columns time and total_time in a gridview.. time column has a label in the item template and a textbox in th edit item template..
similarly, total_time has a label in the item template and a textbox in the edit item templte..
what i need is, when the user enters a value in the time textbox,it must get updated in the total_time textbox.. and on edit,when the user changes the value of the time textbox ,dis value must be ADDED to the total_time textbox.. both should be displayed in the label also..
why i could not get 3 at Label2.Text even though i fulfilled the conditions under the if else statement?Is it because counter1 can only be use for one condition
if ((check == true) && (lblQuestion.Text == "1.1")) { Button1.Visible = true; Label1.Text = "You have got it correct, please try the next question."; Button1.Text = "Next";
I have a datalist that shows some data selected from a database in formload. I've added textbox in one culumn.In this textbox the user enters a nubmer and then clicks the link in the same row to add that item to his shopping card.the number in the textbox shows the number of the item he wants. now the bloblems are:
1- how can I get the number entered in the textbox ot the same row 2-when I click the link and the page postbacks the textboxes are empty as they are when the page apears the first time.
I want to be able to take data entered in a certain text box in a web form and use it in another web form for example: upon clicking a button I want to redirect to another web form and that a text present in the first web form box textbox will automatically appear in a text box on the second web form can someone get me started on how to do that?
I am having a "TextBox" a "Label" and a "Button" in my aspx page. If I enter some values into the textbox, then that value should be displayed in the label...and again I enter some values in the same text box, that value should be displayed without disturbing the first value and so on...
i want to ping an ip address that the user (of my web site) enters in a text box.i have placed a link button , next to that textbox ,on whose click event i want to start the ping command...does ne1 has ne idea how this can be done??
I need to validate a textbox that it should allow only certain characters and after the limit is reached the textbox should not allow entering characters in it.It can be done by Javascript but dont know how to do..
I have a webform with textbox and button,i want to disable the button when nothing is entered into textbox and if something is entered the button must be enabled.How to do it without javascript?
There is an asp.net Page in which i have to entered the quantity in the textbox txtRQ..Now if i select yes in the dropdownlist named ddlMR,this qty of the textbox should get added to the qty field of an oracle table GOODSMASTERand if i select NO in the dropdownlist ddlMR, this qty should be added to the qty field of another table called SALESRETURNDETAILS.
i have 20 Textboxes i am not sure what did i touch by i normally dont play with VS Settings i dont understand. So those textbox are normally defined like this
I am converting the entered values in textbox into decimal values to saev in sql table. In case user does not enter any value i get a Format exception. How do i handle this..
basically I am try to replicate a filtered list like this;
but I need it to work on an asp.net, and rather than having to hit a button to load an xml data file I need the data to be initialised when the page loads and get the data from a SQL Server database.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve: The user enters in the textbox a date. It can be: 20.04.2010 or 20/04/2010 or 01Apr2010 or Apr 01 2010...
Any other formats should be forbidden. When the user leaves the textbox then the date should be displayed as 01-Apr-2009. I already tried but I got only when am entering the numbers only like (21-04-2010) but I want to entering the string like apr, jan, nov .